So Wayward Sisters was turned down. I wonder if there might be changed minds now that Supernatural will be out of the picture after next season? Seems a no brainer to me. Spin off with the established characters and mythology/lore etc. Got to be a money spinner for the network.
I wasnt a 100% behind Wayward Sisters and even though spn is ending...I'm still not. If this spinoff is going to follow Claire front and center, I'm not OK with that. For her to take over the legacy would be SO disappointing and depending on how spn ends, I'm hoping it concludes something to where it wont get a spinoff. Because that's moving on without the Winchesters.
I'm sorry to those who want a spinoff, but I'm worried it will "ruin" the boys story in some way. If a spinoff does happen, no biggie, but I'm not for it. I'd prefer some kind of prequel.
I think the actress who played Claire has moved on with her career. I think if Wayward Sisters was to be greenlit because of SPN ending, Claire may make a guest appearance here and there, or not even appear at all. She's been on a HBO show and is in the new Pokemon movie, so CW may not be able to afford her. I can't see Wayward Sisters happening, even Die Hard fans of the show don't seem interested in it.
I would like to see a spin off but just not the Wayward sisters.I didn't find any of those characters appealing enough to want to follow on a stand alone series.Castiel and Jack are probably the only current characters I'd love to see branch off into their own thing.
I've never really cared for Clare either if totally honest with myself. But, I could see that family unit some how working with Jodi being the boss, they seemed to work and had the chemistry to pull it off which is important if its gonna last. It took me a while to get my head around Donna, but now favour her, but it will take a lot more of a push to like Clare. The same goes with Charlie, a spin-off with her at the helm would grate for me. I think horrorfan000 has the right mix now with Jack and Castiel at the front if its to work, maybe this might help re-create more angels and produce an angel family. I have heard a lot in favour of Jack and Cas working as a spin-off and they might be right. Anything has to be far better than bloodlines, which had no real cast connection whatsoever, which again is fundamental to the premise and survival of a spin-off. Otherwise, what's the point of tuning in if there is no connection to the original master piece?
I agree with you. Early in the day when the net started talking about a possible spin-off it was this subject that continued to crop up. You can't have a spin-off without the main characters involved as it wouldn't even start to gel with its fans. Even if the boys come on in as guest stints, on occasion then many fans would still I am sure watch. But I think Wayward Sisters was the way to go. I could see the boys coming in and helping them out on a case that they couldn't solve now and again. For me now I think Jack/Cas is the way forward if a spin-off ever happens.
I think Wayward Sisters could work with Jack being a main character. Castiel being there too would be great but I'd think he'd be ready to hang up his hat.
I can't see Cas coming back really. Maybe a couple of brief guest appearances but we'll have to see what goes down in S15. Part of me wants a really bleak ending, like everyone dead and some evil taking over Earth but I can't see the network going for it.
I could see some guest appearances in season one or two just to help get Supernatural fans comfortable with the new show. Hmm, to be honest, considering the show's theme song is basically Carry On My Wayward Son, with the line, "There'll be peace when you are done" I think it has to end on a positive note. But it could be a victory that costs them a lot to achieve.
Though, it could be argued there is peace in death. A dark take on that lyric.
Another ending could be everyone gets tooled up and jumps into some situation massively against the odds with an unknown result, à la The Devils Rejects and other similar blaze of glory endings.
That is true but I think the fans would lose it and it would hurt the franchise's longevity if the ending is too dark. I could maybe see them doing something like the finale of Angel where, like you said, everyone is battle ready and we don't know what will happen. But what they should do IMO is have the big apocalypse and then like LOTR or Harry Potter show us the heroes living their lives afterwards. Give them some version of the happiness they worked so long for.