As a mother of 2 boys...

This mother was way over the top. Other than him stealing her credit card I think she made too big a deal about his habit. Yeah, dudes get horney and yes lady, your husband problaby did fantasize about 'other women' occasinally.


This movie was so grossly unrealistic that it boggles the mind. It is clear that the writing staff included no men. Hell, I don't think anyone in the writing staff has ever even seen a man, if they think that any of what happened in the movie is even slightly believable!

Are we expected to believe that a kid can go out with someone who looks like Lyndsy Fonseca for months, or even years, and it is only when the evil "cool kids" in the school exert their nefarious influence that this kid notices that his girlfriends has not one, but TWO breasts? Are we expected to believe that he will be in school for 4 years and never notice that guys and girls look a little different in different places?

And what's with the late night pornscapades, anyway? If this movie had been written by someone who did not have their spirit crushed by guilt over sex at the tender age of 2, Justin would simply have masturbated for a few minutes and then gone to bed, like half the world does. Indeed, I dare say that would be the root cause of his problems with porn: his inability to flip one off every now and then was what kept him from being able to think straight.

But, then again, where would we be if we gave teenagers the idea that this activity that 95% of adult men and 80% of adult women engage regularly is anything but a bizarre and common aberration?

Oh, and, by the way crazy faith-headed repressed viewers of Lifetime: the porn Justin was watching in the movie does not even register as porn with any regular person. Usually, when one hears the word "porn" the idea of some form of nudity comes to mind, if you see what I mean. And if you want to talk about "really nasty fetish sites" like the ones Justin checks out later on the movie, well... let's just say, if women wearing black underwear while looking languidly at the camera is your idea of nasty porn... Well, maybe you should indeed continue to live in your own little bubble of a world. I don't think you can handle reality.

As others have pointed out, the scary thing about this movie is that some viewers of the Lifetime Channel will see it and think that it is realistic, and they will give their innocent children all kinds of grief over it. Then again, that has always been the motto of the american pro-family movement: leave no family standing.

Hear this warning: this movie is pure flapdoodle! It is merely an advertisement for the american sex addiction conglomerate, disguised as a movie. Ignore this dreck, and don't think that you have to sacrifice your children at the altar of the conglomerate's bottom-line, because you do not.


I'm sure the kid did, Vahal, but why should it be in the film for us to assume that? Who the devil would want to see that?

I'm also sure the underwear-clad girls were only previews to much more serious stuff that we simply don't see him watch onscreen. Any feature called "Virgin Vaginas" sounds like more than lingerie model knock-offs.


if his gf gave him the sex, maybe he wouldnt have been such a porn hound?


Yeah, blame it on a 15-year-old girl.

