MovieChat Forums > Beneath (2006) Discussion > Waste of time!!! Worst of the worst!!!

Waste of time!!! Worst of the worst!!!

I have to waste my time by having to tell everyone else this is a total waste of time. Bad acting, bad script. Anorexic-looking female lead having a bad hair day all throughout the entire movie. If you don't believe me, go ahead and watch it. Not worth talking about the storyline, what storyline? If you have any sense at all, then don't waste your time, it is a guaranteed insult to intelligence. I love watching movies, but this one goes to the bottom of the list, or even worse, I will not even give it credit by putting it on any list. I was suckered into this by the high ranking given by the first ones to comment, whom I suspect had to be involved in the production, because those would be the only ones to think that this piece of junk is worth seeing. What a shame! They should be banned from commenting on anything.


I actually liked the movie. I agree the acting was sorta bad but it was still a good movie.


i'll have to agree, the movie was pretty bad. good thing i work at blockbuster and didnt have to pay for the rental.

i would suggest to everyone, skip this movie, unless you like watching bad movies.


Actually, you are right - the acting was bad, but somehow this movie caught my attention and instead of pressing STOP after the usual 3 minutes, I saw it to the end and was pleasently surpriced with the plot and the scare effects.

Give it a chance...


Im 48 minutes into it and Im bored out of my mind. Its far from the worst movie ever, but they make no effort to keep your attention, so far at least. Maybe the last quarter of the movie will somehow pick up and try to provide some sort of horror (I was under the impression that this was a thriller/horror movie, but its not), but Im having my doubts.

I know you cant destroy me, but you're adorable when you try


only thing remotely interesting was the ending of the movie rest was total bs. I won't tell you though :)

I would not give this a 5.3 more a 2.3


You just didn't get it. You wasted the entire length of the movie waiting for something bad to happen and it already was. The acting was suprisingly good and the script was twisted. Try it again in a few years.



Wow... just because YOU thought the movie stunk, then that automatically means that anyone who liked it must have been a "film participant"? You sure like to glorify yourself there, don't you.

It was actually a very well made film (especially considering it is called an "MTV Film"), that was created in a classic horror sense. The people who don't like stuff like this are members of the new-horror genre. You like everything fast and explained for you in detail, NOW, quickly... and you want death and anger, etc.
I would assume that you must hate some of the classic horror of the 60s and 70s - that maybe wasn't even produced that well, but would capture one's attention. Patience, my friend. It doesn't alwayas have to cater to your needs. Sometimes you need to sit back and adjust to a different pace of film-making.

I am personally not attached to this film at all. I almost expected it to be pure crap with the "MTV" tag on it. I can honestly say that I thought it was a great film. I plan to watch it again tonight just to catch any little parts that I may have missed before.



i was at the rental store looking for something that could be a decent horror movie. so i looked around and saw beneath. never heard of it before, but the picture caught my eye so i read the summary. it seemed watchable to i rented it. jeez was i surprised. all of the twists and messed up moments where you had no idea what was going on, that just added to the movie. trying to figure what the hell just happened. then those points where it was revealed and you just say "OHHHH!!"...haha, loved it. the ending was freaky though when the vanessa was found stowed away in the basement. brilliant. so anyways, i'm definitely buying this film. if it was a waste of time, it was time well wasted.


It's been 10 years. I wonder if the OP has grown up a bit and is embarrassed by his/her angsty, angry youth.

I'm only grateful the internet didn't exist when I was an idiotic young person thinking my opinions meant anything. Now I'm old and I know they still don't.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


I would say this was not the worst of the worst, nor the best of the best. It fell somewhere in between. There was potential for a good mystery, and while the ending was a bit cheesy it did have some good suspense. The "scares" throughout the film were very forecasted, but I will admit the ending had me on the edge of my seat. My main criticism is that I found the lead actress' acting to be wooden (though there were some good supporting actors), and the pacing too slow. I think it needed a little humor to keep it interesting. It was quite dark (tone). I think you can be dark without being drab. Still, the mystery did have me thinking and some of the shots were pretty. If you like pyschological horror films, give it a try. But don't expect a masterpiece.


Oman the ending definitely had me on the edge of my seat too! I was so scared! haha it was crazy! I also didn't have any idea it would end that way! I definitely think people should at least watch it once . it was a fun movie!


LOL that was funny...and true

"What would NPH do?"
-Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay


You sure wrote a lot about it for a movie you hated. I've seen way worse, trust me. As for her being an anorexic with a bad hair day, I think not. Meanwhile, shes in a movie, where are you wasting YOUR time? oh I know, on a message board. DUH


yep yep very nice movie.. specially the ending.. & the connectin bits about the whole visions.such movies these days are so predictable but this movie is diffrent & you cant really predict whats gona happen next .. even if u try to turns out otherwise.




I thought it was pretty good--I was a little scared afterwards but that's what I get for watching it at 1 am :) The acting did suck though, but the movie overall was entertaining and suspenseful.
