MovieChat Forums > Freedom Writers (2007) Discussion > What annoyed me about this movie...

What annoyed me about this movie...

As a 29-year old high school English teacher, I was looking forward to seeing this movie and for the most part I was pleased and entertained. It had a good message and a few touching scenes. However, I was annoyed at how unprepared Erin was on her first day. I know "it's only a movie" and I shouldn't over analyze it, but there were so many little things she did wrong! It was almost as if she had never been to the school or had any idea what the environment was like. She arrives minutes before the kids do, so she's navigating the halls along with them, she stands at her desk as they enter instead of by the door, she turned her back to the class as she was writing on the board, and she wore a skirt!! Unless you are a teacher, you won't get it, but a new, first year, female teacher should not wear a skirt on the first day. Plus she smiled like an idiot and greeted them like she was greeting church members over potluck. It was almost too much to bear. But after that, I liked the rest of the movie. Do any other teachers/future educators agree?


Going on the fact that she was a student teacher and this was her first job I'm going to assume she didnt know any of your "teachers wisdoms" yet.

Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused


"Going on the fact that she was a student teacher and this was her first job I'm going to assume she didnt know any of your "teachers wisdoms" yet."

When you are a student teacher, you first observe a teacher for several months, then you are allowed to teach, but the regular teacher is in the classroom with you. They may step out from time to time, but they are assigned to you, and stay in the room for the most part. Her student teaching, if she had some, was over....The fact is she was not totally prepared in this movie. Any experienced teacher will tell you, you never smile at the students like that, especially at-risks students. Students are like the Jurassic Park velociraptors trying to test the fence for weakness. A smile is a weakness to students, especially if you are new. Also, all teachers are supposed to stand at the door because you are also hall monitoring until all students are in the class. Even Tom Berenger's character in The Substitute knew that and every good principal will demand that. It is also wise not to turn your back to the students a lot. She should write what she needs on the board before the students get there, then if she has to erase or write little things, do that....I just grinned from ear to ear when after Grumwell got serious with the students, a student said "I was wondering when you would stop all the smiling."

"If u can't hear me, it's because I am speaking in parentheses."



I think it may have been just to show how she was in over her head or wasn't really ready for what she was about to face... She may have been more professional and knew these things when it happened in real life :)


Future teacher here...

I agree, the first day was quite unrealistic. Another poster attributed this to her being new and not having your 'teaching wisdom' yet, however even being new I thought it was at least partially inaccurate. Yet another poster however hit the nail on the head when s/he suggested it could be how the filmmaker attempted to portray how over her head this was going to be.

I don't however understand what you mean by a young female teacher shouldn't wear a skirt on her first day. I've seen plenty of them do it here, so I'm guessing it might be something to do with what goes on in American schools as opposed to here? Could you explain to me please? :)

Severus Snape Fangirl and proud of it! :p



To Andreacapron-The only reason I am bothering to reply to your ignorant posting is because I am amused by how wrong you are. I am a teacher, have been for 3 years, and I do work at a school with many social and economical issues. A lot of the kids are challenged, they come from single parent homes, and struggle every day with issues that weren't even around when I was in high school. I love being a teacher, it's the best feeling in the world when you can walk a group of 14-15 years old through a Shakespeare play and actually have them relate to and understand it. I have little to no parent involvement, and it's hard to get through to a child when their parents sometimes don't even care if they are in school or not. But I've had many great kids and I can tell you quite honestly that I am loved and liked by many of my students.
But before you can be friends, you have to be their teacher and earn respect, and if that means being a little of a hardass the first couple of days or weeks, so be it. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about and I was stating my opinion which is what this site is for. so...I think the only horrible bitch you.


Iromo21, I'm still confused as to the issue involving Erin's skirt.

I know this is such a trivial thing to ask about, but I would still like to know. Thanks :)

Why hate someone because of religion, race, gender, differing opinion etc? Get past it =/


I guess I should elaborate on that since it appears to be confusing everyone. In my experience, many female high school teachers have dealt with some kind of unwanted attention or flat out sexual harassment from male students. There was some in the film-one of the students made a comment about "fries with that shake" I just know that a lot of my fellow teachers think about those sort of things when they choose outfits to wear to school. In addition, I thought her outfit might of made her look unapproachable or out-of-place to the students. Not someone they could relate to. I suppose the way I stated it might of made it seem like it was a "rule" or that she did something horrible. Thank you Kaivaw for asking and not ranting and accusing like the other poster before you.


Thanks for explaining to me :) I feel kind of silly now that I hear, lol. I actually didn't understand that line about fries with the shake. I know the guy was making fun of her I just wasn't sure in what way.

I definately agree with the idea that her oufit might have helped her seem unapproachable, that's what I was thinking the whole time.

Thanks again :)

Why hate someone because of religion, race, gender, differing opinion etc? Get past it


So you should dress a certain way not to be sexually harassed? Is that a good thing to teach kids you mean? What are you, from the 40's?


An English teacher writing "might of made"? That is far more alarming than any possible outfit.


Lol! Great catch metalheart!

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


Good one! "Might of" and "your right" are two of my biggest pet peeves with reading comments online!


Once again IMDb's ignore function allows my eyes respite from anything written by andrea .... but I did report the post before I hit the ignore button.

Have a nice day.

( ~\/


So I can assume that I am not the only one who has noticed that everything this girl writes is either rude, mean, or judgmental? I couldn't believe that someone I'd never met or even corresponded with would have such negative feelings towards me. She obviously has issues, and I would be wise to do as you mentioned and ignore her!


I know it's only a movie....

Just to add to your comment Iromo21

"It was almost as if she had never been to the school or had any idea what the environment was like. She arrives minutes before the kids do, so she's navigating the halls along with them, she stands at her desk as they enter instead of by the door"

Wouldn't Erin have had teacher training and sat in on other classes in other schools before entering one of her own?
It just seemed as if Erin had never been before a class!


Stop being so picky!


I am not a teacher, but even I noticed the skirt was unwise / unrealistic.


I honestly can't remember if any of my high school teachers ever "greeted me at the door" - LOL. Maybe in elementary school, but teachers were almost always at the front of their room at the board or at their desk before class or handing out papers or some such thing, as far as I can recall in high school. One of my teachers in HS that I can recall almost always greeted us at the door, but that was because she insisted on checking our school IDs before she let us into the classrooom (the school had just recently made it mandatory to wear your ID).

Plenty of teachers wrote on the board with their backs to me as far as I can remember.... they do in college as well....

Um, she was at her class minutes before they got there, yes. How much longer did she need to be there?

Was this the first period class? If not, there may have been another class in there beforehand, or maybe a homeroom. So she may not have been able to get there earlier.


Good answers to all. People are so picky and negative! Just enjoy the movie! Your points are all valid.


I just watched the movie, and I'm in my first semester taking classes to become an English teacher, so that scene of her first day really had me feeling very uncomfortable for her. These are my first education classes, so I certainly hope that when the time comes, I'll have some idea what to expect. I liked the movie though.


Well, I'm a teacher, and I don't usually dress in skirts, unless I have to. Smiling the first day of class, I agree, is not a good thing to start off with, unless you are teaching k-4... We always use the phrase "don't smile until November" the first semester or I agree the class has decided that you are a chump and a pushover. But as for the not writing on the board with your back to the class...If anyone here has devised a way to write on the board while facing the class at all times, please pass these 'teaching wisdoms' along to me!! There is just a need for writing things on the board mid-class!

Team Heyerdahl!


In 10th grade I had a 22 year old first year teacher in science. One kid thought she was a student and tried to hit on her. She could never control the class at all. Her most frequently used phrase was "c'mon you guys" and no one ever took her seriously. So it happens.


Smiling is not a bad thing to do so long as the teacher shows authority.
In the movie this scene is used to make it clear to the audience that she was motivated. Now I never have seen something like that in real life but I understand why they have done it in the movie. It is just to show the contrast.
