New guys don't get it. Those kind of end scenes once and awhile would have been great as we close the show!
They sure don't get it. We haven't had one sweet or intimate B&B ending scene this entire season. This is what we've gotten:
Ep 1: The Hope in the Horror -- B&B talking to Zach at the mental hospital
Ep 2: The Brain in the Bot -- Brennan's bday party
Ep 3: The New Tricks in Old Dogs -- B&B with Aubrey at FBI office
Ep 4: The Price for the Past - B&B discussion at their house with Booth on chair and Brennan on couch (this one had potential to be like old times, but they blew it by having B&B sit so far apart)
Ep 5: The Tutor in the Tussle - B&B at home bickering about Brennan reading one of her books to Christine
Ep 6: The Flaw in the Saw -- log rolling contest
So we've gotten nothing even remotely approaching the old-style ending scenes we used to get, and half the season is over.