It Took Two Women...

...for DC to finally REALLY get it right.


Well, they were really worried it would tank because hey, women! lol
So they took extra care of doing it right instead of basically throwing BS on a page and casting a bunch of hot looking dudes like they usually do?


You can't blame them. There was like Catwoman and Elektra to name a few that failed horribly so you can see why they're worried.


Those were made in a different era. I suspect if the same movies were released in the present, they would not be so widely mocked and have such low ratings.

I never saw catwomen. I thought Elektra was pretty good, but I had low expectations and I had zero prior exposure to the character. Also, I like watching movies where women kick ass.


I've thought the same thing. And I LOVE that it was Wonder Woman that gave them a critical/financial success. After all the years of ignoring her and feeding us Batman and Superman over and was HER that put them back on the map again! Love it so much!

And IS because they took their time with her and credit where credit is Patty Jenkins for her passion and talented eye.


They havent got it right yet...this movie is horribly bad in almost everything, Gal Gadot is ok as WW and Patty is competent action director but Snyders script is just one of the worst ever and every logical gap every 5 minutes is even worse and the boring villians isnt even worth mentioning in this mess of a movie...WB bought the critics to save their asses after being bashed completly with MoS and BvS, but infact, both of those movies are way better than this crap...only retards can accept this mess of movie as a "good" movie...


Lol. So that's what it's like to have your post trolled. First time for everything.

Thanks. That was a lot of fun!


A different opinion is not trolling. The people/sjw types might think this is the best movie since sliced bread, but it's on par with man of steel or bvs. There's nothing special about this movie at all. It suffers from the same over sexualisation of women that every other female lead action movie has.


Nah...he's trolling.


Silly child


Oooo you got me good! lol




Was Chris Pine also over-sexualized in his bathtub scene?

Sex is a topic human beings are interested in. If you want to make a popular movie, the first two necessary ingredients are sex and violence. Kiss kiss, bang bang.


If your character has to rely on sex, then she or he isnt worth bothering with. Im not a virgin tween or prick adult that thinks women are only good for one thing. Imagine the horror of a having a female lead that wasnt dressed in next to nothing, didnt have perfect hair and makeup after jumping through and demolishing a fucking building!

Chris pine isnt the litmus standard here. All other male super heroes are. Did batman have to rely on showing his cock off? Did superman? Does tony stark? How about spiderman? No, male characters are varied and while sex will always play apart in entertainment, it should be the only fucking thing theyre allowed to do.

Wonderwoman was billed as a feminist movie, or a female led movie that takes women forward is what we were sold. Does it fuck. Its the same tired bullshit. Show me an ugly girl kicking the fuck out of people with blood and piss all over her and that will be the day when female equality in the entertainment industry is here. It sure fuck isnt in the tween wank bank piece of shit.

And to answer your very bullshit question, did chris pine run around with next to no clothes on for the rest of the movie? Did he have constantly perfect hair and make up? No he didnt, now shut the fuck sjw cock sucker, and get it through your fucking head. You and cunts like you are the problem. You think liking this movie makes you a friend to women. It doesnt. It just makes you another wanker that cant get a girl to touch them and so need to rely on the titillation and exploitation of women to get their jollies.


To be fair Wonder Woman was dressed as any male would be in a Gladiator film or TV Show, so not really sexualising her more than they would a male in a Gladiator film (going back to even Charlton Heston and further). If this was a Hercules film he would be dressed very similar as well.

Having said that, she was dressed liker a Male Gladiator, which often is the problem inaction films with female actors, they pretty much take the male style and give it to a woman (I get the Snyder dislike). Then again to me the way Wonder Woman was attired really made her seem more like Xena than Wonder Woman, though in time perhaps her attire will change somewhat.

Hayley Atwell as Agent Carter was much more of a step forward than what Wonder Woman was, that was a kick-ass woman dressed in a manner that was mostly down to earth (minus the lingerie wearing parts). Sure they went a bit heavy on the Male attitude parts, but given it was the mid 40's the way they had the men consider women to be wasn't far from the truth of the times. It was just overplayed, yeah we get it women can do more than what the men of the times thought they could, you don't have to tell us every episode.

Hell even in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D the women like Skye/Daisy, May, Simmons and Bobbi spend time looking beat up, Skye/Daisy spent most of last season looking bruised and battered (fat lip and all).

EDIT: Hahaha I waffled on a bit here, that wasn't all aimed at you FordFairlane, lots of in general stuff in it.


I could not agree with you more about agent carter/Hayley atwell. She was attractive, but it wasn't what the character or the actress relied on to be interesting. They did over play the women are as good as men thing though. To steal a line from writers 'show, don't tell".

The agents of shield girls though are, in my opinion, way over the top. They all fall in to the same over sexualised cliche that Hollywood does so well. It can be somewhat forgiven here though as agents doesn't take itself too seriously, and no one is claiming the show is a 'feminist' breakthrough.

WW may need to dress like that based on the comic or indeed the cinematic history of the character and culture. But it's still over sexualisation of women and there for scant be considered a step in the right direction for feminism. It still gives the message only attractive women can see movies. I don't have anything against Wonder Woman, I don't think it was that great a movie. It was no better or worse than the man of steel or bvs in my opinion. I think that if they just said "this is a cool super hero movie" that would have been fine, when they started banging on about how great this 'feminist movie' was and how great it was for equality is where it started to irk me.

To this day I can only think of one honest to God female action hero that didn't relay on sex in any way. Ripley in aliens. That was 30 years ago and we still can't make a movie with a woman that isn't defined by her body?


As I said I waffled on a bit there, however agree with the Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D bit, which is kind of what I meant but didn't say as my thoughts ran away with me (why it starts with Hell even). Even though they are sexualised at least when they've been in a fight it looks like they've been in a fight, even though they are portrayed the way they are.

And yeah I don't get how WW passes the the Bechdel test, that thing is way to easy to pass it seems, also yeah I don't hate the film just what it supposedly represents. I even saw Chris Pine as stunt casting, in a hear look even Captain Kirk can accept a woman giving the orders way, maybe I'm a bit off on that but that's how I saw it as I watched.


Oh don't worry about that, I tend to waffle and go off on tangents myself lol. So it's not just you.


Ford Fairlane:
Ugly dudes kick ass in films all the time, so what's your stupid point? A woman's looks don't have to do anything with her kicking ass in a film. It's only because the male executives who run Hollywood sexualize female leads to the point of their characters being unrealistic most of the time. And you don't have to be all nasty and explicit and snapping back at anyone's opinion you don't like. If you didn't like WW,fine, but everyone else dosen't have to hate it just because you do. And enough calling people who don't agree with you or who point out racism and sexism "sjws". I'm tired of hearing that bull****, too.


Who gives a fuck what your tired of you triggered little fuck.


Most of these types of movies sexualize their characters (both male and female), otherwise they wouldn't cast such good looking actors with virtually perfect bodies.


And that's fine, just don't tell me it's a femisnt movie. Or a movie thatsmits something different in the action female genre. I don't mean you specifically, I mean places like nerdist that claimed it was the best movie ever and was so good for feminism. Which is an utter lie lol.


Ford Fairlane:
Do you even know what feminism means? Obviously, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't keep on rambling all this nonsense about it. And women are sexualized in films mainly because it's men running Hollywood, and they're always sexualizing women in films to get their rocks off. Haven't seen WW yet, but I read in a review that her character isn't as sexualized as a main female character usually is, mainly because it's a female director in charge of the film---which is refreshing. The film is feminist because it's got a female lead character who is strong in her own right, and not being any man's sidekick or fantasy, or just being the girlfriend/wife/sidepiece/whatever. So,hell yeah, it's a feminist film--period.


You haven't even fucking seen it, but you have the gall to tell me what this movie is or isn't doing? Go duck yourself you triggered little fuck. And learn to fucking read past the fucking headline. Fucking sjws are the same, looking for anything to get triggered about.


no...I aint trolling...I seriously hated this worthless movie....


It was an ok movie. But I think woman are making a bigger deal out of it than what it was. Potc , Alien Covenant were better films Imo...


It's a truly admirable and super cool thing. Whitemale justice crybabies (you know how many of them alt-rights are so disenfranchised, lol) may have their issues with it, but... screw them!!! Honestly though, while i wouldn't say it quite blew me away, it absolutely left a big impression on me. So in my opinion it not only lived up to the hype, I believe it's exactly what DC (superhero films in general) needed.


Youre letting the fact women were involved cloud you judgement. It was any better or worse than the other movies in the series. Just because it was a lady director and a lady star doesnt mean it gets a pass on the things wrong with it.


Actually many of the white male alt-right crowd does feel disenfranchised and is to some degree actually disenfranchised. Just b/c they're less disenfranchised than some other groups doesn't make their reality any less true for them. Their ignorance is easy to mock, but it's still mostly down to ignorance and not due to them just being bad or evil.


No surprise to DC historians. The company as we know it today is largely due to the vision of one other woman - Jenette Kahn.
