Jennifer Garner did an excellent job playing the part of Vanessa. At times a very sympathetic character and other times seeming like she might someday snap. I suppose there was a reason why she needed to adopt and maybe that causes a woman to feel more desperate. But at times her character worried me a bit.
Would you be okay giving her the kid? (especially if she has to do it as a single mom?)
I think Juno's decision to give Vanessa her son is because she has, herself, now come to terms with the fact she was raised in a "broken home" and did ok. Her Dad has clearly met the right person in Bren, who has shown how much she cares for Juno by being there at all stages of the pregnancy. Juno probably hopes that Vanessa will meet the right man for her who will become a great Dad to the baby.
Mark isn't a baddie in all this - Juno actually saves him too by reminding him of the world outside his marriage...which he clearly stumbled into as the two of them are about as different as can be. Ok, when Juno realises what consequences her flirting has had, for her son's future, she quickly changes her tune. Yet Mark is still saved. He has a chance to take full advantage of his midlife crisis and can start again once when he meets the RIGHT person for him.
It's a great script I think. The only character I can think of who loses out in the end is the Jock who slags off Juno but secretly fancies her.
In the real world Junos son would probably be miserable, first abandoned second living with a mom that would worry everyday how he is dressed then what is really going on in his life a total disaster better never to have been born!
No way. Any child is best raised in a two parent home and to give a child to a woman to be a single mother. No way. That kid will live his or her life growing up being shuffled from baby sitter to baby sitter, day care to daycare because mom has to work and has no time to care for the child.