Red Skull is a very weak villian

1. Why is he scary anyway? Just because he as a red deformed head? Is his penis also red too? Why does he wear a mask or he tore away his own skin? I don't understand but this man is not scary at all.

2. Hydra, so they are a Nazi breakaway? They even yelled "Hail Hydra", however I didn't know Germans know English, what is "Hydra" pronounced in German anyway?

3. Red skull's death is pathetic, he was not even killed, he just disappeared, he didn't even get knocked out or anything, just got sucked out of infinity and he didn't even leave a corpse, is he even dead? This is the worst death I have seen just with some any poor CG effect.

4. So what makes Red Skull a scary or powerful villain? His powers are not as strong as Captain America that took a serum instead of natural super powers from the tesserect, and at least Captain America gets to keep his face too, he is even weaker than Agent Smith in Matrix which also played by Hugo Weaving.


Go troll elsewhere.


Lol you think he is trolling because he does not love your captain tight pants villain? funny




No, come breath. Because he made the same thread a few times and other troll posts.

Of course, you "think" Tom Cruise is a great actor, so why am I even bothering to reply to you? 


#1 - he was scary because he was evil and wanted to destroy the world

#2 - Hydra is just the name of the program. The German didn’t need to know that Hydra is an English word to say “Hail Hydra”

#3 - his death was kind of unclear and abrupt. I’ve heard they initially had plans for Red Skull, in the form of a spin-off or something (which obviously didn’t come to fruition). So I think his weird conclusion in this movie was meant to leave the door open for him to come back to the big screen

#4 - Red Skull is just as strong as Cap. He was able withstand a direct punch to the face from Cap, and he was able to knock down Cap in the scene with the burning building.
