MovieChat Forums > Inland Empire (2007) Discussion > IE has NO UNIFIED STORY WORLD


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Understanding Inland Empire

there is a plot. A rather simple and identifiable plot, actually, told in a reasonably straightforward manner. The plot of the film in the film, On High in Blue Tomorrows, is, in fact, basically the plot of Inland Empire. A woman with a jealous husband gets involved with a man with a jealous wife, and actions do have consequences, and bad actions have bad consequences. That's it - and what happens in the film fits the plot line consistently. I suspect, further, that the plot has a fairly standard structure - rising action, turning points, the subplots and parallels that go into making a good story are all there, more or less in their proper places. I think you can trace the plot's structure through what happens in the film without much difficulty.

What makes this film Strange, though, is that this plot line is not enacted in anything like a unified story world.

Instead, characters change, actors sometimes change, settings change, the ontological status of what we see changes (as we move from the Hollywood frame story, to the film within the film, to the world of the film in the film, to the flashbacks or scenes from 4-7 or a radio play or whatever the Polish scenes are meant to be),
the ontological relationship between different scenes change (as we move from seeing actors playing in On High in Blue Tomorrows to following the story "directly" to scenes like Laura Dern watching herself on a movie screen, as she lives the story), with all of it filtered through unspecified layers of subjectivity - dreams, visions, memories, thoughts, etc....

Lynch does not stabilize these different worlds. He does not maintain stable levels of reality. Nikki and Devon are not more real than Billy and Sue - Lynch moves back and forth between the different worlds, an uncertainty the characters share - they often seem unsure of which world they are in at any given moment.

Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway both received a good deal of attention on that question - critics made claims about what was real, who was real, they tried to stabilize the ontological relationships between Diane and Betty or Fred and Pete. It didn't really add anything to those films, and it would truly be a fool's errand with Inland Empire. It probably can't be done, and spending time on it tends to obscure the formal systems actually at work in the film.

that this film is basically about Lynch's obsession with lamps isn't so far off.

it is possible to interpret Lynch's films - they are, usually, grounded in fairly clear emotional and moral positions

Any thoughts?

This opinion seems to state most posters here are on the WRONG TRACK.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Understanding Inland Empire

there is a plot. A rather simple and identifiable plot, actually, told in a reasonably straightforward manner. The plot of the film in the film, On High in Blue Tomorrows, is, in fact, basically the plot of Inland Empire. A woman with a jealous husband gets involved with a man with a jealous wife, and actions do have consequences, and bad actions have bad consequences. That's it -

this plot line is not enacted in anything like a unified story world.

When we first enter STAGE 4 and watch the REHEARSAL for SCENE 35 ...

we are also watching what happens later on IN THE MIDDLE of IE ...

when the other TWIN COPY of DERN ...

who ENTERS the AXXON N DOOR in the BACK ALLEY of STAGE 4 ...

FINDS the OTHER COPY of herself sitting at the REHEARSAL TABLE doing the REHEARSAL for SCENE 35 on PAGE 57 ...

which also means the MIDDLE part of IE is also near the beginning of IE.

Since KINGSLEY also DESCRIBES what happens in this SCENE:

Lets take, for instance,
scene 35...

00:26:19,119 --> 00:26:25,166
... the scene where Devon...
you arrive,

00:26:25,166 --> 00:26:32,569
... Billy, at Smithie's house to find Sue,
--Nikki-- looking out the window.


where she finds herself at an EARLIER TIME REHEARSING for SCENE 35 ...

before she RUNS AWAY from DEVON and into SMITHY'S HOUSE ...

this REHEARSAL SCENE is obviously also a PART of the MOVIE SCRIPT.

In other words, this is also the FIRST TIME in IE that we JUMP BACK in TIME instead of JUMP UP ahead in TIME the way we've been doing up until this POINT in TIME.

Or as the RABBITS say:


Because TIME doesn't FLOW the right way in this AXXON N TALE.


and TIME gets all MIXED UP ...

or as she explains to MR. K:

I don't know....

02:15:27,105 --> 02:15:30,748
... what was before or after.

02:15:35,969 --> 02:15:38,576
I don't know what's happened first...

LIKE the case with THE NEW NEIGHBOR, who doesn't know if it's today or yesterday and thinks 9:45 means it's AFTER MIDNIGHT:

I.. I can't seem to remember if it's
today, two days from now, or yesterday!

00:17:05,224 --> 00:17:10,542
I suppose that if it was 9:45...

00:17:10,542 --> 00:17:14,087
I'd think it was after midnight!

DERN is also just as confused:

It's a story that
happened yesterday.

00:58:18,980 --> 00:58:21,586
But I know that it's tomorrow

SO WHAT probably HAPPENS in the MIDDLE of the story is DERN ENTERS the AXXON N DOOR ...

and after that TIME gets all MIXED UP to the point where she doesn't know what comes FIRST or afterwards after that anymore.

So whereas other posters (and some CRITICS) claim this is a FRACTURED STORY ...

or a story about a WOMAN in TROUBLE ...

because she's Lost her MIND from having been UNFAITHFUL and is feeling GUILTY about it ...

this is actually a UNIFIED story ...

about a WOMAN in TROUBLE because she ENTERS the AXXON N DOOR ...

which is also a SITUATION that is CORRECTED by the END of IE ...

when we see by the CLOCK on the WALL ...


that TIME FLOWS in the RIGHT DIRECTION again ...




before she SHOOTS the PHANTOM.

And we also see on the MOVIE SCREEN how TIME is also BACK IN SYNC again ...

with THE SCENE in the MOVIE MATCHING PERFECTLY in TIME with what MR. K and DERN are doing.

Then we also see TIME is back in SYNC inside of ROOM 205 as well ... on the MONITOR inside of that room ... which also MATCHES PERFECTLY with what DERN does before she DISAPPEARS into THIN AIR ... and then ends up sitting inside of the RABBIT ROOM.

So whereas this other CRITIC CLAIMS this AXXON N STORY has what they describe as being:

A rather simple and identifiable plot, actually, told in a reasonably straightforward manner.

With the TIME DISTORTION caused by ENTERING the AXXON N DOOR, we obviously DO NOT have a SIMPLE PLOT told to us in a STRAIGHFORWARD MANNER.

What we have instead is a STORY being told to us in a SCRAMBLED UP and JUMBLED UP manner ...

where TIME JUMPS UP and JUMPS BACK so much ...

that sometimes the VIEWER also becomes DISORIENTED ...

and begins to think they've also LOST their mind as well ...

especially after the END of DERN'S DEATH Scene on the FAKE TWIN COPY of the WALK of FAME ...

when we also discover we've been INSIDE of STAGE 4 the ENTIRE TIME ...

instead of our being inside of ONE MIND ...

like other CONFUSED posters here at this board also try to claim that's where we've been the ENTIRE TIME.


this plot line is not enacted in anything like a unified story world.

Instead, characters change, actors sometimes change, settings change, the ontological status of what we see changes (as we move from the Hollywood frame story, to the film within the film, to the world of the film in the film, to the flashbacks or scenes from 4-7 or a radio play or whatever the Polish scenes are meant to be),
the ontological relationship between different scenes change (as we move from seeing actors playing in On High in Blue Tomorrows to following the story "directly" to scenes like Laura Dern watching herself on a movie screen, as she lives the story), with all of it filtered through unspecified layers of subjectivity - dreams, visions, memories, thoughts, etc....

Lynch does not stabilize these different worlds. He does not maintain stable levels of reality. Nikki and Devon are not more real than Billy and Sue - Lynch moves back and forth between the different worlds, an uncertainty the
share -
they often seem unsure of which world they are in at any given moment.

So ...

In addition to TIME BEING ALL MIXED UP, we also seem to have the CHARACTERS ALL MIXED up in this AXXON N TALE as well.

In the BLUE BEDROOM SCENE, for example, instead of the LITTLE GIRL or the WOMAN being in TROUBLE, we find the LITTLE BOY or the MAN in TROUBLE:

It's me, Devon, it's me...

00:59:25,088 --> 00:59:26,444
That doesn't make any sense

00:59:28,321 --> 00:59:29,573
What is this?

00:59:31,657 --> 00:59:35,724
It's me, Devon, it's me...

00:59:36,246 --> 00:59:39,374
Look at me, you *beep*

So in this SCENE we seem to have DEVON STUCK in his BILLY character ...

the same way as DERN seems to be STUCK in her SUE character after the end of her DEATH SCENE.

We also have the character SUE from the 60's WORLD placing GROCERIES into DEVON'S MODERN DAY PORSCHE from the 90 or 2000 WORLD.

I'm getting groceries for you
with your car

00:58:30,137 --> 00:58:33,578
And I was in that alley, and I parked the
car, there's always parking there.

And we also have SUE calling out for BILLY after she enters the AXXON N DOOR behind STAGE 4 and finds the other TWIN COPY of herself sitting at the REHEARSAL TABLE:

No, somebody's over there.

01:02:17,763 --> 01:02:20,892
The stage is supposed to be ours and ours alone.

01:02:25,793 --> 01:02:27,252
I'll go look

01:02:30,485 --> 01:02:32,570
- I'm sorry
- lt's ok..

01:03:33,883 --> 01:03:35,551

01:03:39,826 --> 01:03:40,660

01:03:41,911 --> 01:03:43,163

01:04:17,885 --> 01:04:19,241

01:04:23,829 --> 01:04:25,706

01:04:29,355 --> 01:04:30,919

01:04:35,612 --> 01:04:37,072

So if Niki/SUE gets STUCK inside of SMITHY'S WORLD or inside of the 60's TIME FRAME ...

doesn't that also mean LG/Sue would also GET STUCK inside of the 30/40 WORLD or TIME FRAME where she doesn't belong?

Because both DERN and LOST GIRL also play the SAME ROLE (SUE BLUE). But they also play the part in 2 different MOVIE versions?

And since LUCAS tells DERN he's not who she thinks he is as he BEATS HER:

I'm not who you think I am.

02:16:35,716 --> 02:16:37,063
Are you listening to me?

Wouldn't this also mean THE PHANTOM is NOT WHO LG thinks he is when he BEATS HER in the POLISH SCENE???

In fact we also seem to have EVIDENCE that he's NOT WHO she thinks he is:

I think you don't recognize me

01:41:47,977 --> 01:41:50,167
I think you don't recognize my manners

01:41:53,503 --> 01:41:55,172
That's true

01:41:56,423 --> 01:41:59,655
- You seem different

SO WHO is really WHO???

If DERN can MORPH from being SUE BLUE to being NIKI in the MIDDLE or MIDWAY through the BLUE BEDROOM SCENE ...

And DEVON thinks he's BILLY ...

And LUCAS claims he's NOT WHO DERN thinks he is ...

and Lost Girl also doesn't RECOGNIZE the PHANTOM who seems different for some reason ...

And since DERN also doesn't seem to recognize KINGSLEY when she doesn't respond to him after the end of her DEATH SCENE when he calls her NIKI ...

then WHO IS REALLY WHO in these SCENES???

Is that REALLY PIOTREK who stands at the TOP of the STAIRS WHEN DERN gets the PART, or could that be SMITHY or the MUSTASH MAN who have found a way into DERN'S WORLD by way of another AXXON N DOOR same way as DERN finds one in back of STAGE 4???

Could the NEW NEIGHBOR also have found a way into DERN'S WORLD from the RABBIT ROOM by her also using an AXXON N DOOR???

So MAYBE the MAIN POINT of the STORY is to try and UNITE the characters with other characters they belong with ...

or try to get them BACK into their OWN TIME FRAMES again???

And maybe that's also the reason why they celebrate at the end of IE ...

because they've found a way to UNIFY the story ...

when they get EVERYONE back where they belong and into the RIGHT TIME FRAMES again ???




Is that REALLY PIOTREK who stands at the TOP of the STAIRS WHEN DERN gets the PART, or could that be SMITHY or the MUSTASH MAN who have found a way into DERN'S WORLD by way of another AXXON N DOOR ... the same way as DERN finds one in back of STAGE 4 and then ends up in SMITHY'S WORLD???

During the BLUE BEDROOM scene we also see Lucas SNEEKING around in the room.

So WHO is this guy??? If it's Piotrek we see, then Why doesn't he also get upset that his wife is having sex with Devon and say something to them???



"Free Will."

Yeah right. In your language it's called "caught in the act" in my own words:

Op heterdaad betrapt. (in heated deed betrayed)

Now the question is: Was she acting? (not faking, madam)

Please refrain from decorating text as much as possible. Thanks.

...Credo quia absurdum...



If "free will" makes sense to you despite Piotrek's words about his marriage, well okay, that's your choice then. According my explanation this scene represents an imaginary scene in a daydream's fantasy of film making by the blonde in house 1358. In this daydream she imagines her husband as a omniscient, serious, faithful husband, who might have prevented her from getting involved in an affair. His green eyed presence at the love scene portrays both his envy and her fear of getting caught. Piotrek is the diametrical version of the husband in house 1358, who is as indifferent as the most notorious two-timer on the planet. Of course this fantasy is a variation of the true event between the blonde and Crimp, which remains off screen throughout the movie, and can only be understood by deduction.

Please refrain from decorating text as much as possible. Thanks.

...Credo quia absurdum...




Scene with PIOTREK and DEVON:

I want to hold you close.

You don't mind that, do you?

00:42:47,620 --> 00:42:49,288
What do you mean?

00:42:49,914 --> 00:42:53,042
Sometimes people don't say exactly
what they mean

00:42:53,250 --> 00:42:56,170
And you have been guilty of
this all evening.

00:43:01,384 --> 00:43:03,990
Now, l'll tell you something.

00:43:04,303 --> 00:43:05,763
And l will mean,

00:43:05,868 --> 00:43:09,309
... everything l say.

00:43:10,976 --> 00:43:13,896
My wife is not a free agent.

00:43:14,105 --> 00:43:16,399
I don't allow her that.

she is...

00:43:37,566 --> 00:43:39,339
... bound.

00:43:39,860 --> 00:43:42,676
Do you understand this?

Surely a GUY who talks tough like this should have had a much more INTENSE REACTION when he catches his wife in bed with DEVON during the BLUE BEDROOM SCENE???

Another Question:

Was DEVON pretending to be BILLY when NIKI yells at him saying it's me NIKI because he saw PIOTREK in the room???

It's me, Devon, it's me...

00:59:25,088 --> 00:59:26,444
That doesn't make any sense

00:59:28,321 --> 00:59:29,573
What is this?

00:59:31,657 --> 00:59:35,724
It's me, Devon, it's me...

00:59:36,246 --> 00:59:39,374
Look at me, you fu*cker!

And maybe DEVON thinks pretending to be the CHARACTER of Billy will fool Piotrek into thinking this was a REHEARSAL SCENE they're doing???


maybe DEVON thinks pretending to be the CHARACTER of Billy will fool Piotrek into thinking this was a REHEARSAL SCENE they're doing???

If Devon isn't ACTING and PRETENDING to be BILLY in the BLUE BEDROOM SCENE ...

as a way to try and fool PIOTREK ...

who's also already warned him not to fool around with his wife ...

then the only other interpretation that seems to make sense would be THE CURSE that takes over NIKI ...

(when she IGNORES KINSLEY calling her NIKI at the end of her DEATH SCENE and becomes stuck in character being the character of SUE BLUE) ...

has also taken over DEVON ...

who may also be STUCK in the CHARACTER that he's playing in this BLUE BEDROOM scene???


A lot of the words aND PLOT , ARE JUST WORDS AND PLOT
They don't mean anything except what they say

David Lynch: 'Watching movies on a smartphone is pathetic'



In this link it talks about META FICTION and the HISTORY of the use of it:

Metafiction, also known as Romantic irony in the context of Romantic works of literature, uses literary techniques to draw attention to itself as a work of art, while exposing the "truth" of a story.

"Metafiction" is the literary term describing fictional writing that self-consciously and systematically draws attention to its status as an artifact in posing questions about the relationship between fiction and reality, usually using irony and self-reflection. It can be compared to presentational theatre, which does not let the audience forget it is viewing a play; metafiction does not let the reader forget he or she is reading a fictional work.

Metafiction is primarily associated with Modernist literature and Postmodernist literature, but is found at least as early as Homer's Odyssey and Chaucer's 14th century Canterbury Tales.

In the 1950s several French novelists published works whose styles were collectively dubbed "nouveau roman". These "new novels" were characterized by the bending of genre and style and often included elements of metafiction. It became prominent in the 1960s, with authors and works such as John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse, Robert Coover's "The Babysitter" and "The Magic Poker",
Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five,

metafiction is specifically fiction about fiction,

i.e. fiction which self-consciously reflects upon itself.[1]

It has been suggested that the Epic of Gilgamesh (the story where the BOOK of GENESIS gets its stories from) as the first metafiction in that it, at the end, described its own writing and effect through the ages.[2]

Some common metafictive devices in literature include:

A story about a writer creating a story
A story containing another work of fiction within itself
A story in which the characters are aware that they are in a story

{Hence: When the situation where DERN says:

Some episodes of the Star Trek series use the holodeck (or its Ferengi equivalent, a "holosuite") to tell a "story-within-a-story".

Rubber (2010) includes an audience with binoculars who watch the movie as a live performance. The sheriff character knows he is in a movie, and there is a monologue in the beginning about how many elements in movies are for no reason and that their film will be a tribute to this. There is a subplot about the sheriff working with the audience's host to poison and kill them, and when he thinks the audience is dead, he tries to convince the other characters in the movie that nothing is real and they can stop now.

This RUBBER story sounds like an interesting TALE.

And there's also the GEORGE BURNS and GRACIE ALLEN show ...

where GEORGE has a ROOM with a TV SET ...

where he WATCHES his his OWN TV SHOW on TV ...

and whatever his WIFE and his NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS and some of the rest of the CAST members on his show are doing ...

so that he also already KNOWS what's happening ...

like whenever they make plans to plot against him ...

or whenever something goes wrong and he's got to figure out how to fix it, etc.

In One scene for instance, George and Gracie watch themselves DANGING on the TV SET of their next door neighbors ...

then the George and Gracie ...

who watch themselves dancing on TV ...

also TAKE A BOW in front of their Neighbors ...

after they've seen themselves DANCING on their TV SET.


A group of people in a California desert are gathered to watch a "film". A sheriff, Chad, points out that many moments in cinema happen for "no reason", that life is full of this "no reason", and that this film (both the "film" to be watched by the assembled group and presumablyose watching Rubber) is a homage to "no reason".

An accountant then passes out binoculars to the group and rides off on a bicycle. The spectators then start looking through their binoculars into the distance, waiting for the "film" to start. Throughout the film, this group of people is returned to in order to gauge their reactions to what has taken place so far.

In the late 90's, somewhere in the California desert, a tire suddenly comes to life and embarks on a killing spree. At first, it learns how to stand upright and then how to roll. It comes across a plastic water bottle and, after hesitating, crushes it. It then comes across a scorpion and crushes it. It then comes across a glass beer bottle, but is unable to crush it by rolling over it. It then starts to vibrate intensely and psychokinetically causes the bottle to fracture. It then induces a tin can and a rabbit to explode.

The tire (billed as "Robert" in the credits) then sees a woman drive by and attempts to use its powers on her. However, it only succeeds in making her car stall. As the tire begins to roll towards her stalled car, a truck comes by and runs the tire over. This breaks the connection, allowing the woman's car to start again, and she continues on her way. The tire explodes a crow, then finds the man driving the truck which ran him over. Using its psychokinetic powers, the tire blows up the man's head.

Settling into an obscure desert town, the tire comes across the woman in the car. She is staying in a motel and, after watching her shower through an open door, the tire goes into the room next to hers. After the motel maid finds the tire showering and throws it out of the room, the tire blows up her head. Chad, the sheriff from the opening of the movie, shows up to investigate the murders. Chad is both inside and outside the diegesis, sometimes participating in the narrative action and sometimes commenting on it.

The accountant tries to end the movie early by feeding the audience a poisoned turkey, but one of them, a man in a wheelchair, does not partake and survives. Chad witnesses the tire kill the motel owner (who has mistreated it) and leads the cops on a "tire-hunt". Meanwhile, the accountant tries to poison the man in the wheelchair with more food, but ends up eating it himself and dying.

As the tire is running from the police, it comes across a group of people burning a large pile of tires. As a result of this, the tire embarks on a large killing spree. The cops find the tire watching an auto racing program in a house, having killed the occupants. Chad rigs a mannequin (resembling the woman the tire is interested in) with dynamite, intending for the tire to blow the mannequin's head up, thereby detonating the dynamite and destroying itself.

However, when the tire destroys the mannequin's head, the dynamite does not explode. Enraged, Chad shoots and kills the tire with a shotgun. After Chad leaves, the tire is suddenly reincarnated as a small tricycle. After killing the last audience member (the man in the wheelchair), the tricycle recruits several tires and rolls to Hollywood, where the film concludes.

reply uality_in_Cinema_Spring_2008_

This link contains a FILM course that teaches INLAND EMPIRE as a source of CONTEMPORARY META FICTION.

this course therefore aims to increase their
understanding of β€œmetafilms”—
about filmmaking

Singing in the Rain is listed as an example of CLASSICAL Meta Fiction.

Week 11 also discusses Wild at Heart and LOST HWY.


This link talks about PSYCHOGEOGRAPHY:

Where different TIMES, PLACES, NARRATIVE WORLDS communicate topologically

It also calls IE an act of PERFORMATIVE CRITICISM and talks about the UNPAID BILL that HOLLYWOOD owes to EUROPE.


This link talks about PSYCHOGEOGRAPHY:

Where different TIMES, PLACES, NARRATIVE WORLDS communicate topologically

It also calls IE an act of PERFORMATIVE CRITICISM and talks about the UNPAID BILL that HOLLYWOOD owes to EUROPE.



Here's another amusing link where it talks about LYNCH and what it calls his BONDAGE to CONTRADICTIONS: E2%80%9Cinland-empire%E2%80%9D/

contrasts appear to reflect Lynch’s bondage to contradiction, to irreconcilable yet inescapable opposites. Lynch is a man who says FU*CK and β€œO my golly,” in the same sentence, who smokes cigarettes while cooking organic health food, a man who barks orders like a general one moment and washes dishes in the next, who displays great respect for elements of conventional moral character and yet seems to glorify infidelity, prostitution, self-mutilation, and murder.

He publicly unveils conversations with his actors, yet whispers to them in front of the same camera. The movie can, therefore, easily be accepted as an examination of the way untamed β€œlove” turns into something grotesque. Seen one after another, three movie trailers reveal this as the film’s purpose: to show that it is β€œstrange what love does,” to show how beauty becomes so beastly.

This paragraph talks about how IE has what it calls an UN-TETHERED SENSE of TIME and SPACE:

Inland Empire (IE), named after a region of Los Angeles, appears to also be an β€œin-other-words” experiment in visually telling an untellable story that has an un-tethered sense of Time andβ€”necessarily, thenβ€”of Space. Lynch has explored this β€œlost soul” state of consciousness before. His films: Mulholland Drive (2001) and Lost Highway (1997), also set in Los Angeles, dissect the inner lives of two other archetypal creative performers who are better at living in their art than in their livesβ€”a common dilemma for highly creative minds

In this paragraph LYNCH SOUNDS like THE NEW NEIGHBOR:

The looseness of Lynch’s mooring in ordinary Time while immersed in his work is revealed backstage where we see him speak β€œout of time” to one of his people. He asks: β€œβ€¦what did we shoot tonight?” and recalls several shots but is puzzled about a certain shotβ€”the most memorableβ€”and when informed that it was among them, he says: β€œI remember it now, like as if it was yesterday.”

And this part describes LYNCH as having the FOOTPRINT of a RABBIT:

One can interpret the statement as merely expressing sardonic humor, self-mocking and pretending to have lost a sense of linearity, but we see it as a rabbit’s-footprint just outside the portal into nonlinearity from within which he projects his inner movie out to where his mob can capture it on film.

And this part talks about SURREALITY also CONCLUDES with an interesting description of THE RABBIT ROOM:

To fully grasp this indelible film, the viewer’s mind must cross-connect with Lynch within the realm of, to coin a term:


which has the feel of a parallel universe but is actually the first dimension of Time,

the astral plane of mysticism,

the bottom of the rabbit hole

where Lynch’s dark Saturnian humanoid hares reside in the state of pre-birthed non-being and not-doing, the place wherefrom Polish folktales sprout, the waiting room wherein the making of ordinary reality also has its origin.

A clue to having successfully experienced making the link is to wake up from a nap with white paint (is it paint?) on your palm, then watch the β€œLynch 2” material on disk two of the IE DVD where Lynch is smearing white paint (!) on a board with his bare hand (!!), and suddenly realize the force of Omniversal Oneness. Only with much soap and scrubbing was I able to wash it off.



Here's still another interesting review of IE where they describe the DEMONS of LYNCH LURKING in the OPEN:

this is a filmmaker who probably doesn’t need to tap his unconscious to let loose his demons;

one suspects they are lurking right there in the open.

Even when his images are flooded with bright Southern California light, danger hovers, suggestively buzzing.

No one makes that caressing light seem so dark, so frightening, perhaps because

few American filmmakers dare to peel back the surface of things to show us what squirms beneath.

The HOT DOG PARTY seems like a good example to illustrate such a situation ...

even though it's 3 PM in the AFTERNOON ...

we've still got this CREEPY VIBE going on ...

where the T SHIRT looks like it has BLOOD on it ...

and FORESHADOWS what happens to DERN later on ...

in her DEATH SCENE on the Walk of FAME ...

when her shirt also gets SOAKED with BLOOD.

And we also have those other Carnies fighting over the HAMMER, which was probably also what someone used to kill the MUSTASH MAN in POLAND.

Because when we see his CORPSE, it also looks like he has 2 LITTLE HAMMER SIZED HOLES in the top part of his HEAD.

So the HOT DOG PARTY also seems to FORESHADOW both the DEATHS of both DERN and LUCAS (as the MUSTASH MAN).

And we also have the GHOSTLY figure of LOST GIRL showing up in this SCENE ...

in what looks like the MIDDLE of the STAINED T SHIRT as DERN STARES at it.

So where do these DEMONS originate from that enable LYNCH to create scenes like this one at the HOT DOG PARTY ...

or like the other one in MD ...

where Joe kills his friend ED at his office ...

before he also kills the other 2 people who work in the same building ...

(along with the VACCUM CLEANER).

Wonder how many murders there have been in his films???

Has anyone ever tried to count all of them???


Here's some parts of another interesting online CONVERSTATION about IE: sion.html

There's such a palpable dread hanging over most of the film. Even if the "story" stops making sense, the tone is always there to guide the viewer further into the darkness.

What makes INLAND EMPIRE wonderful, whatever it is, is that it dares to be as expansive as it is. I know this probably causes a lot of frustration for viewers who arenΓ‚β„’t into the aesthetic or donβ„’t give themselves to the experience. This isnβ„’t a hit at those viewers, or the movie even, but its something that makes the movie constantly challenging and difficult to get a complete grasp on.

I tend to decide for myself what I think the movie is, and then love hearing other theories, but its never a point of annoyance. Just part of the fun. I actually disagree with Jacob that its all about tone though and that there isnt real narrative. For me, its just as invested in narrative as any of Lynchβ„’s film works. There are more narrative threads here (its like a 3 hour version of the last 30 minutes of Mulholland Drive, in many ways) but I think there is plenty to follow, buy into, and become invested in outside of the demonstrative tone.

The movie presents a sort of narratological ouroboros in which every subplot contains strains of other subplots and in which the distinction between one subplot and another is a matter of leaning to one side or squinting harderβ€œ the plot doubles over on itself, examining itself, undoing itself, like the mythological serpent. INLAND EMPIRE is in constant rotation and the only way to pin it down is for the viewer to stabilize him/herself, creating a sort of North Star by which to navigate. However, the tricky part is that there are just as many versions of INLAND EMPIRE as there are places to stand still; from every vantage point, the film is altered, different, enriched or refocused or skewed.

This viewer describes feeling LOST like LOST GIRL while watching IE:

I did indeed purposefully take naps during the second part of a back-to-back screening at the Belcourt. I remember hearing the film vividly throughout my slumber, in fact, the intensity of the sound design awoke me multiple times during my experiment. As my eyes would open slightly and I would drift in and out of attentiveness, the movie, which was fresh in my mind, would bleed into my subconscious's permutations of its moods and plotlines. I awoke several times in a dazed stupor, having to re-acclimate myself to the dark and the screen. It was a lot like being lost and then passing into and out of different realities. The whole thing was a lot like how I would imagine it might be to actually exist in the INLAND EMPIRE universe.

I would argue that the filmβ„’s deconstructive, cyclical, self-reflexive structure meshes well with its investigations of cinema, performance, and spectatorship. Even when the film fails to cohere to the plot-logic causality of classical cinema, it does so not as an aesthetic extravagance but as a means of critique. The film dismantles classical diegesis and the structure of narrative cinema in order to make the seams and sutures of the medium more visible. The film also accomplishes this by breaking down many of the binary structures of cinema and Hollywood:



authentic/inauthentic, etc.

In this way, the movie matches medium with message. As in Ingmar Bergmanβ„’s PERSONA, INLAND EMPIRE uses these metatextual tactics for an explicit purpose is ”not just for shock value.

IE as another film like ERASERHEAD where the GRIME of the CITY is EXPOSED"

Inland Empire shows us a more raw and fragmentary representation of Los Angeles ”a city full of the grunge and grime and darkness shined over with the false narratives of Hollywood cinema. Filled with murky, hazy, dirty nightmare images, IE goes beneath the surface of Hollywood glitz and glamour, presenting an image of L.A. as a near-apocalyptic wasteland.

If MD visualizes Hollywood as both mythic and artificial, then IE explores the sordid, decayed underbelly of Hollywood”the dirty world that exists outside the motion pictures and is often hidden away from us. Both films attempt to dismantle the myth of Hollywood, but they do so very differently.

It is so much about the grunge, interiority, and darkness of the spaces and places that it seems totally disparate from the purposefully sunny view of LA in the first two-thirds of MD. That world (and view on life and Hollywood) has no place in IE so why would it be shown that way

In many ways, IE reminds me of Burroughsβ„’ cut-up method, where textual fragments are arranged randomly in order to create a new, unexpected, usually anti-rational creation. While I donβ„’t think IE should be seen as pure Ε“cut up”it is far more unified and cohesive than those experiments ”the way Lynch splices his central narrative(s) with images culled from his digital experiments does summon up the same illucid, extemporaneous spirit of a surrealist cut up.

xxpo's COMMENT:

Here's where it seems LYNCH SWITCHED from sitting inside of DINERS where he got some of his IDEAS to finding some of them ONLINE:

the website work served more as a sort of brainstorming, preliminary dabbling which online subscribers were privy to and which enabled Lynch to receive feedback on his efforts. More than anything, it seems that Lynch was giving greater access to his creative process by utilizing enhanced technology and online tools.

on a meta-textual level,
the previous existence of Rabbits online links INLAND EMPIRE to a narrative structure that is web-like and associative, playing out like a joyride down the rabbit hole of internet search engines and clickable hyperlinks, weaving in and out of the story.

Jim Emerson describes this aspect of the film, writing:

the smeary, malleable and unstable texture of digital video (where the brightest Los Angeles sunlight can be as void and terrifying as the darkest shadow)

events really do transpire in multiple locations at the same time (or multiple times at the same place), observers are anywhere and everywhere at once, and realities are endlessly duplicable, repeatable and tweakable. This is a digital dimension where, to paraphrase Jean-Luc Godard, there's no difference between ketchup and paint and light and blood: On the screen, it's red.



Here's another conversation from the LYNCH BOARD ...

where a poster describes how they looked over their shoulder to see if DERN was standing there ...

while they were watching IE inside of a theater:

I saw INLAND EMPIRE first at the Music Box theater in Chicago, February 2007, a
week after it opened. David Lynch was at the premier and introduced it.
Well it was one of the coldest days I've ever experienced, 0-5 below
degrees Fahrenheit with a 20 mph wind.
I saw the 2nd show that Saturday
and the theater was half full. I sat towards the back with empty seats
all around me. Towards the end when Nikki walks into the theater, which
resembles the Music Box to a degree, I couldn't resist the impulse of
looking over my shoulder to see if she was walking in to our theater
also. Most memorable.

xxpo's reply:

That's so cool how you looked over your shoulder to see if DERN had walked into the THEATER.

It would also make sense that she would be there and do this with the way she sees herself ON SCREEN in that scene ... and with LYNCH also being there to introduce the film.

What would have been even better would be if LYNCH could have filmed you sitting there inside of the THEATER when she does that scene looking up to see her enter it and place that BLUE ROBE onto the chair.

At that point you'd probably also have felt like SUE BLUE or as if you'd also entered an AXXON N DOOR???


No Message


Here's a link that talks about the SPIDER QUOTE that LYNCH used when he toured the COUNTRY and would INTRODUCE IE in theaters before the film began:

David Lynch's spider

March 27, 2008 5:35 AM Subscribe

David Lynch, the Upanishads, and spiders...

So, David Lynch would apparently quote from the Upanishads at the beginning of screenings of INLAND EMPIRE:

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

Nice. Now, whilst this page links the quote to the Aitareya Upanishad, various web sources (here, for instance) don't seem to mention spiders or dreamers or anything of that ilk at all.

Now I'm entirely ignorant of this whole area, so is David's quote from a more funky translation, somewhere else entirely, perhaps? Any pointers most gratefully received!posted by robself to religion & philosophy (2 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite

That quote seems to be rather loosely translated from Mundaka Upanishad 1:1:7. Your first link just has it attributed to the wrong Upanishad.

Here's another translation that expresses similar concepts:

As the spider creates the cobweb out of its saliva, it lives and plays in it and at the end the same spider swallows up the cobweb, similarly the God, the Lord creates the whole universe as the act of His thought. He manifests in it and again He withdraws the whole universe in Himself.

posted by roofus at 6:03 AM on March 27, 2008

Hmm, if that's the part he's getting it, then that really is a loose translation. Pretty, though. merci!

posted by robself at 12:10 PM on March 27, 2008



The conclusion is IE is a UNIFIED STORY!!!


The conclusion is IE is a UNIFIED STORY!!!

Over on another topic a poster who has a different conclusion said this:

will we ever really know what the story is about? of course not

So this topic which also contains an OPPOSITE conclusion is being bumped up in hopes they'll also see it and some of the reasons why the claim they've made that we'll NEVER KNOW what the story is about isn't so.


Is anyone watching HBO's


The SEASON FINALE of the show is this Sunday.

And it also looks like maybe one of the 2 MAIN CHARACTERS in the show may also be MOLESTING his daughter the same way as LELAND PALMER did his daughter LAURA in TWIN PEAKS.

So even though we don't have LYNCH still telling us stories anymore, it's also nice to see others telling us them the way that LYNCH use to do???

This DETECTIVE is also a character who behaves very much like SMITHY does in IE ...

due to the way he also IGNORES his wife for the most part, cheats on her, and this also leads to his wife cheating on this detective.



Sorry for mentioning this True Detective show.

The ending of it was extremely STEREOTYPICAL and STUPID in comparison to the rest of it which had looked like it was leading up to a so much more promising conclusion.



bumping up for those who are confused about the UNITY of IE ...


"IE has no unified story world."

Eh..yeah, it has actually.


Yes then we agree ...

about how it definitely has a UNIFIED STORY WORLD.


but there's still also one there if one LOOKS CLOSELY enough at it and puts the pieces of it together.

Thanks for all of your replies back to these topics which are also appreciated VERY MUCH!!!


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Understanding Inland Empire

there is a plot. A rather simple and identifiable plot, actually, told in a reasonably straightforward manner. The plot of the film in the film, On High in Blue Tomorrows, is, in fact, basically the plot of Inland Empire.
A woman with a jealous husband gets involved with a man with a jealous wife

and actions do have consequences, and bad actions have bad consequences.

That's it - and what happens in the film fits the plot line consistently.

I suspect, further, that the plot has a fairly standard structure - rising action, turning points, the subplots and parallels that go into making a good story are all there, more or less in their proper places. I think you can trace the plot's structure through what happens in the film without much difficulty.

What makes this film Strange, though, is that this plot line is not enacted in anything like a unified story world.

Instead, characters change, actors sometimes change, settings change, the ontological status of what we see changes

(as we move from the Hollywood frame story, to the film within the film, to the world of the film in the film,

to the flashbacks

or scenes from 4-7

or a radio play

or whatever the Polish scenes are meant to be),

the ontological relationship between different scenes change (as we move from seeing actors playing in On High in Blue Tomorrows to following the story "directly" to scenes like Laura Dern watching herself on a movie screen, as she lives the story), with all of it filtered through unspecified layers of subjectivity - dreams, visions, memories, thoughts, etc....

Lynch does not stabilize these different worlds. He does not maintain stable levels of reality.

Nikki and Devon are not more real than Billy and Sue

Lynch moves back and forth between the different worlds,

an uncertainty the characters share - they often seem unsure of which world they are in at any given moment.

Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway both received a good deal of attention on that question - critics made claims about what was real, who was real, they tried to stabilize the ontological relationships between Diane and Betty or Fred and Pete.

It didn't really add anything to those films,

it would truly be a fool's errand with Inland Empire

It probably can't be done,

spending time on it tends to obscure the formal systems actually at work in the film.

that this film is basically about Lynch's obsession with lamps isn't so far off.

it is possible to interpret Lynch's films - they are, usually, grounded in fairly clear emotional and moral positions

Any thoughts?

This opinion seems to state most posters here are on the WRONG TRACK.

So Whereas IE has a UNIFIED STORY ...

one where the CURSE finds it's way OUTSIDE of the FILM ...

and into the REAL LIFE of the ACTRESS who plays LOST GIRL ...

and into the the REAL LIFE of the ACTOR who plays the 4 DIFFERENT ROLES of:




and MAN in the GREEN COAT

(This is probably also The COAT that he wears during his CIRCUS performance with the HORSE ... like the HORSE that we see him working with in MTTH)

THE DIFFERENT WORLDS we see inside of the AXXON N STORY are also NOT UNIFIED ...

due to the way the 47 FILM was NEVER FINISHED ...

thus leaving that VERSION of it with NO UNITY.

SINCE LYNCH also corrects DERN during an interview to tell her she'd PLAYED

in IE ...


perhaps the SECRET to UNDERSTANDING IE is to try and MATCH UP the 4 DIFFERENT PARTS of LUCAS with the 4 DIFFERENT PARTS that LYNCH says DERN has portrayed in IE???



So Whereas IE has a UNIFIED STORY ...

one where the CURSE finds it's way OUTSIDE of the FILM ...

and into the REAL LIFE of the ACTRESS who plays LOST GIRL ...

and into the the REAL LIFE of the ACTOR who plays the 4 DIFFERENT ROLES of:




and MAN in the GREEN COAT

(This is probably also The COAT that he wears during his CIRCUS performance with the HORSE ... like the HORSE that we see him working with in MTTH)

THE DIFFERENT WORLDS we see inside of the AXXON N STORY are also NOT UNIFIED ...

due to the way the 47 FILM was NEVER FINISHED ...

thus leaving that VERSION of it with NO UNITY.

SINCE LYNCH also corrects DERN during an interview to tell her she'd PLAYED

in IE ...


perhaps the SECRET to UNDERSTANDING IE is to try and MATCH UP the 4 DIFFERENT PARTS of LUCAS with the 4 DIFFERENT PARTS that LYNCH says DERN has portrayed in IE???

Piotrek MATCHES UP with NIKI???

The Beat up Dern with SMITHY???

Man in the GREEN COAT with NIKI as Sue Blue ???

Mustash Man with no Niki???

Or perhaps MUSTASH MAN who comes from the 30's WORLD gets caught in the 60 WORLD the same way as DERN from the 2000 WORLD gets caught in it???

By using the AXXON N DOOR that TRAPS him inside of SMITHY'S HOUSE the same way as it does DERN after she uses it in the Back Alley???


Doris Side also seems to end up being transported from the 60'S WORLD of SMITHY into the MODERN DAY WORLD of Niki ...

but it's also THE PHANTOM who seems to have TRANSPORTED her there???

So if he can TRANSPORT Doris Side, MAYBE he also TRANSPORTS LOST GIRL and the WOMAN IN WHITE to the same place as well???

And maybe the DERN who Doris slaps is also not NIKI but is the EVIL TWIN COPY of her with the CLOWN GRIN that is really THE PHANTOM???


And maybe the DERN who Doris slaps is also not NIKI but is the EVIL TWIN COPY of her with the CLOWN GRIN that is really THE PHANTOM???



Is it the EVIL TWIN COPY that BILLY has the affair with instead of the other DERN???

πŸ‡ 🐰



And maybe the DERN who Doris slaps is also not NIKI but is the EVIL TWIN COPY of her with the CLOWN GRIN that is really THE PHANTOM???



Is it the EVIL TWIN COPY that BILLY has the affair with instead of the other DERN???

πŸ‡ 🐰



Would you describe Inland Empire as not so much written as a story as grown as a piece of organic art?



Oh yes, it has a complete story,

So ...

LYNCH himself also confirms IE is COMPLETE or is a UNIFIED STORY.

But like the NEW NEIGHBOR says:
It isn't something you'll remember.

πŸ‡ 🐰
