Reid Rant
The issue with Matthew Gray Gubler is that in the early seasons he is sickly looking due to being severely underweight -I do not know about now because I could not stand to watch the show anymore due to his poor acting skills and his appearance. But I am sequestered and as such it popped up on cable and I noticed that this guy is severely underweight. He is yellow because he is malnourished. He should gain some weight; it is extremely distracting for someone who had anemia not from being underweight and took iron and lost the wan look. I also danced and my fellow dancers were anorexic and they looked exactly like Reid -rings under the eyes and just REALLY unhealthy and so obviously UNDERWEIGHT. He claims to have been a model perhaps he thinks he can continue to be unnaturally thin and look goo on tv. THat heroin chic look only works on weird runways. He is making a lot of money the least he could do is not repulse a majority of his audience. Eat a cheeseburger, Spencer.
The second thing that bothers me about Reid/Reed is his hair. He has an extremely large forehead or" fivehead" colloquially, and his hair is unkempt hence, I am taken completely out of every scene because he is completely unbalanced looking, emaciated, wan and with dark circles under his eyes and awful hair. His ribs show in the pool scene in the years with Mandy Patinkin and this obvious problem is unaddressed at least for the duration of Patinkin's run.
Also I do not find Gubler to be an adequate actor. Smart people do not act like automatons -perhaps his character has Asperger's? The show does not explain his problem and all laugh and think his unbelievably annoying behavior and weird look is "cute". It is not. They claim he is a genius which he does not convey convincingly, rather he shouts out impertinent facts like a person with Tourette's -perhaps that is why he is acting like an automaton.
I find Gubler and Reid/Reed in their entirety ANNOYING. He says he's naturally thin. I was a Physical Therapist before changing careers and he is not' he is unnaturally thin and it is distracting to anyone with a minimal understanding of physiology. I will not be binge watching this show for that reason. Also all references to him being annoying on the internet have been removed by his posse of Freaks, members of Anonymous who live in their mother's basements et al; all of my friends ltao when they see this guy and find him irritating AF. They too are ANNOYED.