MovieChat Forums > Grandma's Boy (2006) Discussion > Who else felt sorry for JP until he stol...

Who else felt sorry for JP until he stole Dante's game?

I thought he was a cool kid, that never grew up because he never got attention as a child and escaped off into video game land (LOL). When he finally had a crush on someone he ended up to weird (and bipolar if you include the robot voice), that he couldn't get her and was discarded from everyone else. I felt bad for the kid up until he stole Dantes game... For a little bit I almost thought JP was going to turn into a stalker to be honest (happens to a lot of people of his type I think).


Alex's game...I kinda, you know, made fun of him along the way too


No I didnt feel sorry for JP in the movie but I do kind of feel sorry for the dude in real life because he don't get as great roles as he should. Like in Dodgeball and The Hottie and Nottie were very subpar supporting role and just bad movies. Dude can act when you watch the DVD extras he ad libbed most of his robot acting, voices and lines. Pretty much everyone in the movie commented he was easily best actor on set. And had everyone crackin up.

btw If you like JPs acting, he's lead in the Hottie and Nottie and it's not a bad movie other than having to gringe through watching Paris Hilton try to act.


I sort of did. And that was my main problem with liking the movie. If JP was portrayed as a typical boss rather than a guy that seemed to thim MATRIX was real, then the "will the hero get the girl"? question wouldn't have seemed moot. It's hard to root for the main character to win the girl over the rival when said rival has no shot.

I love foxy boxing! It contains two of my favorite things: boxing & referees! - Tracy Jordan


I'd like him better if he did get those metal legs he was fixin on getting in the beginning.


Most of the time just thought he was a creepy dude that had no idea how to act in a social situation, actually did feel sorry for him when he went to Alex's house, but could spot that he was gonna steal his game from a mile away after he noticed it.


if you want to see more hilarious *beep* with this guy, check out Undeclared, it's only a season long, but it's hilarious, mostly ad libbed, the actors came up with their own characters, plus it's an apatow show, so you'll see Seth Rogen and jay Baruchel and a bunch of people from that group.



i didnt feel sorry for him at all. he treated everyone like crap/alienated his entire staff with the exception of Samantha and Mr. Cheezle. plus he was a huge douche to Samantha the whole time. don't forget he blew off Kane telling him his idea was stupid then stole completely credit for it with Samantha. plus he cried like a little bi+ch with Alex, then offered to help him with his game to which he turned around and claimed it as his own within 48 hours, then told Samantha that Alex was trying to get in her pants when Alex tried to defend himself.

it's no mystery none of his staff liked him. i feel not a single ounce of sympathy for JP.


You need help, 'tard.


He needs help for stating the truth? I think you need it more than him.


I didn't feel sorry for him. I thought he was a pretentious jerk.

You can be the biggest dork, geek, etc in the world but if you're cool with people then they'll still want to hang out with you. JP was a jerk - I think that was the main reason why nobody wanted him around.


I felt sorry for him to, until he stole Dante's game. Especially when he found out that he got the messages.

Last Seen
Grandma's Boy, 7.0/10
The Majestic, 7.0/10
5th Element, 7.5/10


I felt sorry for him through the entire movie - he was definetly the most likeapple character. And I was kinda annoyied that he didn't have such a nice ending.


Watch the movie Spiral. He wrote, directed, and is the lead in that movie, and his character is pretty much the dark stalker side of JP.

~ Don't judge me Monkey. ~


He didn't direct that movie and I don't think he wrote it either. I'm pretty sure Adam Green did.

"I'm gonna get nice and drunk; play some video games until my eyes bleed."


Adam Green
Joel Moore

Jeremy Danial Boreing (writer)
Joel Moore (writer)

So yes, he can't take sole credit, however he was involved. Also my point remains valid, even if he had nothing to do with the writing and directing, which in fact he did. Please don't nitpick and start sh!t with me, unlike 99% of the population on these boards I make valid statements and don't pull sh!t out of my ass.

~ Don't judge me Monkey. ~


Jesus, bro. I was just going off what I remembered reading like two years ago. That's why I said "I don't think." you act as if I cursed at you and vehemently disagreed with you.

"I'm gonna get nice and drunk; play some video games until my eyes bleed."


You said "He didn't direct", haha but sorry if I got a little agitated. If you spend any amount of time on these boards at all, I'm sure you know the kind of person that you came across as to me. Gotta keep those f|_|ckers in line.


~ Don't judge me Monkey. ~
