Did Gadot pull it off?

Okay, she doesn't really have the right build and some don't like her accent and nobody's going to pay to hear her recite Shakespeare... but did she work in the role?

Personally, I think she carried it off. Maybe not great with dialogue, but she did project the personality of someone who's completely open and confident, because she's never met an obstacle she couldn't overcome, never experienced rejection, and who's never been embarrassed or shamed or afraid. Most actors can't bring that off, they can't help holding something back or being afraid to go that far, because face it real people just aren't like that, particularly women.


When I first heard she was cast I thought it was a mistake. (I was hoping they'd have considered Nadia Bjorlin) But after seeing the movie, I realized they made the right choice. She made that role her own.


She was bland and too skinny and can't do an American Accent


Why would you think an American accent might be called for?

She's from an island in the Mediterranean, and then we see her living in Paris!


In the comics she passed off as American. She worked as a Nurse and was also an assistant to Steve Trevor when he went on missions.
In all the media including the recent Bloodlines movie and Injustice 2 she has an American accent. The movie isn't accurate


Okay, I'll grant that by the middle of the 20th century, Diana should be able to pass as an American when appropriate. However, none of her film appearances to date have required her to do so! Of course in 1919 she wouldn't have done any work on accents, and by the end of the film she was living in Paris and wouldn't want to sound like an American. And during her brief appearances in "BvsS" she wanted to sound like an International Woman of Mystery and not an American, and among her fellow heroes in "JL" she was being her Amazonian self and not putting on a fake accent.

Of course this is HIGHLY likely to be a problem in "WW1984", which is set during an era when she should have bene living in the US and passing as one of us. Hopefully they'll get Gadot a good dialogue coach.


The films got her wrong she should do an American Accent. They are being lazy cause Gal can't do one


Seriously, why the hell would an Amazon fresh off of Themyscira speak with an American accent? Do you think Thymeyscira is part of the Floriday Keys or something?


Because thats from the comics. Like I said she passed off as American when she took Steve Trevor back to America were she worked as a nurse and helped during Missions. I got comics and a ton of media to back me up . This casting is fail


You could not be more wrong. The comics you're (probably) referring to are about 20 years old; Wonder Woman has been retconned & re-imagined NUMEROUS times since then. The current version in the comics never "passed as an American," and there's absolutely no reason for her to do so, even if she was working as a nurse/helping with missions.

As far as the film, complaining about her accent is absurd. . .raise your hand if you know what a woman from a fictional island that knows multiple languages and gets her abilities from magic should sound like.

Yeah. She should sound like Gadot. Who *nailed* it, incidentally. None of the problems with any of the movies she's been in can be laid at her feet.


Cute but nice try she still should sound American.
She sure as hell shouldn't sound Israeli. Thats cause Gal can't do an American Accent


It's neither "cute," nor a "nice try." I gave you some indisputable facts. If your response is a blind "she should sound American," even after it's been explained to you why that's not true, I can't help you.


I have given you facts why the casting is wrong and everything is on my side.


You have No "facts." You claimed Diana passed as an American. . .NOT true (movies or comics). You claimed she worked w/Trevor as a nurse. . .Not True. Et Cetera. Nothing you said was "facts". . .you referenced a couple stories that were published decades ago, in a continuity that no longer applies in the comics, and NEVER applied to the movies.

You can continue to insist, but you're simply wrong. Both in the comics and the movies, her backstory is: Raised on a hidden magical island, speaks several languages, spent time in several countries, has a wide circle of friends/acquaintances. Given this, there's no way you can say WHAT her accent "should" be. Full stop.


Those are facts what i gave you just are not a fan you just defending this bs. The comics and cartoons and games are on my side. You ate your words she can speak many languages but only speak with an Isreali accent by default. The recent Bloodlines movie references her orgin. If having Isreali accent is the correct version why didn't she have one in Injustice 2,Death of Superman or Wonder Woman Bloodlines? Cause it ain't right


Thought you were trolling for a sec, then I read back over your messages. . .you're either very young, or a special kind of slow. Either way, if you can't understand any of this given what I've already explained, I can't help you. Sorry.


Face you lost and were proven wrongπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


Whatever helps you sleep.


She actually built up a lot of muscle for the WW role. Compare her build in the Fast and Furious movies.
There was a whole feature in "Muscle & Fitness" about her workout routine for BvS.


I disagree, she put on baby weight while she was filming wonder woman, thats were most of the weight came from, she may have gain a few extra pounds as she got older but it was less training and more baby fat gain that was lost after she had the baby which can be seen in 2018+

2015 - F&F7 time

2016 - bvs time

2017 - wonder woman / justice league time - when she was pregnant and post birth

2018 - after the baby weight loss

2020 - wonder woman 1984
