MovieChat Forums > Rescue Dawn (2007) Discussion > Rescue Dawn was like a comedy to me

Rescue Dawn was like a comedy to me

I just watched Rescue Dawn and it was very different to how I imagined it to be. I haven't seen Werner Herzog's other films but I know roughly what they're about (as in: a one line summary :-p).

I thought Rescue Dawn would be about a man's escape and subsequent survival in the jungle. I wanted to watch it because of Christian Bale's magnetic screen presence and the possibility of some good old action-packed chase sequences and tense, stealthy moments.

Instead, the film I saw was, for the most part, set in the prison camp and, most unexpectedly for me, it was FUNNY. I've only read a few bits and pieces about the film since watching it but no one seems to mention how funny it is; it could almost be advertised as a comedy.

The acting in this film is brilliant. I have a new-found respect for Bale, but his co-stars were also brilliant. The little mannerisms and body language really added to the comic value. And I loved Dieter Dengler's positive attitude and happy disposition. I never would've thought seeing people in a prison camp could be this uplifting but it was! The little moments of human kindness and childish squabbling were very funny but also touching.

But did anyone else find this film as humourous as I did? I know it's "inspired by a true story" and there are certainly sad moments, but, on the whole, it was a pretty funny film.

I've read in other threads on this board that Rescue Dawn is quite different from Herzog's other films. Do his other films share the great, naturalistic(?) acting in this film that makes it so funny and touching?


haha this movie had the same reaction for me. Steve Zahn always makes me laugh.


I watched Rescue Dawn last night..... or should I say I watched PART of it last night... I got about 25 minutes into the movie and had to shut it off. This movie was NOT what I expected it to be, having not read anything more about it then what was on the back of the DVD case. I knew I was in trouble with this film when Bale was captured and was smiling at the locals when they first led him into there camp, and THEN...... his actions when he was asked to sign the paper.... I always thought that Americans who were captured by the enemy were to say nothing but rank and serial number to there captors...... PERIOD!!!!!! And then what REALLY blew it for me was the almost summer-campish feel of him with his fellow prisoners....... one of which is Steve Zahn!!!!! Of all the actors to cast as a Vietnam POW, how does Steve Zahn get the role?? I just cant take that guy seriously in any movie! I really can't believe the film sits at 7.5 out of 10..........


the movie is certainly not a comedy, but the funny moments are probably in it to demonstrate that his positive attitude (and his strong will) is the thing that finally kept Dengler alive and surviving without getting mental (in opposition to Gene f.e.). He also uses his optimism to pull other inmates away from the negative attitude which would've made a succesful escape rather implausible.
The real Dengler is reported to have survived a few more plane crashs later.
Rescue Dawn isn't so much about war or comradeship but mostly about optimism in life which makes it IMHO very worthwhile to watch.



I don't know if you've gotten around to any of Herzog's other films, but I hope so. It's quite another world in terms of filmmaking. Yes, many of his other films have a naturalistic acting style - Herzog in particular is quite faithful to the notion of finding "the film within the script" - his narrative threads often dissolve and sometimes go in a new direction altogether not intended. A lot of it depends on what is discovered during the filmmaking process.

If you're interested in starting in with Herzog's canon, you might as well try the documentary "Little Dieter Needs to Fly" - which is an excellent companion piece to this one (and a superior film, I might add).

Please nest your IMDB page, so you respond to the correct person.



All the Herzog films I've seen are funny to different degrees - and always in strange and unexpected ways, like, they're serious and/or bleak at the same time. This one is probably the least funny, most serious one I've seen - but then I just watched Little Dieter Needs to Fly yesterday before seeing this today and so I was already used to Dieter's eccentricities which might be what made the film funny for you. They definitely made that film funny to me even while at the same time I was completely engrossed in Dieter's story in a completely serious way.

Also, Herzog's commentary on the training video (which he reused at the start of Rescue Dawn) had me in hysterics.

Also, I just noticed the original post is almost 3 years old. Sigh.


I wouldn't say it was a comedy but I agree with what you say. Certainly funny moments in the film.

It was brilliant to watch this strange, detached character thrown into such a horrendous situation.

All men are jerks, all women are psychotic


Yeah, I got many good chuckles out of it. I wouldn't say it borders on comedy, but it's funny for sure. Touchingly, sadly, plainly.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
