MovieChat Forums > Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) Discussion > What a piece of utter TRASH (spoilers)

What a piece of utter TRASH (spoilers)

Wow... and I say that in a bad way. Perhaps the worst way possible.

I should preface this by saying that Sin City (2005) is one of my favorite films. It's truly the epitome of entertainment with some awesome performances and a groundbreaking style. It's translation/adaptation of Miller at his finest.

This? This movie was a mess from beginning to end. To no one's surprise, the only good story here is classic Miller (A Dame to Kill For). Everything else is pure and utter garbage. The JGL story added nothing and had absolutely no point. Narrative wise it doesn't even fit in with all the other stories. As for Nancy's Revenge, Alba is just a terrible actress. No wonder it fell flat. She shouldn't be a main character.

Willis added nothing to the story. Senator Roark seeing him in the mirror was stupid and made no sense.

Mickey Rourke looked bored and his makeup was off. Lastly, wtf was the point of that opening with him beating the frat boys? It was so random and again, added NOTHING to the narrative.

Josh Brolin was decent but paled in comparison to Clive Owens. Seriously, where was Owens? Why didn't he return? Josh Brolin in a Clive Owens wig was just ridiculous. He looked pathetic. I was hoping he would transform into Owens after the plastic surgery but no...

Recasting Miho... terrible choice. Recasting Bob... even worse choice. Michael Madsen was perfect in the original. Why they replaced him with Pivens is anyone's guess.

Meloni was decent, he looked just like his comic counterpart but pieces of DTKF were missing. In the book Mort and Bob realize that Ava is lying when they speak to the landlord. It's a turning point in the story because it shows that Mort will still do anything for her. Yet that's totally missing from the movie.

Overall this was just an incredibly poor film compared to the original. I thought the critics would be wrong, I didn't want to listen to the 40% on RT. But it's absolutely right. This movie is about to flop at the box office and it deserves to flop. Powers Boothe gave the only good performance in the entire film. As someone who LOVES the original and all of Miller's Sin City comics, I think this may be the most disappointing film I've ever watched in my life. Never have I been more excited and let down at the same time.



This movie wants to be an exploitation romp film but even fails on that level. It’s not fun, it’s tedious and over stylized to the point of absurdity. It unintentionally slips in to self parody of the first film far too often. The pace is bad and actually boring for this type of effort because they can’t even deliver cheap thrills unless you’re talking the Eva Green scenes. The honest highlight of this film is Eva Green. Her performance and constant state of undress elevates the movie from completely unwatchable. Unfortunately, her case is concluded when the movie is only half over. Like the first film, all this thing had to do was to deliver fun with its stupid. Instead all they delivered was the stupid.


Kinda agree. Except not a life changing 1st film. But enjoy it.

This film is ok buy more like a direct to DVD sequel.


The first film was over-the-top stupid but at least it was fun in parts. I hate how both films offer no rules or rhyme or reason to their own physical universes. EX: One minute a guy can jump 100 feet and the next he's vulnerable.


You were harsher than me but pretty bang on the money. Rourke seeing Willis was kind of lame. I disagree with you on the JGL section. That was probably the most consistently solid part. A Dame To Kill was uneven and messy. The section just stopped the film in its tracks for me. The ending of it was terrible as well.

Owens was only expected to return for the post-surgery scenes but didn't because of filming for the TV series "The Knick" (As disappointing as that is I think he may have made the right choice).

The original Miho was pregnant and thus recasted. I'm sure others mentioned that above.

- Powers Booth was great in the film. Eva Green was stellar, too. Rourke is enjoyable but he definitely seemed more bored this time around. You could almost sense he just did this movie as a favor to Robert and hated having to be in makeup.


So after seeing it....... I have to say you are 100% correct.

This was bad. It had a few good moments, but overall it was very lackluster. Most of the acting felt stiff, forced, and at moments cringe worthy. In fact I actually cringed several times during the film. I would compare the performances to Brittany Murphy's in the first Sin City, and if you don't know, that's a really bad thing in my book.

Josh Brolin was not a good replacement for Clive Owen. Not even close. Also, I like Marv, I really do, but I felt like this movie was "over-Marved" It's almost as if they had a bet to see how much the could stuff the guy into this movie.

I could go on, and on, but you pretty much summed it up. As a huge fan of the first movie, the comics, and most of Frank Millers writing, I was highly disappointed. at one point I even said "are you kidding me" out loud, and I don't talk during movies.


omg rocky100...u nailed all points u bring up...this is a piece of utter trash...nothing good in it at all...actors sucks, the directing sucks, the story is just boring with a *beep* up and retraded timeline that ruins even more...there isnt even anything cool in the cool lines or fights or got absolutly nothing...i love the first movie aswell but i think either that Frank Miller got all the power behind the camera in this one (because its just as bad as the spirit) or the first one was so damn good because Tarantino was with them behind the camera. Ive never felt so robbed of my precious money before but this time i almost cried when i left the horrendous experience it was

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


This is still the case.


i agree, this is a truly horrible movie. Im actually confused at how this is even a 6.6 on imdb.


I agree this movie was pretty poor and absolutely pales in comparison to the original, I was bored watching this, it was such a letdown.


yep, this film was horrid. i have not read sin city since it was published but if roark was killed because he was distracted by a ghost then that is a pretty awful storyline.

no to a sin city 3.
