she stands at her desk as they enter instead of by the door
As did about 98% of the high school instructors who taught me...
She arrives minutes before the kids do, so she's navigating the halls along with them
Likely attribute this to being lost on your first day. It's not unusual for some teachers to arrive later than expected, including established educators. One Spanish teacher I had (freshman year) entered her classroom about 15 minutes prior to first period. How was she as a teacher? One of the best, my opinion being echoed by several others.
she turned her back to the class as she was writing on the board
Exactly what is your point? That in order for her to be placed in your "Responsible Teachers Guide", she must by no means ever place her back towards students even when writing on a board facing them?
she wore a skirt!! Unless you are a teacher, you won't get it, but a new, first year, female teacher should not wear a skirt on the first day.
Most dress codes, if not all, for first year teachers come nowhere near being this cynical. My senior year English teacher began her career when I had her, donned a dress the first day, and earned our respect from that day forward. Your concern might be for potential sexual harassment or otherwise even as high up as assault and is duly noted but, rest assured, my high school classmates cared more about women
THEIR age than to focus on "nailing" an instructor. Per another poster's remark, commenting on her breasts is the worst they get. We are not talking about young men who would treat her much like the males treated the females in
North CountryPlus she smiled like an idiot and greeted them like she was greeting church members over potluck.
So what you are saying is all teachers ingratiate themselves to their pupils by virtue of behaving with a sour outlook at their occupation? While I admit she came off too bubbly for the first class meeting, there's nothing wrong with being cheerful, including a little smiling.
It was almost too much to bear
A MOVIE is almost a lot for you to bear and you are a teacher? The above already indicates you are a rather, should I say, "interesting" example to lead a classroom but even elementary school instructors understand what it means to toughen up in your job.
If mothers ruled the world, there would be no god damn wars in the first place-Sally Field