MovieChat Forums > El orfanato (2008) Discussion > Well made, but some MASSIVE plot holes (...

Well made, but some MASSIVE plot holes (SPOILERS)....

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This was a decent film with lots of potential, but there are massive plot holes that go unexplained, and when the ending is revealed and the big mystery as to what is actually going on is explained, it suddenly destroys all of the "horror" (as a side, this was in absolutely no way a scary film and has no right to be classed as a "horror"; the marketing and promotion of this film was incredibly misleading) and just confused me as to what was actually scary about the children at all. The focal point of the horror is all based upon Tomas; but as soon as she gets her Simon back he's just a sweet-but-misunderstood child, which isn't remotely scary!

Anyway, here's my list of plot holes, feel free to add:

1) When it is revealed that Tomas is just another one of the children, then why on earth did he practically attack Laura earlier on in the film?

2) If Simon was in Tomas' room the whole time, and presumably didn't die instantly, who/what did she see in the cave? Was it just a cheap scare and an empty plot line?

3) What exactly happened to the children?! The seance scene alludes to some sort of brutality/neglect, but that's all there is. More effort needed to be put in here, as the entirety of the scares are based around the mystery of the children, but the only moment excusing itself for an explanation is that 2 minute - and not even slightly frightening - (I'm not gloating that I wasn't scared as I scare as easily as the next person; but this scene just was not scary) seance scene...

4) Who the hell exactly was Benigna?! I don't recall any great depth to her back story, something about her son being deformed (and did anyone else notice that she was mysteriously incredibly young considering Laura was there with her at the start and she's only 37 in the film?), she used to work at the orphanage and she definitely doesn't work for social services. That's pretty much it! And the effort that the police put into finding her was pathetic considering Laura and Carlos just bumped into her! Such a pointless and empty character too quickly killed off for a cheap jump and a gruesome "gory" thrill; and what the hell was she doing in the shed?!

5) Some people will roll their eyes at this one, but if Simon had been dead for over 9 months then surely his corpse would be a little messier and a hell of a lot smellier, which would have solved the mystery a lot sooner. I know its vulgar but its a very valid point, the stench would fill the house. Just saying...

6) How the hell did Simon get into Tomas' room in the first place? And was it Simon who attacked her in the corridor, or was it the ghost of Tomas?

Anyway, I'm sure there are more that I've missed, but overall it was a half-decent film that needed a hell of a lot more effort; especially with the depth of the supporting characters (Carlos and Benigna particularly; hugely important characters with very little focus/effort/attention put into them) and a far better back story strong enough to support the film was desperately needed. You don't even see any strong material about when Laura was at the orphanage (I reiterate, what the HELL happened to the children in that place?!).

Thoroughly misleading and the ending renders the entire previous catalog of scares pointless, irrelevant and devoid of purpose. Engaging and pleasurable to watch though for all its flaws...


1) He didn't. That was Simon trying to get Laura to come to Thomas' "Little house".

2) She was either seeing a delusion or she was seeing the ghost of Thomas, as this is where he died.

3) I believe the implication is that someone poisoned them. I would suggest that it was probably Benigna to punish them for Thomas' death.

4) You should have paid more attention. She was Thomas' mother. She's actually not one of the children from when Laura was there, her height is misleading. She's not a child, she's an employee of the Orphanage.

From the wikipedia article about the movie: The police search Benigna's home and find evidence revealing that Benigna worked at the orphanage long ago and that she had a son named Tomás who was at the orphanage. He wore a sack-like mask over his head due to his deformity and was housed away from the other children in a separate room.

The police would probably assume that since she wasn't who she was claiming to be that the name was likely fake as well.

5) Not true. There was no smell of death because he was preserved through a process called natural mummification.

6) Thomas and Simon are friends. Thomas showed Simon where his "little house" was. That's how Simon got in there. It isn't until Laura puts the posts back into the closet that the door is jammed shut.

All of your "plot holes" are explained by paying attention.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


The worst plot holes, IMHO:

1- so Laura discovers Simón's drawings depicting with all detail the kids that she lived with during most of her childhood, but she doesn't connect the dots, and instead thinks it's all just part of a fertile child imagination.

2- apparently in Spain you get to poison 5 children (which btw are the entire population of a public institution) burn their bodies, hide the ashes in bags inside an oven, and walk free without even having to move to a different city.

3- the police goes through a very thorough search of the house but do not find the "secret" door leading to the basement. Nor do they find the ashes and bones in the shed.

4- the social worker suggests that some biological family member could have kidnapped Simón, but we never see nor is it implied that the police picks up this clue and rounds up the family members to ask them questions.

5- if Benigna knew the abuse her son Tomás was subjected to, isn't the logical course of action of most rational human beings to try to regain his custody instead of concocting a very complicated massive murder of children to avenge him after he's been (accidentally by the way) killed? Also in the movie it is never evident that the children were cruel to Tomás, except for the accident that kills him, but it was the stuff who abused him, so why exact revenge from the kids?

6- when Laura finds Benigna in the shed with a spade in her hands, why doesn't she confront her right then and there instead of going all the way back upstairs to ask stupid *beep* Carlos to come down? Why doesn't she just yell her lungs out? And why doesn't she mention the spade to anyone, especially the police (who apparently are the most incompetent in the world anyway)?

To me these are plot holes because the makers of the movie expect you to assume too much and to swallow way too much of illogical and irrational behavior just for convenience and to neatly tie up which otherwise are huge loose ends.


1. who remmebers stuff like that from childhood? At the beginning of the movie only 2 imaginary friends are referred to. Then he suddenly gets more and the parents think this is strange. Even if her memory was nudged, a sane parent would have brushed it off by thinking the boy invented the children from her stories and photos of her childhood there.

2. Remember this was Franco-era 70s Spain, 5 kids gone missing? A LOT of people went missing in that era and before and the country was in middle of revolution after Francos death. And Beningna changed her name and went missing after it and the case was forgotten. And who knows how long she had been in the city? Everyone had probably forgotten/not interested in disappeared deformed orphans and she could be there and know one would have known who she was. She spent her time with Tomas isolated so she prob. had no one else close than the staff who knew her. Maybe she came back after learning Laura had moved back and decided to get even with her by showing her what it was like to lose a beloved son.

3. Not unusual. There was a case of bodies hid in a small apartment and police searched the place 3 times before finding them.

4. who knows if they were doing it? Explains why the home wasnt searched so thoroughly. They beleived the natural parents? would have been likely candidates.

5. Maybe she had no where to go? A lonely young woman with a deformed child had very few possibilities in the 70s. She went insane after Tomas' death and blamed the kids for killing him on purpose when in fact they were only naturally curious. She didnt struck me as someone who had anything else in her life than her son. And who knows what happened to the staff? Maybe she poisoned them too and it was ignored as natural deaths the staff was older people?

6. fair questions. Laura did told the police she believed it was Benigna. Maybe she forgot the spade as she was so surprised seeing her. People tend to forget details easily. At that point she didnt know what Beningna wanted.


...Waiting for the plot holes...


I can answer 2 and 5 for you, it wasnt the orphans who killed tomas, it was the orphanage staff themselves and they were also the ones who poisoned the orphans to leave no witnesses.


Sorry I don't have time to read all the post...but these are a few things I had a problem with, which others may have already raised.


1.) It's implied that the son was knocking on the walls to be let out of the basement once the door became jammed shut with the heavy stuff thrown in front of it. If the sound of his knocking can carry through the house...why wouldn't his [supposed] cries to be released?

2.) The door to the basement is covered over with wallpaper which has to be torn off to enter. How did the son get down there if the door is papered over?

3.) Why didn't the son's rotting corpse tip any inhabitants off? I think this part of the story was months later in colder weather (?), which may slow decomposition, but I think our basic understanding in life is that when people die, their remains begin to rot. It's confusing to see Laura picking up such a solid object, when you'd think he'd be more slimy and falling apart (!) Not to mention covered with flies, etc. (I know she's first seeing a fantasy version of him, or his ghost or something, but still...)

As to the OP's << What exactly happened to the children?! The seance scene alludes to some sort of brutality/neglect, but that's all there is. More effort needed to be put in here, as the entirety of the scares are based around the mystery of the children >>

I agree. Though in the DVD special features they show some extra footage that was apparently cut from the film. One scene looks like it's the husband (?) clarrifying what the orphanage worker did re: poisoning the children. (At least, it looked like extra footage. Maybe that bit is actually in the final film and I missed it.) So basically, the screenwriter aparently agreed with you that this needed to be explained more fully...and then for whatever reason, the info was cut.

<< The only thing left for me to go look for is why the child Laura is hanging out with the ghosts (and then runs off so the adult Laura ghost can take over care of the Ghost Orphanage). Ghost Laura went "back in time", all the kids are alive in that time including child Laura, so there's a doppelganger of herself, who may now leave. Something like that? >>

Well, I don't know that the ghostly world can be taken too literally. Laura is dying, and probably a lot is rushing through her head. She may be having images of herself or memories of that place from the past, which are actually separate from the ghost children. I can see how this might be confusing, but I don't remember it throwing me off when I watched it. Although, I couldn't really tell the ghost children apart to maybe the young Laura appeared more than I thought. But sometimes when you see the children, they are not ghosts. Such as in the opening scene, we see Laura in her youth as a cinematic way of introducing us to the location and this building's history.


I really wanted to like this film, but I have to agree that there are too many plot inconsistencies. It feels like that if the original script had been tweaked just a bit more, it would have been a fantastic film.

Here are the problems I noticed:

1. The wallpaper in the closet. You can clearly see and hear Laura tearing the wallpaper away to find the hidden door; this discovery is heavily alluded to in the opening credits, where the hands are tearing away layer after layer of wallpaper. So, if Laura had to tear away wallpaper to get to the basement, then how did Simon get in the basement in the first place?

2. Laura and Carlos were preparing the orphange to be a facility for special needs children; thus, wouldn't they need to have the orphanage thoroughly inspected for safety issues and thus find the basement--not to mention the creamated remains of the five orphans--long before Simon found it through the ghosts? The orphanage was built before anyone thought of using the basement as a place to hide away a disfigured child; thus, the basement should be in the building's blueprints, which I'm assuming that Laura and Carlos had to review as part of their building renovation process. At the very least, they would've consulted the blueprints when searching for Simon after he disappeared, just to make sure they looked everywhere.

3. I can buy the plot of Benigna killing the orphans out of revenge and hiding the creamated remains, but then why would she call attention to herself by posing as a social worker for Laura? For someone who got away with murder for so long, that's a really stupid thing to do.

4. The ghost of Tomas is stuck at the orphanage, but wasn't he the only kid at the orphange who was NOT an orphan? He seems content to spend his afterlife with the orphans who caused his death, not rejoin his mom. I wouldn't call this a plot hole, but it does seem like a very strange detail for the film to overlook.

5. Why did the ghosts first introduce themselves to Simon and not Laura, since she was at the orphanage at the same time they were? Also, why did Laura not appear to recognize the ghosts until she herself was dead? I don't think that the film states how long Laura was at that particular orphanage, but you'd think that she'd remember them in at least some capacity, right?

The Orphanage has great acting and great direction, but it's these nagging little details that keep it from being a great film.


I know this is a 2 year old post, but what the heck

1) You can see the hole for the doorknob before the wallpaper is torn down. Laura wanted to be sure so she tore it off. You don't need to do that.

2) That is weird, unless the orphanage wanted to cover it up or there was no record.
Either way, this seriously bothered me too. I mean usually when you renovate a place the least you do is knock on walls and see if they are hollow.

3) My guess is that she wondered if Laura is on to her or something. She came back for the bodies most likely.

4) His mom doesn't seem to be the nicest person on earth. Plus she is the one that locked him in the basement all that time...

5) Assuming you take the "ghosts are real" version, then the psychic explains that the closer you are to death, the more likely you are to see the ghosts. Simon was dying of HIV unlike his mom. She had to take the pills to be close to death to see them.

Or if you take the "ghosts aren't real" version, then there were never ghosts. Simon found the room and saw the drawings and pretended they are his friends.

