MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Gal Gadot is simply WRONG both in Look a...

Gal Gadot is simply WRONG both in Look and in Speech for Wonder Woman

So after so much time after the news of Gadot's (mis)casting as Wonder Woman, her defenders (who are largely made up of fashion industry fanatics that want androgynous looking women to be as much in the media as possible) kept claiming that either she was completely right for the role as she was or that she will be just fine after she has some "intense" physical training and she will look totally different when all is said and done.

Well, after all was said and done, the truth revealed otherwise. Remember that "Ice Bucket Challenge" trend that was going on sometime back? Gadot participated in it after she filmed her scenes for Batman v Superman. So this is how she actually looked, no special effects, movie make-up or professionally staged photos, that show the results of all that "intense" physical training:

There she is in her noodle arms, chicken legs and her almost completely flat chest glory much to the delight of fashion industry fanatics.

There is a IMDB member who claimed that she looks just like how Wonder Woman does in the New 52 in some thread he/she started. Funny, since this is Wonder Woman in the New 52:

No noodle arms, chicken legs or flat chest to be found.

And even in those cases where some artist did draw Wonder Woman as some anorexic fiend, it doesn't prove anything because there are artists who get it wrong like when Rob Liefeld did this infamous drawing of Captain America:

Just because Rob Liefeld did Captain America with that bizarre looking upper body doesn't mean that's how he should be in a live action movie.

And that's not all. Her having that thick Israeli accent is simply inappropriate for Wonder Woman. Anyone who says it's great because Wonder Woman isn't American so it "makes sense" only gives away their ignorance of Wonder Woman from the actual comics. You see, Wonder Woman is not supposed to have an accent. One of Wonder Woman's gifts is language and she can learn to speak any language fluently like a native speaker. This is why in the comic books and every single animated and live action adaptation of Wonder Woman prior to this one she has always spoken with an American accent. She has the ability to do that with English and any language. This is how she was even able to have a dual identity and one point and the reason she is the representative of her land in international affairs. Having an actress with a foreign accent play Wonder Woman is a senseless betrayal of that unique characteristic of her persona.

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman is one of the worst casting decisions in Hollywood and proof of the unfortunate influence of the fashion industry over mainstream media.





Agreed. Plus she is a horrible actress. WTH were they thinking?

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Agreed. Plus she is a horrible actress. WTH were they thinking?

It's the disgusting influence of the fashion industry that is to blame.


It's the disgusting influence of the fashion industry that is to blame.

I've worked behind the lens in both the fashion and movie industries.
How many months are you going to keep repeating that lie?

If anything, it's the movie actresses that drive fashion.
You think Zack Snyder cares about who Vogue picks for their editorial shoots?
Or about the women who walk the runways during fashion week?


You're wrong.

Gal is strong, sleek, and sexy.

Go Bon Johns Don elsewhere with your negativity.


Sleek and sexy maybe. But strong? I don't see it.



Since WW's strength is magic-based, and strength training would be pointless for her (or Shazam, etc.) it only comes down to fan bias. Actually you could argue that Superman but for aesthetic reasons doesn't need to be muscular either, since his strength is a result of radiation absorption on a cellular level (although I guess the more cells the better, although that might mean a hugely obese Superman might be the strongest).


this thread needs a bump,there are still people arguing Gadot is is perfect

That's the most recent pic I could fine still looks Skinner than ever

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


You are one of these people that dont understand that comic books use exaggerated physiques that do not appear in real life.
And you most likely never worked out, did any kind of sports and have never been dating a woman ever.

People like you are just disgusting


You are simply WRONG about Gadot, and clearly you haven't seen her performance.



I thought she was by far the best part about BVS. But for one reason or another, I still wasn't completely sold on her.

Fast forward a year later, and I'm thinking she was made for the role. In fact, she (along with Patty) is making me look forward to a DCEU movie (something that became rare) with its sequel. Whether it was her acting or, yes, looks, she nailed the role.
