Why did the guy die?

I am just wondering what the significance was that the "critic" died from the dog thing.


It was a shot from Mnight at movie critics.

He was basically saying in his movie that they seem to be in a spot of intellectual wisdom, but really they are morons who waste everyone's time by their terrible analysis. So first he made it obvious that he was saying "this guy is a moron" then has him killed. His death is then completely ignored throughout the rest of the movie.


Ah k thanks.



People here keep saying things like this:

"His death is then completely ignored throughout the rest of the movie."

lol The REST of the movie?? Why is this repeated so much here? There was 14 minutes of the movie left. He died at the END. They didn't even have time because of everything else going on to even realize he was gone. The critic died when the movie was nearly OVER.

I don't think these people have actually even watched the movie, I think ONE person said it, and then others just kept repeating it. If you SAW the movie, you'd know how ridiculous is the above quote. The movie is 1 hour, 49 minutes long, counting CREDITS, the critic dies at 1 hour and 28 minutes, the ending credits roll at 1 hour and 42 minutes LOL!


Wai Gai Dai is one of M Night's favorite ethnic dishes when he goes out dining. Mine too.

At home, he sticks to hot dogs on wonder bread buns, I think.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!


It was also a clever move by Mr Sham to make that critic look almost exactly like Richard Attenborough´s serial killer in 10 Rillington Place. That´s a major body blow we´re talking here; a thorough pre-emptive strike against any criticism (and by extention any sense or reason against which his handiwork would be held) that he must have known was gonna occur.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


It was a slam against the critics that panned The Village.


It was also a slam against the critics he knew were about to pan "Lady".



It was much more than just "panning the critics". There's an entire depth to the story that not too many people realize. If you're open-minded about finding the real meaning to LitW, to really appreciate what it's truly about, click below:


And includes the real reason why the critic was killed in the story.

"Rescue the damsel in distress; kill the bad guy; save the world."
--Rick O'Connell


"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so."

Truer words were never spoken regarding critics.




whats the big deal? why cant you criticise a critic? seems hypocritical, especially from a bunch of people who claim they watch movies to be "edified". and what happened to having a sense of humor? why do critics take it so seriously? they can dish out but cant take it right?

so like, you can mock the church, the government, religion etc but not a critic. thats taboo.


Well, also keep in mind this was a real fairy tale, not the dumbed down version we've been fed by Disney all these years. In real fairy tales, death is a fact of life. It's often a trope--such as a metaphor for something happening in the world in which the story was originated.



I thought it was just M Night's indulging his view of critics! Also, it showed how comprehensively wrong he was - not at all genre savvy!

This. Definetely a dig at movie critics. 

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


It's his dig at film critics. Irony is, they probably helped his first two films, what with the positive reviews he got.


I am just wondering what the significance was that the "critic" died from the dog thing.


didn't even need to be in this movie - like ask yourself why Night delighted in killing off the 2 femi-boys in The Happening.

he simply sets up typical americans being american and zaps them with great glee as you can see in the extras on dvds [which are a joy to watch].

the critic is a particularly BAD aspect of the American Beauty SO he kills one off

see below how he sets it up.

http://reviewmnights.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/how-to-kill-movie-critic. html
