I've been watching it in reruns (obviously!) and, for some strange reason, I have a soft spot for S2E3 'The Kill Zone'.
Parts of S1's '200th Hour' were pretty cool also (the room clearing when they were trying to get funding).
Not to get OT, but did anyone have a problem with 'In Loco Parentis', when the team was tasked to clear a school of hostage-taking terrorists? Granted, I only briefly flipped through Mr. Haney's book, and my knowledge of the intricacies of international law is spotty at best (!), but did anyone else find themselves screaming at the tv 'Posse Commitatus Act!' (the section of US law that stipulates that the military cannot act in a law enforcement capacity unless directly authorized to do so; iirc it was emergency-invoked in the very first episode, but...)? Was the team expressly given the go-ahead in 'ILP'? Or would the fact that it was an elite school, children of diplomats and so forth, override that? I dunno, it just gave me a strange feeling...especially more so since I *did* like the episode...if that makes sense...
Anyway, back to favorite episodes...