
Wow! What was that? I loved every minute of it!

Seeing the Jedi Council’s meeting from RTOS gave me goosebumps.

But hearing Anakin betraying the Jedi and Ashoka feeling it was just heartbreaking.

As always, Ashoka is a great and resourceful strategist.

Can’t wait for the finale!


I should also mention, props to the score! It worked almost flawlessly. It had the dark tone this series needs.

Reminded me of Blade Runner.


It had the dark tone this series needs.

it was concurrent with Revenge of The Sith Dark isnt always good

yes it emotional knowing Kanan and Cal were now branded as Fugitives well knowing were they were at during the Purge


Fantastic episode, and finally a clone that can actually think for themself. Just realized Palpatine would have been royally fracked if he hadn't installed those inhibitor chips in the Grand Army of the Republic.


It was absolutely incredible. The production of the whole thing was amazing. This is everything I always imagined a Star Wars tv show could be. They finally experimented with the pacing and tone of the series. Let it play out in a more stylized and cinematic way. I really hope this is the template they use moving forward with whatever they're cooking up next.


It was fairly well done, though I do think there were a couple of issues I had.

For one thing, those final four Ahsoka episodes felt like the events played out over a number of days. But Episode III felt like it played out over a number of months. After all, Padme wasn't BIG pregnant when she told Anakin she even was. And the story followed her to full term (pretty much).

Also, Maul flat out telling Ahsoka that Anakin is being groomed as Sidious' "secret apprentice", I felt, was a bit much. In Rebels it's clear she has some suspicions about what happened with Anakin, but she is also genuinely surprised/hurt when she learns for sure that Vader IS Anakin. I would think with Maul spelling out so much of Sidious' plan to her, from this vision he apparently had, that she would far too easily be able to put the pieces together (Anakin being so close to Chancellor Palpatine, the public knowledge the Palpatine crowns himself Emperor, the easy connection that the Emperor MUST have been the Sith lord, the Sith Lord has a new enforcer out of nowhere in Vader, etc.)

I dunno. Like I said, it was mostly well done. But part of me kinda liked the idea that she just left Coruscant and faded into the background of the galaxy somewhere, and that's how she survived.

Also, didn't Rebels mention something about Rex and the other clones he was with, voluntarily removing their chips, and that's why they didn't turn on the Jedi, and went into hiding? Coulda sworn I remembered something like that.
