If you could chose would you be a pusher, mover, bleeder.....and so on
I would want to be a pusher or a watcher.
I would like to push people in to doing something that would be pretty cool.
I would want to be a pusher or a watcher.
I would like to push people in to doing something that would be pretty cool.
I'd be a relaxer, so I could just chill & make everybody just fall down & be motionless. I could also get to sleep immediately when I want.
Either a shifter or the memory wiping power.
I imagine that I would be rather well off financially with either power. Shifting by turning paper into cash and memory wiping by selling my services to individuals who want to forget traumatic memories.
I would be a Stitcher. You could do a lot of good with that power.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Mover, hands down. Trying to cheat dice with it would be hard, trying to cheat a roulette ball on the other hand would be much easier. Plus there's so many possible uses for it in combat, deflecting bullets, but maybe turning other things into bullets, like debris, water, sand. Seems the most versatile power.