MovieChat Forums > Freedom Writers (2007) Discussion > What is Patrick Dempsey doing in this mo...

What is Patrick Dempsey doing in this movie?

Honestly, I LOVE this movie, and I like Patrick Dempsey, but I find it hard to understand why he would have take such a thankless role. I found his presence distracting. It would have worked better for a lesser-known actor to play the role.



it doesn't bug me that he plays the husband but it bugs that he is on the cover i mean his role wasn't that big !!!1


Portraying her relationship with her husband shows the sacrifice she's making for her students.


I agree the relationship showed the sacrifice she made for her students,although I also agree a lesser known actor should've played it because it was a slight distraction.


He wasn't real you guys, this movie is about a crazy lady, Demsey was like a ghost or hallucination like Bruce Willis in the 6th Sense.

Day Man! Aaaahaaaaa!!

Fighter of the Night Man! Aaaaaah-aaaaa!!
Jesus Tom!


I want to see him delivering Pizzas to desperate housewives as a grown-up version of his Joe Bodek character...



Patrick Dempsey was really wasted in this movie...if the part had been more prominent, he would have been a welcome addition to the film, but as is his character wasn't really doing much, and only existed to show how Erin was sacrificing for her students. In real life, she never had a husband, but by showing a home life where she is devoting even her off time to her students it gives the audience more of an idea of how dedicated she was.

only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go
-TS Eliot


And what's so great about Dempsey? Can't great actors have bit parts in movies? Not that Dempsey is great. He's an actor on a soap opera. Someone needs to play the part of the neglected husband, so it might as will be him. Also, Ms. G. isn't making sacrifices, her husband is the one bearing the pain.


Like most husbands he was just trying to get some booty but of course his wife was either to tired to stressed or her favourite show was comming on telly. Its a common tale!


Agreed, he mostly phoned it in. Maybe he needed to stretch his acting chops by portraying a non-Dreamy guy (mission accomplished). I was annoyed by the scene where Hilary comes home excited about teaching an advanced student, and he's like "Oh I didn't know you could teach normal kids" while trying to watch football on TV. That's pretty uninspired.
If Ms. G wasn't really married, why did they bother with a hubby character anyway? Just to show how self-sacrificing her character is? That wasn't necessary.


All this complaining about how Dempsey is wasted in a thankless role? What about Imelda Staunton? Her part wasn't big, either, and she's one of the most respected actresses out there -- and an Oscar nominee, in fact. But I don't see it as slumming that she did this movie. A lot of actors take small roles as a favor to someone or just to do something different. Staunton is British so she probably wanted to play something other than the British ladies she often plays. And as for Dempsey, he and Swank both starred in the 2004 HBO movie Iron Jawed Angels (about the women suffragist movement), and he probably wanted to work with her again.



Dempsey is a talentless hack. I guess he thought if he played a whining jerk instead of a whiny sensitive guy, people would think he's actually an actor and not just a "pretty" boy (note the quotes). But yeah at least we agree on something: a lesser known more talented actor would have been better.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I agree, I like young Patrick Dempsey, older "mcdreamy" Dempsey is a tad irritating.

You know maybe if you eat more comfort food you wouldn't have to go around shooting people.
