Can we stop trashing Kids Movies
Ok. I just have one quick thing to vent. I think we (myself included) over analyze movies sometimes, especially kids films. Just about every single kid theme movie gets like a 1-3 out of 10 on this site and critics trash the mess out of them as well. I think it is important to know what target audience fims of this caliber are targeted towards. If our kids, someone else's kids or heck any kids enjoy the movie then mission is accomplished. I seriously doubt when producers, directors, writers, actors, etc. take these roles looking to win Oscars or anything. These movies are not for us so lets stop hating so much!! I hate even looking at threads when it comes to children's films because I automatically know it will be trashed. And if anyone goes into these movies actually looking for an A+ film then please lower your standards (haha). Just remember when we were young we saw some movies that we absolutely loved as children that I'm sure our parents truly hated.