This mother was way over the top. Other than him stealing her credit card I think she made too big a deal about his habit. Yeah, dudes get horney and yes lady, your husband problaby did fantasize about 'other women' occasinally.
Agreed. This movie didn't seem accurate at all. He didn't seem to have a serious problem until he stole her credit card. The mom freaked out the first night she caught him looking at porn. Most boys like to look at naked women. It's nothing to freak out about. This movie was so exaggerated and stupid in my opinion.
"The mom freaked out the first night she caught him looking at porn. Most boys like to look at naked women. It's nothing to freak out about. This movie was so exaggerated and stupid in my opinion."
Agreed the first night, she is like she just saw him murder someone... I mean if she saw him playing with his bird, she would have more to think about, but that's normal...
That mom in the movie is just crazy... when the younger brother says "I got a test tomorrow can I go to sleep", she is like "no we are gonna stay here till he gets home", like she was ready to force him to stay up all night if necessary... I hate that mom.
Maybe she can't admit she IS the problem, and has trouble getting relationship going with his son, so to punish her he kept going where she didn't want him to go. She never even a second question herself. I'm not saying that's it, that's not, but always question yourself.
Very poor writing, very poor acting, minus Jeremy Sumpter.
This whole movie is about Religion, Abstinence, not having premarital sex, and Religion.
You can safely say there is a problem if a teen boy doesn't masturbate. The mom isn't saying porn is an addiction she is saying it's wrong. It's 2 different things, she has an avertion of it. The fact that she can find porn CD that are 8/12cm and can't find a desk full of beer is the real crazy thing. Underage drinking is a serious legitimate matter.
I think the problem was, he got to a point where that was all he was interested in, and was obsessed with it. He would not have hacked the school's firewalls if he had not developed an obsession with it.
Holy mother of God, are you for real? Do you really, wholeheartedly believe that people (yes, I most certainly am referring to both sexes) lose all interest in porn once they are in a serious relationship? I seriously hope you were kidding, but just in case you were serious, let me give you a word of advice: Wake up! Come back to planet earth immediately, cause you are far too old to keep living in Dreamland.
"Many rapists in a lower social class start this way." Where did you get this BS from?! Rape is about control, it's a crime of violence and has nothing to do with sex. Offcourse rapists are gonna be people who wached a lot of porn when they where teens, 'cause guess what? EVERYONE waches a lot of porn in their teens. Hell I'm looking at some right now.
I really don't know where you get your facts but you really should do a little more research. Rape is a crime of control. It's not about sex, it's about dominance. The sex is incidental - a tool. Rape is not the result of addiction. Rapists may have addictions to various things but basically they are people with deeply rooted psychological problems.
As far as porn addiction goes, education would prevent many cases. Yes there is a group of people who would not be affected because they have addictive personalities but in that case if it's not porn, it will be something else, like gambling or drugs. They need special help.
I get my facts from professionals who have studied this. Education wouldn't help them, but counceling and help would, so I agree with you as far as that goes. But rapists are normally porn addicts who can't control anything else in their lives except the rape.
''Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.'' -Tupac Shakur
Sumpter, everyone in the health care field knows that Rape is primarily about control. The only part where it becomes about sex is when people feel ashamed about sex and due to their upbringing, think that sex is bad and wrong and no one will ever have it with them unless they take it. In other words it’s not exposure to sex that causes the problem. It’s an upbringing where they are taught that “sex is wrong” where the problem is cultivated. That is why rape is about control… because the rapist believes the only way he can get what he wants is to control the person to give it to him.
As a side note, I find it interesting that statistically, 84% of all known serial killers in the world come from extremely conservative Christian upbringings. It makes you wonder if all the preaching about the evils of sex messes with kids minds as they develop.
"Rape is about control" is an analysis that feminists have given us. It's basically meaningless because almost everything is about control, including abortion, pro-female divorce settlements, the education system, etc.
But you are right in that there is no connection between pornogrpahy consumption and a propensity to rape. In fact, it has been found that porn use actually drives down rape figures. (Which is probably why the West as the biggest Matriarchal society ever in existence is saturated with porn.)
So now I'm curious... how do rapists in a higher social class get started? Naughty cartoons in the New Yorker? Reports on abnormal human sexuality in JAMA accidentally left on the bureau in the drawing room?
"So now I'm curious... how do rapists in a higher social class get started? Naughty cartoons in the New Yorker? Reports on abnormal human sexuality in JAMA accidentally left on the bureau in the drawing room?"
for your information.... rapist are actually people who face loads of domestic violence when they were young.... or people who had been raped by others before.... its basically the emotional toil.... porn is a very normal thing.... its a route to exploration of sex and fantasy.... so i seriously what the big deal is with it..... i mean evebn i have watched loads of porn over the years..... did i become a rapist.... no i don't thing so..... moreover im actually helping people with problems in sexual discoveration..... so a note to everyone as athe world changes we too must change.... porn and sex may be shunned upon years back... but now its open.... so we just gotta deal with it...
P.S.... i didn't mean to attack ya.... i just needed to post in general and dint know how abt to do it.... so i sent it as a reply to ya.... hehe
Haha you're a fool. First and foremost, Harry Potter is primarily a series of books. Secondly, they are about the fight against evil, something every "christian" (as you said you were on another board) should be all for.
More significantly, however, research shows that compared to the 90% of all teenage males who enjoy porn, even to a dangerous extent, the number of rapists who indulged in such actions was significantly lower. The majority of rapists have never developed sexually, in a social rather than physical context. Therefore, many rapists end up being the ones who did not look at porn or masturbate regularly because both of those activites, especially in high school students, help develop healthy sexualities.
Sumpter, there is just a slight problem with the method you're using to arrive at your conclusion. Often times in medicine, including sociology, what many people think of as the "Problem" is in FACT the "Symptom". Porn addiction is not the problem, it's a symptom of someone who feels ashamed of their sexuality due to their upbringing, leading them to believe that they have no real tangible physical outlet. Therefore they watch porn as a “virtual substitute” for the thing they need (since they’re human) but have come to believe is impossible for them to have. Eventually some can't take it anymore and NEED to get their urges satisfied (usually believing the only way they can get it is by paying for it or taking it without permission.)
In other words, TRUE "porn addiction" is not the problem, it's a symptom of a whole other problem, and that problem usually stems from an upbringing where they learn somewhere along the line that, "sex is bad and ugly and dirty so don't think about it!!" while at the same time they see sexuality all around them in society so they are constantly tempted by something they believe is impossible to obtain which feeds the beast within.
There are three ways to deal with it in society: (a) the public can either neuter society so Christians can continue to raise their children to believe sex is bad but not have anything to tempt them (which probably isn’t going to happen). (b) Christians and other social conservatives can evolve with the times so their kids don’t believe sex is bad or wrong but know you need to protect yourself from disease (eliminate the fuel for the beast within). Or (c) you can live in a bubble (as many conservatives do) trying to shelter their children from all external temptation for the beast within.
It's a crap shoot but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Now normally this alone won't cause a person to rape violently, this kind of upbringing creates the "passive rapist" (who drugs his date, or pays a hooker, or finds some kind of non-violent way to get what he wants). The violent rapist is someone who has all this in common, but has also learned somewhere along the line that taking something forcefully or getting what you want through violence is a very effective way to get what you want. Luckily, most people with sexually repressive upbringings don’t turn to rape; they just turn to other violent outlets that are legal.
Christian don't believe sex is bad and wrong, but that PREMARITAL SEX IS UNMORAL! Sex is suppose to be hte product of a special life bond between husband and wife.
And, by the way, all the prmarital sex is why we have all these kids in foster care! and why divorce rates are so sky high!
''Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.'' -Tupac Shakur
Very classy rebuttal sumpter, but you're the one who obviously has no idea what they're talking about. Where did you get your case studies? The church news bulletin?
I'm talking about documented scientific case studies. You should check out the text ‘The Developing Self Throughout the Life Span’, you can buy it at any university (you don't need to be a student). It might help you to better understand how religious upbringing influences sexual repression and the development of many abnormal sexual disorders – disorders that only become amplified when that mind comes in contact with the real world.
Secondly, "sexual repression" is a learned behavior that occurs when a developing mind realizes that sex is a taboo, and tries to adjust its behavior in response. Last time I checked, most Christians weren't out there in schools telling kids to "not be ashamed to talk about sex because it's a natural thing that should be enjoyed." If anything, Christians tend to lead the anti-sex charge in our society. Who is it that's always trying to ban the teaching of sex education in schools? Christians. Who is it that's always saying premarital sex is a sin? Christians. Who is it that's always saying non-procreative sex is bad? Christians. Who’s always trying to ban contraceptives? Christians. Christians are defined by their ability to repress their sexuality and teach others how to repress theirs (or at least I should say, Christians that actually follow the bible to the letter, I know there's a lot of hypocrites in the faith -- having been raised Christian myself.)
Lastly, having unwanted children in society is another "Symptom" of a problem. Statistics show that typically unwanted children are the result of one or more of three circumstances: (1) teenagers who don't know how to prevent a pregnancy due to a lack of education on the topic, (2) teenagers in families with a history of abuse, (3) teenagers who get pregnant accidentally but have the baby anyway because of religious beliefs.
I just find it so ironic that Christians essentially create the very problems that they try to combat by way of their unwillingness to allow people to adapt. It's also interesting to me that these problems are FAR less pervasive in the European Union where birth control is available on every street corner, every child is thoroughly educated about sex and contraceptives, and sexuality is far less of a taboo.
Good analysis. Prudish people cause sex to become seen as evil in our society, brainwashed kids grow up hating sexual people and thinking women are seductresses, then they want to punish them and rape them--a collaboration of their sexual frustration, confusion, and forced-in hatred of sex/women/their desires.
Christians really do create all the problems in the world. Sex is just sex; a fun activity for people who appreciate each other to do together. Christians are just too afraid to look inward and figure that out cuz they're too busy looking up. ((If you aren't abiding by all the rules, you aren't a legitimate Christian, so don't get mad. Pick a side already.)) Peace, Love, and Orgasms. ;) Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source un·mor·al –adjective neither moral nor immoral; amoral; nonmoral: Nature is unmoral.
I have to say i agree with you on one point sumpter-efron lover. Premarital sex is unmoral, which is to say amoral...morals don't enter into it, it's natural. I'm agreeing with Chris here as far as the supression of birth control and sex education. Christians are the one's opposing cervical cancer vaccinations.
And i also have to disagree with you on the point about divorce rates. Show me the evidence that premarital sex is the cause for the upward trend in divorce rates. It's far more likely increased social mobility, the rise of women's rights allowing women to have their own lives rather than be bound to a man for their livelihood.
Foster care? Fair enough broken homes do contribute to the bulk of kids in foster but alcoholism and domestic violence cause broken marriages too.
It seems that you are suggesting that a marriage in which both partners are sexually incompatible and resent this aspect of their lives is a good thing. That ignorance is bliss in this regard...that premarital sex allows people to experience sexual happiness which could ruin a marriage in which there is none.
Ok, chris, I want to clear some things up. You are grouping all christians into one class. But there are different types. I believe you SHOULD have the cervical cancer vaccine and sex ed. I mean, if you ain't vaccinated you aren't protected from it if you get raped or something like that. Or if you "can't resist the urge".
''Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.'' -Tupac Shakur
I'm not Chris, but while you are clearing thing up i have to ask what denomination of Christianity do you adhere to? Many different denominations take differing views of human sexuality. It's fair to guess you aren't Catholic or Orthodox which puts you in the distinct minority of Christianity.
And with your other you understand the concept of empirical data and research as opposed to hearsay and conjecture? You cite getting your information from "professionals" but don't provide any information to support this assertion. If you could provide said documentation I'd be more than willing to take your arguments seriously.
Then you know a bunch of idiots, because a lot of people have the so-called "porn addiction," men and women alike, and don't go out raping people. This is in part because the most popular porn videos and porn sites have nothing to do with anything violent. People who get turned on by sexual violence are already sick... porn didn't make them sick. -- Tara
Come on Jimmy Come on Jimmy Suck it down for Sally - Reefer Madness
I'm agreeing with Sumpter- for the most part. Porn dehumanizes every man and woman that participates in it. I can definitely see where porn would lead to becoming a rapist. A man repeatedly looks at women naked, he begins to see all women as objects rather than people, and the whole thing escalates from there. I'm not saying that's the sole contributor, rapists are obviously raised in an atmosphere of violence or prone to violence, but the porn cannot be ignored. And I can also see how porn could lead to heightening divorce rates. Most women featured in porn are airbrushed or pictured to perfection. A married man who frequently views porn, whether he realizes it or not, no longer thinks the same of his wife. His whole attitude toward his wife is altered and he begins to expect the same perfection. This could naturally cause a breakdown in the relationship, leading to divorce. Now am I saying this happens to every married man who looks at porn? NO. But you cannot deny the correlations between the two. As for Chris' anti-Christian banter- I can only roll my eyes. It's nothing that I haven't heard before. People like Chris are too stubborn and arrogant to look up the true Christian's stance on issues such as sex and porn. I found it quite humorous that he claims that Christian teachings cause "sexual repression". My parents are Catholic and have raised myself, my four brothers, and my sister to be good Catholics as well. Sound sexually repressed to you? I can truthfully tell you I know of many families, all Catholics/Christians, who have at least five kids. Last time I checked, the sexually repressed were not the ones having children. Your second point about us "anti-sex" Christians again shows your lack of knowledge about Christianity. No, we do not encourage contraceptives and birth control (as for why, that's a whole other argument), but we are not out teaching that sex is "taboo" as you delicately put it. I have never in my life heard teachings that discourage sex- and I've gone to Catholic schools for over 12 years. Like Sumpter tried to explain, our view of sex is much different than yours. We view sex as extremely special and delicate- not something to keep you busy when you have no self-control. Sex is meant for one man and one woman engaged in a responsible relationship and who are ready to bring children in the world. You want to know why there are so many unwanted children? It's because the contraceptives that you worship are not reliable. Or because two teenagers taught that they should have sex any time they want get caught up in the heat of the moment and forget to use your precious condoms. Your teachings are irresponsible and immoral. I guess it all boils down to your standards. I've set my standards higher- I don't want to be with someone who's already slept with ten other partners. What's the point? Sex in marriage is a sign of ultimate love and commitment. Premartial sex only shows a lack of self-control. I know that I will not change your mind or ways of thinking, you've been raised that way after all, but do not go and sterotype Christians unfairly. Your remarks were biased and lack real credibility.
P.S. Speaking of lack of recommend wikipedia for research, Secret Peach? Seriously, I could go edit any page I want to right now and the whole world would believe me.
to jhawkgurl. you are a loser. i read about two of your sentences and i have developed your profile. you are obviously a fat out of shape unkempt beast. porn is great it provides rapist with an outlest for their sexual frustration. rapists are the products of sexual abuse and *beep* up households. you suck
Yes, jhawk, There are some great Christians out there, who have done great things… things that people like you dissolve with line like:
“It's because the contraceptives that you worship are not reliable”
“I guess it all boils down to your standards. I've set my standards higher- I don't want to be with someone who's already slept with ten other partners”
“Sex is meant for one man and one woman engaged in a responsible relationship and who are ready to bring children in the world.”
Get of your high horse you total knob! How truly offensive you are. How high and mighty.
Im so sorry my standards are so low comparatively to yours (no, that is sarcasm). “Sex is meant for one man and one woman”… so your spitting on not only having a couple of partners in your life, but also divorcees, people who have married after being widowed…
While being so open it sounds like your family could have done with a condom or two… 5 kids? Contributing to a little over population… while we are being so high and mighty.
Try thinking of the message your putting out there about contraception. “Condoms are bad” and you wonder why there are unwanted pregnancies. You stupid, ignorant tosser. I think I’ll be taking Chris’s side. While coming off a little too anti Christian for me, at least he made sense.
You ask “What's the point? (in having multiple partners)” Don't bother, you will obviously really have no idea
Coye- I can honestly say that my post was not meant to be arrogant as you took it to be. "High and mighty" is not what I was aiming for...
1. "Sex is meant for one man and one woman"...yes, coye, I believe it wrong to have "a couple" of partners as you put it, but did I ever say anything about the divorced or widowed? You are taking my words far out of their context. If you'd like me to explain my views on those individual situations I'd be glad to. 2. And it's 6 kids actually, not 5. 3. I don't wonder why there are unwanted pregnancies- I know. It's the teens who are taught to mess around all they want without having to worry about the consequences and, hate to say it, condoms promote that message. 4. As for the whole "setting my standards higher"- I suppose that's where you got the arrogance from. Looking back on it, it does sound biggety, but that's not the point I was trying to convey. Self control - that's all I'm saying. Maybe you don't see sex in the same light that I see it and I'm guessing that's how it is with most people. Fine, I realize that I can't change anyone's beliefs or upbringings. But those who do believe that sex is the ultimate gift to wait for need to be heard in this world of immorality. 5. You said one thing I can agree with...I know I'll never have more than one partner and he's out there somewhere. And when I finally meet him and marry him, we're gonna have some mad sex on our honeymoon night!
Thank you for taking the time to explain this to them. I've been trying and failing for half a year.
I agree COMPLETELY with you. I think the only difference is I don't believe in divorce, unless there is drugs, abuse, or something of that substance involved.
Thank you and God Bless You, jhawkgurl-1!
''Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.'' -Tupac Shakur
This may be beating a dead horse, however I just came across this thread.
Regarding pornography and rapists, I have a book written by an FBI agent who wrote about the dimensions of rape in one of his novels, plus I have studied abnormal/forensic psychology for a few years.
The power-reassurance rapist (who is relatively the easiest to deal with, since he doesn't want to hurt you) is typically profiled as frequenting adult bookstores and/or collecting pornography -- BUT! The thing that probably triggers this is the fact that they typically live with extremely domineering mothers or are involved in dependent relationships*. They feel like crap regarding themselves and perform rapes to feel better about themselves. Granted, this is the most common type however, the porn has nothing to do with his rape habits. One should worry more about the guy with the super-macho sports car or the panel truck, not the guy who collects porn. On top of it all, out of all the types of rapists not a one of them typically has normal sexual functions.
The point is that porn doesn't produce rapists, it's another mechanism that's triggered by something else (grudge against women, domineering mother etc etc).
*Paraphrased from John Douglas & Mark Olshaker's "Obsession." P 104-112. Pocket Books, New York. 1998.
"The power-reassurance rapist (who is relatively the easiest to deal with, since he doesn't want to hurt you) is typically profiled as frequenting adult bookstores and/or collecting pornography -- BUT! The thing that probably triggers this is the fact that they typically live with extremely domineering mothers or are involved in dependent relationships."
Just like the mom in "Cyber Seduction". Hey, I guess Justin is a rapist in the making!
Also: what the hell is wrong with Justin that he doesn't know how to masturbate? Has his family tested to see if he's mentally retarded?
Suck puppet accounts? Your attempts at humor are getting more and more pathetic. And you're the first and only to come up with the insane idea that I have more than one account.
"But you cannot deny the correlations between the two"
What excactly is the correlation because I do not see it. Apparently though, in your professional studies, you have discovered this....Really, correlation come on, do not mistake that for just your opinion.
And, by the way, all the prmarital sex is why we have all these kids in foster care! and why divorce rates are so sky high!
I wonder what divorces should have to do with premarital sex. It's just that people especially women are a lot more independent nowadays. Til like 50 years ago normally women were there for raising the kids and men earned money. So a woman thought about it twice if she divorced and would end up with nothing, even if she was unhappy and got beaten up etc. Do you really believe all those couples which never divorced were all happy? If people have sex before or after marriage doesn't have anything to do if the marriage is good or if they divorce anywhen. Like it has nothing to do if someone is a Christian priest and then rapes little boys. A$$holes can be everywhere, it's not a matter of premarital sex or religion or w/e. To say that sounds just ignorant.
---- Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.
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If you have a lot of unattached sex before you get married, yeah, that does lead to emotional problems and unwanted pregnancies. Such nice independence.
For someone who is anti-harry potter, you sure do seem to like the use of a gangster's quote. How screwed is that? Harry Potter gives children the ability to dream, that's all it does and to deny them that is pretty stupid.
I realize that some religions see it as a cult/wiccan thing, but to assume that it's rubbish because it's imaginative makes you look stupid. You shouldn't have even mentioned it if you never watched or read it yourself.
You are being a hypocrite.
The funny thing about your statement is you ac as if Tupac was a Gang member. Can you please show me where you are pulling that information from? Last time I check Tupac wrote a set of rules to try to prevent most gang violence. The code is called "Thug Life." Tupac in some way has changed every ones life and has some influence in your own life even if you don't want to admit it. Tupac was also so much more then just a rapper. He was an artist in all aspects. Do some research on him. He has more influence in the music industry then probably any artist ever. There are collage courses on his poetry.
Now on the subject of most of this thread. Rape has nothing to do with porn addiction. Period.
In response to ktwtupac, he DID have ties to the Piru bloods and one of the suspects in his murder, Orlando Anderson, was a Crip. Tupac had been involved in a number of incidences regarding violence that included shootouts with officers, with rivals (one case left a 6 yr old boy dead), sexual assault, etc. You claim, "Tupac in some way has changed every ones life and has some influence in your own life even if you don't want to admit it." I fact, I find that claim more than laughable. Look at his past actions and the things he rapped about: violence, degrading women, drug/alcohol abuse, how is that anything positive? Perhaps he had potential and part of him wanted to change, but it was obvious what route he chose and what won out, afterall, dont you remember his philosophy? Live by the gun, die by the gun? And that is exactly what happened. Obviously he didnt want to change bc he stayed he stayed in his old ways when he couldve done something else... Now in response to the topic, I dont see how rape and porn are related. The two are not related or one isnt the cause of another. I do find porn to be dehumanizing in a way since it always shows the woman being humiliated in some sort, although there are instances where men are also dehumanized. However, there are some people out there that are able to watch it and not treat the opposite sex any less respectful or it interfere in their lives. It is up to the individual involved. I dont necessarily agree with all the things that the christians have to say because Im an atheist, however, I respect their views as long as they respect mine, even though we may disagree.
Personally I feel until it gets to the point it interferes in his social and school life it isn't a problem. That happened to this guy, he was staying up late drinking Red Bull (or whatever energy drink he had) and beating off to porn. He even downloaded it on a PDA while at a swim meet and accessed it on a friends computer. Also getting his little brother into it.
If all he was doing was looking up the occasional porn site you would be right. However that wasn't all he was doing and he got addicted. Hell he went from the free stuff to the overpriced stuff.
I haven't seen this movie, but I came across this thread and found some comments rather interesting.
First off, I do believe porn is bad. I have one reason for that- in my opinion, porn portrays women in a totally inaccurate way, depicting us as sex objects. This, to me, as a woman, is extremely degrading, because certainly not all women would portray themselves in this way, but porn often teaches teenage boys that this is the way that women should be treated. And that is wrong. Of course teenage boys are going to fantasize and be curious about it, but the truth is that porn is simply giving kids the wrong message. You may think porn is all right, but think about your daughters, or your mothers, or sisters, or grandmothers; would you want them portrayed in that way?
Now, in regards to the sex issue, I'm just fifteen years old, and don't have any first-hand experience in this area, but I've heard from Christians and non-Christians alike that sex is better when two people are in love and totally committed to one another. Certainly I'm not condemning anyone who has had premarital sex, or sex with more than one person, but from what I've heard, sex is much, much better when two people are in love, and preferably married.
I'm also pretty upset by all the comments about Christians thinking themselves as "high and mighty." I'm a Christian, but I haven't always been one, and of course I've done non-Christian things that I'm not proud of. But I'm certainly not condemning anyone for having done anything that the Bible says is morally wrong. We all have our vices, whether we recognize them, or consider them vices at all. Not that premarital sex is in that category-- I'm just trying to make a point.
All I'm saying is that porn is unhealthy, and I don't like the way that I, as a girl, have been treated because of what it teaches boys about girls. Because I don't think anyone can disagree that porn is certainly NOT respectful towards women, and that in itself is enough for me to consider it wrong.
karaokebabe, sexual stereotypes were always apparent in the media, even if manifested with innuendo. I mean, Marilyn Monroe in a lacy dress, was considered provocative and sexually demeaning in her time. Does much of America consider that the same way today? And all forms of media (but not everyone who participates in it) have displayed women with that sexual standard, whether it was movies, music, art, etc. Some say that a woman shouldn't be ashamed of her body and her sexuality and should feel liberated by such a standard, others don't say so. And why should there be a double standard? Media can placed ridiculous stereotypes on men as well (such as all are sexually obsessed pigs with no respect for women whatsoever). So, a few porn videos are the only medium of entertainment that provide demeaning stereotypes for women, and men as well?
But, I don't believe media should be fully blamed either. Some things are for entertainment, simply put. Depending on the content and age group, a person should be able to decipher fantasy from reality. [but that, in itself, is a whole 'nother issue]
Nine o' clock? But that's when life begins!- Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
From that first statment alone, I knew you were too inexperienced to have an insightful comment pertaining to this topic. Porn does not depict women as sexual objects,just because males tend to watch it, they are capable of distinguishing this as merely a fantasy hence why women are sexualized because well, you know, most of us like to be in control if it is OUR fantasy. Remember, there are all types of porn out there straight, gay, S&m, and other various fetishes. It is not often you hear from a man bound and gagged in leather, complaining about how he is being portrayed on screen. Honestly, you complain of your treatment, do boys pull up in a van next to you, thinking that you are just gonna hop in and *beep* a bunch of strangers? Give me a break! Get over yourself. Whether you believe it or not, most men, and I grew up watching plenty of porn, I am 25yrs old and happy with my girlfriend of 4yrs now (who watches porn with me as well), can distinguish between the behavior they see on screen and what the reality actually is. It sounds as if you are saying that guys do not have any sort of prior social interaction with females that would shape appropriate behavior, they only learn about women because they paid $9.99 a month to find out about them. *beep* that christian *beep* I hate this religious policing that prevents people from living freely in the U.S., cause you know that is why we actually live here. When you gain some experience in a few years, revisit your post and wince at the tired, uninformed and clueless statements you have made. Get out people lives and mind your damn business.
True, I personally have no experience to base this upon. And you make an interesting point that I cannot totally ignore, about men having prior social interaction with women.
But what about boys who start watching porn at age 13, 14? That could be their first serious exposure to women. That may define the way they see women.
Human sexuality is a fragile thing. You speak as if we all have total control about letting what we put into our minds affect us, but what about say, a child who is sexually abused? That child knows that behavior is wrong sometime later in life. But often times, later in life, that child may repeat the same behavior. I think we are not so much in control of how things affect us as we think we are.
I don't think my statements were so clueless and uninformed. It was simply an opinion. There's no need to be so defensive, I was not attacking your moral values. Porn is simply something I view as wrong. You talk about freedom in this country, and yes you're entitled to your opinion, but I'm not? I'm not allowed to think porn is wrong because I'm being judgmental? That's a double standard. You want to be entitled to your opinion? Fine, you have the right. I'm also entitled to believe porn is wrong.
This was not a personal attack, there's no need to be defensive. I'm certainly not condemning you for what you believe. Who knows, perhaps someday I'll believe differently.
And please, when arguing a point, try not to personally insult a person's religion, it really does nothing to help your argument, it just makes you look just as intolerant as you accuse Christians of being.
And yes, I'll have you know, I've been treated very differently by guys who watch porn and guys who don't.
"But what about boys who start watching porn at age 13, 14? That could be their first serious exposure to women. That may define the way they see women."
Yes! If a guy is like 16+, maybe he can understand some sexy photos or regular-looking sex on camera b/c he's been talking with same-age females who are more used to their own sexualities, and he's more used to his own! But if it's a kid just hitting puberty and starting to have the option of dating or having serious crushes, he doesn't need to see grown women getting their heads dunked in toilets while a guy is having sex w/ them. That's just too twisted, and that's the crap that he's gonna stumble across in his first hunts for porn movies. He's gonna find the free weird stuff, not the airbrushed, expensive porn star stuff.
"And yes, I'll have you know, I've been treated very differently by guys who watch porn and guys who don't."
That is true. I mean, it depends on the TYPE of porn, but guys who watch porn a lot (and likely aren't ever in a deep relationship with someone) seem to have no clue how to interact with women and it's so awkward. They're just really immature, don't take females seriously and are no fun to hang out with.