I am crying I never thought this day would come. One last summer to get through this time next year will be it, the last ever episode. I would love to have been the fly on that wall. Can you imagine the state of this fandom tonight?

I had a hunch after a reduction in episodes, this is real a real shock!

I hope they give Sam and Dean an ending they deserve. I will love them forever!


I'm in shock myself. Still doesn't feel like it's happening. I really thought they'd make it to season 20, or at least 400 episodes.
That's my emoji reaction btw..

I wonder how it was decided, the cw? The boys? Is that what you meant being a fly on the wall?


Yes, Sammi that's what I meant about being the fly on the wall. Who decided that time's up, lets call it a day and finish this show. I still have a hunch it was Bob Singer as I read somewhere that it was hard after 15 seasons to keep the stories coming. Yet J2 have said they've only scratched the surface of monster lore out there, and that they would keep going until the storytelling got stale. So its if I'm honest bugging me as to who's pulled the plug??


Hm, well I still wonder. I dont think it was the Network because spn has a huge fan base = $$$.

So that leaves who has the rights, the boys, or a decision that was made between all.

I hope they do a hour or 2 hour special like a retrospective where the cast and crew talk about the show and hopefully tell us why the ending was decided.


I wonder how it was decided, the cw? The boys?

I've read on other websites that it could be the boys wanting to spend time with their families, or Andrew Dabb not letting Jensen have some say-so when it comes to his character. I suppose we'll find out after Supernatural has concluded.

Whatever the reason, I'm happy it aired for 15 years. Not many shows can survive that long and still be somewhat entertaining.


I was really hoping they would have a few more seasons. My only hope is on the last episode the boys drive off into the sunset in Baby and not go out like Butch and Sundance, guns blazing. I've written that after the show I would like to think they're out there still killing off the baddies. Somehow that makes me feel secure.


I'm with you lilmac, I thought it would reach at least 20 seasons or a couple more, I'm not ready for this yet. At least we have nother 24 episodes or so to enjoy. Not looking forward to this summer knowing what's ahead.... Hiatus was bearable now knowing its not gonna come back next summer will be hell.

I don't want that Butch & Sundance ending either I think Jensen came up with similar yonks ago about jumping (both of them) off a cliff. But if they kill them off, it will me no movie, mini series or future SPN projects they might want to do. I just hope its a decent ending and not some weak sub plot to bring people back just to kill them all off. It has to have some meaning, connection otherwise what's been the point... Some are saying conventions will also pack up, not so sure about that one. I think the boys still want to be apart of this family after it ends...


Yeah, I hope they dont put a final stamp on the show, like it's over- over.


We already now how it ends, Dean kills Castiel, followed by Sam and then takes himself out. Were you not paying attention when the ending was revealed back in Season 10?


Well then i'll be saying goodbye to the CW afterwards.The network has gone to crap with it's over the top SJW agenda.Supernatural IMO was it's one gem.Once it goes i go.


The rest of CW shows are over the top cheesy or maybe they dont appeal to me because I'm not a teenager.

So long to CW after spn concludes.

Isnt Supernatural the last of "WB"?


Yep.The last of the WB shows before it became the CW.I wonder if their still planning on doing a spin off.


I've been waiting forever for the shoe to drop, for them to announce it's the end of Supernatural, and it didn't happen for so long that it seemed like God or something was going to hold that shoe in the air for eternity. Now that it's dropped it doesn't seem real.


It's I think been a nervous time for so many of us, wondering when we might get that message that its packing up. Some say it should have packed up at S10 others say sooner. But its still chugged along nicely. Its never got stale, its kept me interested and alert. I don't think this morning its still not really sunk in, that next years gonna be the last finale. So very sad.


The last few seasons have made me happy it kept going and even the more questionable seasons had good moments and intriguing concepts. I'm not current on season 14 but I'll try to get caught up when 15 is airing so I can watch the finale with everyone else. I already know it's gonna feel totally surreal when I watch the last scenes. Very sad indeed, the final adventures of Team Free Will.


It appears that the cast have decided to quit the show, Jared is finding hard to film emotional scenes and over the years it appears its taken its toll on him. Jensen won't carry on without Jared so that's a main reason that twitter is full of it this weekend. It wasn't the net works or producers decision it was J2's. I think Jared seems in a not so good way.

Very sad.




If anyone is giving the cast a hard time over wanting to end a show after 15 years they're nuts. They've put their heart and soul into Supernatural for twice as long as most do. I hope Jared feels better.


Unfortunately I'm not on twitter so I miss out on a lot. Do you think either of them or both will eventually do something in the filming industry or just retire to their respective businesses in Austin. I can understand not going on with the show with only one main character.

It's going to interesting to see how they handle season 15 storylines.


Ok after digging some more today and talking to friends on facebook, I have found something new out.

The boys wanted to negotiate with the network to reduce their hours for a shorter season, and yes it seems to spend more time with their families and not be on the road so much. Since they only see their families at weekends. Hence the emotional ties. Which is why the boys look so drained in that video.

The Network rejected their offer saying it wasn't profitable for the channel and the boys have basically decided to quit.

Its a shame in some ways, but I can see why they've decided to walk away. It must have been such a hard decision to have made. Do we spend quality family time or stay with the show and fans and continue this institution/legacy. It must have torn them in half and also feel gutted that the network rejected them. Hopefully as the weeks go by we might learn more about why they came to this decision as they at present haven't give a hint of any of this in that video.

So how do we feel now?


Is this factual? Like official and has been said by Jared or Jensen, TPTB or the network itself? Cause if not I’m calling bullshit. Everyone is speculating - some theories more out there than others. The very head of the network said the show continues as long as the guys want to do it. Why if the J’s wanted to cut the episodes down would he have a problem with that? Can you link your source cause I have a hard time believing any of this.


Just on face book groups, I don't buy it either for the same reasons you give. I know fans speculate and at the moment we are feeling emotional and to a point depressed about the whole thing. Something must have gone down even though they've not expressed the full story on that video leaving us up in the air right now. I think I need some sort of closure to understand it, and for me I am not sure about this reasoning. I seem to remember Jensen talking at conventions about wanting to shorten seasons so can sort of understand the speculation to a point. But for them to walk away this way seems hard to swallow.


Don’t know why it has to be such a big mystery. Clearly Jensen and Danneel have been setting themselves up with FBBC and its expansion. Establishing themselves in Austin. Plus he recently purchased a bed and breakfast. Who knows what else they have working or what other investments or properties they have. Same goes with Jared and Genevieve. To be walking away from guaranteed income they must feel good about where they are. And the possibility of new roles. Perhaps Jensen already has something lined up. Based on things they’ve said it’s clear that their families and time spent with them is important. Maybe they both felt they’ve lost enough in that category. Think of all the time the wives have lost already. Yes they’ve gained financially but you can’t rewind the clock. Plus the nonstop travel. I gripe to myself over my 40 minute commute to and from work every morning. I couldn’t imagine what catching a plane would be like - even a private one. Jensen said recently that his dad asked him if he was getting enough rest and how much flying he does. Jensen said on the average 4 times a week. I dunno. Last year I thought with the cut in episodes the boys would be good for at least 3 more but with the way they’ve been talking and acting - it’s seemed like more and more it was as if family was the final tipping point.

And I love the show. Chuck knows I do. But for the most part the writing isn’t there. I think Dabb is a shitty Showrunner. Once again he takes Jensen’s - Deans - storyline from him and gives it to another. Once more he had a prime opportunity to do something interesting with Deans storyline and he grounds out. Once again just as things are really getting interesting - - he pulls out. Plotus Interruptus. Thank Andrew, you hack. How can you have a string of episodes 4? that are upping the interest and imagination only to follow up with 2 fairly boring and nonsensical ones. Especially to the plot where Dean is concerned. Ugh.
