Similar movies.
What are some movies that are similar to this?
Certain people name dropped David Lynch's "Blue Velvet" (1986) and "Lost Highway" (1997), some mentioned Polanski's "The Tenant" (1976), others even the likes of "Switchblade Romance" and "Funny Games" but what are other similar films to this?
Also, can you compare it to the likes of "Single White Female" (1992) with Bridget Fonda and Jennifer Jason Leigh?
What about Eli Roth's recent movie "Knock Knock" (2015) which had Keanu Reeves as a victim of two young ladies in it?
But anyways, in general, what are some movies similar to this Norwegian production that is "Next Door" (2005), thanks!
The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!