...I bet you in the next two years, they'll make Daddy Day Job Starring Martin Lawrence and Kevin James...
...I bet you in the next two years, they'll make Daddy Day Job Starring Martin Lawrence and Kevin James...
Soon followed by Daddy Day Why Did We Make So Many Goddamn Sequels starring Bernie Mac and Jim Belushi and Daddy Day Oh My God, Will Someone End This Merciless Series as Well as the Maddening Downward Spiral of Insanity and Terror That is My Life?! starring Cedric the Entertainer and Larry the Cable Guy.
I hate escalators. I tripped on one once, fell for an hour and a half!
yeah its compeletly hollywood anyway....maybe they think we wont notice?
shareI've never seen the first one but after I saw the preview I though heh I wonder if those are the brothers or cousins, they would be all like "My brother/cousin is doing well with a day care, lets do a day camp"
shareim glad this convo is here because
me and my friend were soooo mad that eddie murphy wasnt in it
only to then realize niether was rigina king, jeff garlin or the little kid.
what a dump.
and i agree.
i think hollywood thinks we wont notice.
ha. ha.
"there has never been a good war or a bad peace"
- ben franklin
Daddy Taboo Tabernacle with Isaiah Washington and Don Imus
"You're crazy!""Now, now, Louis, you musn't say things like that because I told you..."