Why all the hate?

Why does everybody seem to hate this movie? It's not the best, for sure, but it's entertaining, and in my opinion, is a well spent hour or so. So why do most people here seem to hate it?


What most don't understand is that this movie is just one great piss-take on the French...

Vive La France!


Well, Richard Roeper and Robert Wilonsky really trashed the film when it came out. Roeper even found the character scary. I don't find him scary, although there are times when he can be annoying. It depends on what he is doing. As for the films, I haven't seen this one yet, but I think the problem is that on TV he's funnier because he is in his own world in bits vs. having to be in films where people aren't part of his world and he wears thin.



people call this movie silly, ridicules and over the top...yes, they are 200% correct...but people seem to hate the movie for these reasons... they just don't seem to get it... these are the same people who have never watched a Chaplin movie,Tati, Python or even Benny Hill.

I would call anything Bean(including this movie) unique and deeply missed in modern cinema.

i haven't watched a G rated movie in ages that compare to Rowan Atkinson humor as Mr. Bean. it's sad to think that people these days can't sit back and just enjoy a genius at work without sex, violence and a bunch of swearing (this coming from a gore hound that thrives on blood and sick humor).

well done Mr. Atkinson..

or should i say, Mr. Bean.

It's not the best Mr. Bean I've seen, but it's well worth the watch.

Why so cereal?


Because Atkinson is playing Mr. Bean and not Edmund Blackadder.


I agree with DeathoNacrackeR. Personally I thought that the comedy in the movie was well thought out. Especially the opera scene. Sure maybe not the best Bean ever, but still very funny and as DeathoNacrackeR has said people have forgotten to sit back and enjoy movies. The movie world promotes sex and drugs and other utter crap...and why people find that good is beyond me. I would far rather appreciate something like this than some commercial crap.


Snobbery. That's the simple answer.

Mr Bean isn't "cool" or "intelligent" comedy so gets rubbished by those who think they're above it. I never used to like Mr Bean but watched this film with my wife and son and thought it was great. Exactly what you want in a family movie. And I found it funny.

Leave your condescending attitude at the door and you'll enjoy this film for what it is. A funny and enjoyable family comedy.


I think it's sweet and hilarious and doesn't waste time being classy or dramatic. There's enough of that out there. :) Love it.

You give me joy that's unspeakable, Jesus I am so in love with You


This is a great little film with a lovable innocent character -
Mr. Bean is the child of Chaplin & Keaton -
And if they don't get it? Well, their loss!!


More like the child of Jacques Tati


Because this is a decent comedy movie and the majority of americans doesn't like decent comedies, they like trash comedies, which features bad languages, dirty scenes and no good story at all. Also this movie is all about france and the majority of americans doesn't like those movies which is all about a european country.


Enough generalizing about how bad American comedies are. They are the most successful and memorable in the world. The pinnacle. The apex.

I like Mr. Bean and love Blackadder (of course I love Fawlty Towers and the rest of the British line), but are they better than the Simpsons? Seinfeld? South Park? Arrested Development? Nope.

Stop licking my hand, you horse's ass!
-George Sr.


Markutb, first of all Mr. Bean is one of the most greatest comedy series of all time, that is true and always will be and yes Mr. Bean is better than The Simpsons, Seinfeld, South Park and many other american series. I think you like american series more than british and other countries' series because you are american but this never mean that you like better.


Mr. Bean is just a wandering idiot. I love Rowan Atkinson but Edmund Blackadder was such a better character. There is no way that I can substantially prove that one show is better than another, and I will concede to you that Mr. Bean is globally recognizable, but the only thing that I can say is that I have a larger fanbase, a larger audience, more revenue, higher ratings, universal icon recognition, and Emmys on my side. Plus the Simpsons are the most important pop culture breakthrough in the past 30 years. It is the longest running sitcom and in my opinion the most brilliant show on television.

Stop licking my hand, you horse's ass!
-George Sr.


Just like I said, your mind is stuck on one side, you are not thinking neutrally and globally. You are right my friend but on one sided point of view, the american point of view. I don't want you to hate what you like brother but if you think about this neutrally and globally, you'll know what is right. Think about that, think globally.


I guess I don't agree. I love british comedies. I defend them all the time to my American friends. I don't understand how I am being one-sided. I am looking at the situation with the utmost neutrality, because I have surveyed both sides of the buffet and I like them both. I just made the comment that successful American shows have a much larger fanbase and make more money (obviously) and they have the added pressure of pumping out 20 episodes every year. Plus, American stations do not have any patience for a show that starts to lose ratings. So you have to be excellent each and every week. I was watching a documentary about Blackadder and how they were given a second chance after they were cancelled (thank christ) and I was just shocked because that would never happen in America.

So I get the image that American audiences have earned. I understand where you are coming from but I am just not that guy.

Stop licking my hand, you horse's ass!
-George Sr.


Like I said, you are not seeing this scenario globally, you are still seeing this by only one country's point of view.


"Like I said, you are not seeing this scenario globally, you are still seeing this by only one country's point of view."

How? I just explained that I don't have a one-sided point of view. What I am telling you are facts not my personal American opinions. American shows make more money. They have a larger fanbase. The content is constantly controlled. The pressure to perform is much greater. They put out more shows per year. If Mr. Bean had to put out 24 episodes a year, every week, it would get stale. People don't want to buy the series on DVD and watch a guy stumble around vaudeville style for 12 hours. Whereas one season of the Simpsons has more material on it than the complete series of Fawlty Towers and Blackadder put together. It is not a question of which one is better or not, because like I said I love both of them, but you can't hurl criticisms at tv on this side of the pond...

Stop licking my hand, you horse's ass!
-George Sr.


Okay, let me get this straight, you still doesn't understand what I am trying to say to you. Most americans like you think that U.S.A is the only country on earth or every country is just like U.S.A, here's the news splash, there are hundreds of countries and every country is different to another. You think that if anything that is popular in america is same popular in every country else, that's not true my friend. For example: In europe, asia and middle-east Mr. Bean series is more popular than any american series and most people in these regions doesn't even recognize american television series. As far as money making and episodes are concerned, in these regions people still see Mr. Bean series, even they already saw the whole series before, this mean Mr. Bean's producers still making money.

What I am trying to say to you for the past many days is that if a movie or television series is popular in america that's never meant that the same movie or series is popular in the entire world. You favorite american series has large episode quantity and get higher ratings every week but only in america. I respect your surveys but these are just american surveys not the whole world.

I am sorry if you mine anything. I still have plenty to describe but I don't have much time, I am a busy person and you are wasting my time for past many days. In the end please note that I have no intention to offend you or american people or american television series, I am just showing some facts.


How many American channels can you get in Britain?

Stop licking my hand, you horse's ass!
-George Sr.


Here's another silly and off the topic reply. Thanks for wasting my time, I can't waste more time with you, I already wasted plenty of my time, we'll meet again in another topic, till then goodbye.


My point is that American channels are all over the world. Where as I have directtv and I have 2 british channels. Two! Out of 1000 channels I have BBC America 1 and 2. That's it. You have a very valid point, but the fact is if a show is popular in America IT IS popular globally.


Hahaha, what I said all above about americans is all true and you are a one dumb guy.


Why? You have no facts no arguments. You just keep calling me dumb and saying the same thing over and over. I think I am right and I provide an argument. You think you are right and you call me dumb.

There is always somebody who is going to hate what is on top. American media is the most popular in the world and people just like to bitch about it.


Hahaha, that's exactly why I call you dumb, I already provided so much facts and arguments and you still doesn't understand any one of them and beside understanding you doesn't know how to stay in the topic. That's exactly why...


"In europe, asia and middle-east Mr. Bean series is more popular than any american series and most people in these regions doesn't even recognize american television series. As far as money making and episodes are concerned, in these regions people still see Mr. Bean series, even they already saw the whole series before, this mean Mr. Bean's producers still making money.

What I am trying to say to you for the past many days is that if a movie or television series is popular in america that's never meant that the same movie or series is popular in the entire world. You favorite american series has large episode quantity and get higher ratings every week but only in america. I respect your surveys but these are just american surveys not the whole world. "

These are the only things that you have said that remotely resembles factual material and I told you that this is false due to the large market of American shows and the higher episode demand. American shows can be viewed anywhere in the world and are globally recognizable. This adds to the ad revenue thus increasing their total marketability for ad time and dvd sales. In terms of total series value there is not a single british or any nationality show that is remotely in league to compete with the top sellers in America GLOBALLY.

Take a look at the Simpsons, they have the best primetime slot possible and have been an American staple for twenty years. Their value in ad sales alone is more than the entire BBC lineup combined. Not to mention the DVD sales. I guess I am having a hard time understanding why this is hard to comprehend.


Okay, you started it and I am finishing it, you like The Simpsons and I like Mr. Bean end of the story. Please close the topic because you are keep saying the same thing over and over again, you are stuck on one thing. I said you before that you are wasting my time, you are truly a dumb guy, you don't know how to understand anything and that's why I can't waste more time with you.

But that doesn't mean that you are right, if you post thousands of messages about the popularity of american series that still doesn't change the fact that american series are not the same popular outside of america as inside of america. I am a less talking guy and that's why I didn't describe you briefly about this, I thought that you would understand this but you didn't and that's why I can't waste more time with you. I am putting you in my ignore list, I am sorry brother but you made me do this. I apologize for anything that hurt your feelings.


I like Mr. Bean you *beep* wanker. You are not even listening, that is why I keep having to *beep* explain myself. I am not even talking about any kind of matters of opinion. I am telling you cold hard sultanameer bashing facts. The simpsons have sold over 15 million copies of their seasons, they made $580 million on their movie, they make over 1 million every year on figurines and brand trademarked items. The show literally is a multi-billion dollar industry.


American TV industry is stronger and richer (because America is a big capitalist country). That is why US companies have more money to advertise, promote and force upon people their products. It often results in popularity of low-quality shows and especially movies. But when products from smaller countries which are economically weaker gain world popularity despite the American monopoly (like Mr. Bean), it means a lot and it really proves the quality. The Simpsons are great but the quality went down during this decade. They are still forced upon world, though, because there is a big advertising mechanism behind it.
And the shows you mentioned, like Seinfeld, etc. Those are all sitcoms. Sitcom is an American popular form of comedy. It is not for every taste, though. I never found Friends or Seinfeld even remotely funny. Americans seem not to understand other genres of comedy. Even the movies start looking like sitcoms.

“The British cinema is made of dullness...“ - F. Truffaut


Totally right.



"are they better than the Simpsons?" No. "Seinfeld?" No. "South Park?" Yes. "Arrested Development?" No. South Park is pandering crap; it shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as Blackadder and Fawlty Towers.


They don't like Bean. They don't get it; you're not really supposed to like him.

The point is that the movie succeeds in spite of the outward Bean. And Bean succeeds in spite of himself, because of some deeper virtues.



this is a fun and entertaining movie to watch with the kids. They laugh at these funny situations. I could watch it again with my kids and laugh at the same jokes. How can you dislike innocent humor. Its not offensive to anyone I am suspicious of people who have no sense of humor. Mr. Bean makes little kids laugh, older kids laugh. and very old kids laugh. I think thats a great gift to have.


I have to admit I've never like Rowan Atkinson - tried to get into the Blackadder series and could never do it. For whatever reason Mr Bean's Holiday won me over - reminds me more than a little of Jacques Tati, altho Tati had a much different style. This is a very funny movie, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.
