What the World is coming to? Geez. I can't believe that sorry excuse for director chose that short fat moron Jack Black to be Kate's guy in the movie!! Really appaling and gross. Why the hell she accepted that role? To the hell with the money, she should have turned it down.
I find Jack Black to be completely charming in this film. I can see why she goes for him. He is also the exact opposite of the jackass she was in love with (who is physically attractive but a total loser). I Like the casting of Jack Black because he isn't the stereo-typical leading man -- she falls for someone who is actually good guy who earns her friendship and respect instead someone who is just good looking.
Totally agree with Noelle B. Sure, he's a bit of a dork, and definitely not the hottest guy around, but he is a total sweetheart in this film, and definitely charming. love it.
You give me joy that's unspeakable, Jesus I am so in love with You
It is likely WHY Iris like him. She was obviously done with the rat, Jasper. The fact that her heart breaks for Miles when she sees Maggie give him the shaft, I think, shows that she likes him--all that needs to happen now is a little nurturing for the relationship to turn to affection the, perhaps, love. I get tickled when I see attractive women with Miles-type guys. It means that the entire human population is not run by idiots.
It's obvious that not everyone realizes that you don't have to a typical Hollywood actor to be great in a movie. Jack Black is anything but typical Hollywood and he's excellant is every movie I've seen him in. Thanks to actors like Jack Black who can be in Hollywood movie and keep a great underground movie sensibility. There are very few actors who can do that. I also think I should mention Bruce Campbell.
What a shallow post. There is more to a person than just looks. Jack Black is funny and likable enough for someone who looks like Kate Winslet to hook up with.
I suppose you think Kate Winslet should have turned down Sense and Sensibility too because she ends up with Alan Rickman instead of the better-looking Willoughby.
I agree with everyone, Jack Black totally worked for the movie. I admit I had some doubts before seeing the movie but since then I've watched it several times and I'm loving the chemistry between Kate and Jack and like them as a couple.
I think Miles would make a great friend. He didn't fancy himself like a lot of men do, he was funny and he got on well with Iris and obviously "floated her boat." However, to me he just wasn't fanciable.
Alan Rickman is precisely the kind of person I was thinking of in my previous response. There is so much more to a person than looks. Character, class, is a person guinely nice or is the person a nice looking *beep* The world is full of good looking creeps. They are like bad weather...always with us. Marion Dashwood needed someone like Christopher Brandon. She deserved someone of his character and class and who was genuinely a loving soul. Take away all the romantic notions and Marion Dashwood was a truly loving soul and she deserved someone who saw the world as she did. Can you imagine Marion ending up with Willoughby? What a mistake that would have been and I think that is the point Austen was trying to make. People are not always as they seem to be.
It's a shame you feel this way. To an intelligent woman, including an attractive one, qualities other than movie star handsomeness are way more important. A sense of humor (Jack/Miles was spontaneously funny), talent (J/M is a musician), and kindness to others (he was very nice to Arthur, Iris, Arthur's buddies, Graham's kids) are all very sexy qualities. And Jack B. did a great job portraying these characteristics in Miles. I would date him. Kate Winslet probably had a ball doing this movie. Jack Black was perfect.
Kate Winslet probably had a ball doing this movie. Jack Black was perfect.
How true! If you ever get to see the director's commentaries, you'll see a few scenes during shooting where JB had KW in hysterics. Even Kate admitted it.
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I completely disagree with you. I loved Jack Black in this movie and what does it matter that he's not your typical good-looking guy? I would totally go out with someone like Jack than a Jasper even though he's better looking. "What is the world coming to?"..you mean that people are choosing their love interests by their personalities..their ability to make them laugh and are caring..and not based on looks? Yes..that sounds like a horrible place to live. You need to check your priorities.
It pisses me off because you'd never see the opposite: a gorgeous leading man with a fat, dumpy actress with a great heart as his love interest. Not in a movie where she doesn't take off her glasses and become a beauty at the end. And if it did happen, the disparity in their looks would be a huge plot element.
"It pisses me off because you'd never see the opposite: a gorgeous leading man with a fat, dumpy actress with a great heart as his love interest. Not in a movie where she doesn't take off her glasses and become a beauty at the end. And if it did happen, the disparity in their looks would be a huge plot element."
I could not agree more! You are absolutely right!
But I am glad they casted Jack Black for this part. He is charming and it is a nice story between the two.
Let's hope that soon this will be possible the other way around, too.
Scarlett belle: Excellent point. Men are never with unattractive women in the movies or tv. Imagine, let's say, Leo Dicaprio with the female version of Jack Black--it'd never happen. More to the point, who is the female actress version of Jack Black? No one. An actress would never be allowed to look like that.
For all those that say Iris looked past Miles' looks, haven't you noticed in real life that people tend to be with people who are their equal in attractiveness? In real life, a woman who looked like KW would never be with a man that looked like JB. That isn't shallow--just a fact.
In real life, a woman who looked like KW would never be with a man that looked like JB. That isn't shallow--just a fact.
That's not a fact, that's just being illogical.
Not that Kate Winslet is unattractive or anything but I'm sure not everyone is in love with her, same goes for Jack Black. What you find beautiful, I might not, that's how it really is in life.
Love is my religion - I could die for that - I could die for you ~ Keats
Well what can I say you must be very young and immature because in the end looks matter not one whit. In fact, I would say that money matters more than looks. The world is full of instances of gorgeous people marrying rather normal people. It's hardly unusual but then if you haven't matured I would necessarily expect someone to have seen much of life. If this sounds condescending I suppose I mean it to be just that. And what is it with Jack Black? The man may not be Cary Grant or Brad Pitt but he's hardly without appeal and he is certainly not ugly.
Sorry, I just don't think Kate Winslet is all that good-looking. She was FAT in Titanic, she has toned up a bit, but beautiful? No way. Beautiful is Liz Taylor, Halle Berry, Marlene Dietrich, dozens of others, but not Kate.
"Looks like I'm the only one who agrees with you, Steve. There's no way Jack Black could ever pull a gorgeous woman like Katie Winslet."
It would seem you and the OP are outvoted on this one. Gives me hope!
And I guess by your argument you would say that Kevin James could never get a hot girl for real... and then you'd see his real-life wife and see how wrong you were.
Are you serious. Jack Black was perfect for the role. He isn't dashing, and handsome like Jude law but that was the point. He's a normal guy. I think he's very cute. Loved him in the movie. Wish he would do more like him. I would date Jack Black in an instant.