Butterfly 1 endings

I know this is the wrong place to start this thread BUT..

did anyone else think the original theatrical ending Of Butterfly Effect 1 where Evan burns his diaries and walks past Kaleigh but lets her go cause he doesnt want to ruin her life was SO much better than the stupid alternative ending where he kills himself in his mother's womb?

(forgive the run-on sentence)

What's worse is that half the people out there think the alt ending is the real one cause of the dumb special edition dvd they put out to make money.


that ending works great


I saw that original ending you mentioned when I first watched the movie in 2005.
Then I bought the dvd recently and it shows the one with him strangling himself in the womb. What a rubbish ending!
It doesnt even show the good ending in the alternative ending offered on my dvd. what rubbish.
The original ending I seen (where Evan walks past Kaleigh and lets her go) is much better!


Isnt there about 7 different endings on differnet dvds depending on where they are bought or something? ive seen 3 differnet endings and been told about another 2..

i thought the one in the womb was a fantastic ending. i didn't expect it anyway.


I was pregnant when I saw the DVD ending (fetal suicide) and it had me in hysterics.

dreaming in digital


That doesn't mean it's a bad ending. It just means that it wasn't a good time for you to see that ending.

The endings I'm familiar with (SPOILERS) (from the original DVD, which has the original ending, but shows alternate endings in the bonus material):

1) Original (he goes back to when they first meet, tells her bad things to make her go live with her mom instead of staying with he dad, years later, he sees her on the street, pauses, and then watches her walk away)

2) Almost the Original (same as above, but instead of walking away, he walks toward her ... in the commentary, the makers said that they felt this sort of meant "he never learned anything, here we go again" and was thus an unsatisfying ending)

3) The disturbing ending (earlier in the movie, we find out he was the only surviving baby of a long line of miscarriages his mother had; later he decides to fix everything by aborting himself in the womb ... this was the actual original ending, but the studio thought it would be WAY too controversial and disturbing for mainstream audiences, and had them rewrite it ... they felt that the actual theatrical ending accomplishes the same "the only way out is to go back to the beginning and stop it all from happening, there's no way to make the relationship work by tinkering with it" theme, without the horrific mechanism)

What other endings are people aware of?


""The disturbing ending (earlier in the movie, we find out he was the only surviving baby of a long line of miscarriages his mother had; later he decides to fix everything by aborting himself in the womb ... this was the actual original ending""

wow that would have been perfect. that kind of thing is what i loved so much about this movie. the genious foreshadowing with time travel, not the abortion thing. it woulda deepened the whole plot. the fact that the long line of abortions were kids that all had that power and messed things up in their lives so came to the same conclusion and just ended it before it started. deep.

Theres only one return.. and it's not of the king, it's of the jedi...


Im only aware of those three, and i preferred the original ending where he aborts himself in the womb... made sense it fitted with rest of the film, rather than happy flowery Hollywood feel good endings!


there is a fourth, where they walk past each other, he turns around when she turns around, and they meet. something is heard about going to get a cup of coffee. thats all. but i think there might be one more. is there a DVD that has all of them on it? i cant find it anywhere


I have it. my dvd had both the theatrical version and the directors cut of the movie. It lets you choose which one before you start watching. It also has the other endings in the special features. I just thought they all came that way untill I started reading this and realized most dvd just had the directors cut. I don't remember where I got it. I think maybe I got it from columbia house. I get a lot of my movies from there. It also has a feature that you can turn that tells you info. about certain things throughout the movie. It's called an infinifilm.


These are the four endings used here:
1.The theatrical: Evan and Kayleigh have spotted each other, share a mutual glance and then just walk on but NOT sad, but knowing they will each find someone else, and both seem happy the way they are, and Evan looks like he's actually looking FORWARD to getting on with his life as it fades to black!

2.The "Starbucks" alternate: You know they're really plugging Seattle with this, plugigng the setting though it was filmed in Vancouver, when lur couple meet there.

3.Stalking: Evan stalks Kayleigh.

4.The horrible directors cut where Evsan hoffs himself as a fetus or baby [I say baby].

I love the first two..


The alternated ending was retarded! You wouldn't be able to move in the womb in way to actually choke yourself to death.

BRING BACK THE ORIGINAL ENDING! (wow, I sounded way to serious there ahah)

~I've been around, so remember my name.~


ummm... look it up before you type. doesn't happen a lot, but it happens

personally i liked the Original (baby) ending because just like stated above, it shows that maybe the other children (or him himself) screwed u their lives too and so they came to that same conclusion and ended up doing the same thing.


Does anyone know of a DVD release of this movie that has the theatrical release ending? I was immensely pissed to buy the movie on DVD, a twin pack with the catastrophic sequel (having already owned the director's cut with the crap strangling ending) but this one had no mention that it was the director's cut whatsoever. I thus logically assumed it would have the original theatrical ending but nope, it also had the crap strangling ending.


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I loved the original ending. While it may not be possible. I don't think triggering memories and changing the past is possible either (pssst...It's a movie).

The Fetal suicide ending was just showing how he was willing to sacrifice himself for the good of everyone around him.


well...to be honest, i prefer the ending where he dies (probably cuz i saw that first) because i mean....it makes more sense (to me) compare to the other endings


the original ending on the street with "stop crying your heart out" was just gut-wrenching. it was perfect. and so much more realistic and fitting.

the fetal suicide was just ridiculous. it ruined it. i hate how they did that and how the people who didnt see it at the movies never saw the brilliance of the original. shame shame


The fetal suicide was the original ending. The one where Evan passed her on the street was the sweet theatrical hollywoonized ending. The special DVD version is "The Writers Cut" of the movie. I saw the theatrical version first, but i think the writers version is way better!

Sorry for bad english, im danish!


The ending where he dies is the best. Deal with it.


An unborn child committing suicide by intentonally strangling itself with its own umbilical cord. Am I the only one who thinks thats the most *beep* ending in the history of endings?




The ending where he meets her on the street is a load of rubbish. I loved the ending where he killed himself so everyone else could be happy, it was the best by far.
It's one of my favorite movies and but when I saw the theatrical version it kind of spoilt it a bit. They should have just left the movie the way it was and not have changed it.


Let me ASK you ALL about the ending where he kills himself:

where does he get his memories of being an unborn????????!?!?!?!?!!?!

no photos, no noticeblock nothing


that's the most nonsence I have ever heard. Bad ending, didn't see it and won't see it, it explains nothing but gives more questions and contradictions.

The whole film bases on his blackouts, where he can later fit in and make decisions depending on what he knows what happens in the future. In this second movie they all complain about the bad ending, but NOT EVEN ONE mention, how it fits in he can timetravel w/o black outs there.

Most of you just S**K


He watches a family clip of his mom in the maternity before giving birth.


When I saw this movie a long time ago, I was sooo disappointed by the theatrical ending. It was so different in contrast to the theme or mood of the movie. It felt so out of place and wrong.

Now, I have not seen the baby ending yet. But the way you describe it makes it seem the best one. They should have gone with it. But, to earn more money in the box office the ending they use right now is enough, for that purpose I mean.


I have a question. I only saw the ending with him walking by the lady, the strangleing ending sounds disgusting and not in a good way. Anyway what I don't get is since he is an adult now why can't he go see her, all his troubles stemmed from knowing her brother as a kid and since they aren't kids anymore none of that bad stuff would have happened. Besides there could still be a cycle started from another event either way.

Same thing we do every night try to take over the world


hpnestly i liked them both.. the one he pass her by and the one in the whom; even thus the lastes is not possible, i know, but i like it, and like someone pointed out: it show the sacrifice he was willing to do.

And yea.. it was too strong for general audience (they should warm about this end at the dvd thus, according to this thread they didn`t @.@



I liked the alternate ending because in the alternate version the mother mentioned something about having several miscarriages so the ending leaves you to assume that all the children had the same problem and all of them did the same thing to save themselves or someone else they loved. It showed that it was a never ending cycle.


ok, the original ending (he dies) was a lot deeper than the theatrical ending (especially since i saw it first cos i was watching the dvd) but, you've got to admit, its a lot more disturbing

also, if it could actually happen, its pretty cruel- i mean newborn babies have a natural tendency to not feel pain, but this would have been a lot more painful for the mother- not only is she trying to give birth, but the baby is dying inside her- everyone else's life would have been fine, but his mother would have turned out pretty screwed up with all the physical and psychological torture that would have caused...

(that was a strange argument, i know, but that was all i could think about when i was watching it)

anyway, having such a dramatic ending (the orignal one) doesn't really work for me as long as Ashton Kutcher is the lead- i mean come on, no matter how good he was in this movie, i couldn't take him seriously...


His mom wouldn't be that much more f&*ed up - she had had 2 stillborns already.


that's actually a far stipder ending, having himself commit suicide in the womb. there is no way for him to make sure that the people he loves then have good lives, just because he doesn't exist to cause them misery, it doesn't mean that they don't suffer still, just the cause will be something else. Also as someone mentioned he is still making his mother suffer through having her suffer another baby die on her.

It makes far more logical sense that he fixes the problems that involved him and leaves it at that, and by surviving he can make sure that they actually really do have good lives. And for him to do that he does not have to die, he just has to not have any part in those people's lives he messes up.

UPDATE: Actually the fetal suicide ending makes more sense if we also watch the deleted scene of him visiting a psychic which explains that he is cursed since he was never meant to exist, and hence explains why everytime he interferes the consequences are always bad and never good, which means he can never fix it unless he never exists, since he was never meant to exist. Without this little tid bit of information the fetal suicide ending doesn't make sense. otherwise it is a wicked ending.


The palm reader scene is included in the Director's Cut version (it's not a deleted scene).


I also thought, until i read this post, that the one where he killed himself in the womb was the original ending. I agree that the other ending where he walks past Kayleigh in the street is MUCH better.


There even was a 4th ending, in which he and Kayleigh look around at the same time, then she asks: "Do I know you?" and then he asks her for a cup of coffee.
(see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mpk5XeYh-g)
It's the worst ending though, it would mean he didn't learn anything at all.


Wouldn't it be REALLY messed up if it turned out he was watching a video of his Mom with one of the other stillborns, and he cause them to die?

Also, it would have been possible in this movie because the character knew everything he knew before he 'went back in time' so to speak.


No that 4th ending is the best one. He didn't learn anything? Yes he did, that changing the past caused things to screw up. When they have no past history together, there's nothing to mess things up. The baby suicide thing is f ucking retarded, just shock value for the sake of shock value.

I'm going to shove coal so far up your stocking you'll be coughing up diamonds!


I didn't watch the movie in the cinema, but on the dvd and the original ending there was that he kills himself in the mother's womb....man I though that was sad and it didn't make me feel happy. I suppose you can say I am one of those people who like happy endings,so seeing the altrnative ending in the dvd extras made me feel better although still don't think it was right too wishy woshy and cheesy so holliwood like.


The womb ending is possible. I like both, but remember hes going into the womb with an adult mind. Babies in the womb can obviously move and if hes got the adult intellect, he could do what he did.


the ending where he kills himself in his mothers womb gives more sense to what his mother was saying during the movie about how he was her 'miricle child' becasue her previous children had died pre maturly (they too probably had the blackouts and had messed up everyones lives so ended up going back and killing themselves).


Still, some people don't seem to realize that simple fact...


But if she had so many miscarriages, surely some of them had the sense to do the ending we see in the theatrical version? A big coincidence they all came to the same conclusion really?

At least in the theatrical version he lives to see how well his work is IMHO.
