jchristie1:(Oct.8, 2007):
"Actually I did not like the happy theatrical ending at all. Remember, each time he went back in time to “correct” something, he damaged his brain. The next-to-last scene in the psyche ward shows a doctor discussing an MRI with his Mom which shows half of his brain is irreversibly damaged and he will have to be institutionalized the rest of his life. To be consistent, he should not be walking smartly down a city street in nice clothes, he should be a raving maniac in a mental hospital like his Dad ended up, and maybe seeing a happy Kaliegh out the window. They had to ignore a lot of their own logic to make the ending happy for both Evan and Kaliegh, but that's Hollywood. "
I disagree. I sw the original showing on opening day and enjoyed it. The whole thing in my opnion (very, very long spoilers follow)had been a dream, ending with the last "flashback", and then it turns then Lennie and Evan are college best friends and by the lift bridge [this was filmed in Vancouver, BC, Canada] outside burning the pictures was because of this nightmares, and that Tommy AND Kayleigh had been friends with him, and then when he walks through Seattle, he and her see each other, and then past fade-out he's following her to Starbucks's - Seattle's Own, to Oasis's "Stop Crying your heart out".