MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > "People inside are already confirming it...

"People inside are already confirming it's another mess."

Take this as a grain of salt, but according to an alleged former Warner Bros. employee, Wonder Woman sucks too. That all depends on if you believe the open letter s/he wrote or not:

What are you even doing? I wish to God you were forced to live out of a car until you made a #1 movie of the year. Maybe Wonder Woman wouldnt be such a mess. Dont try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming its another mess. It is almost impressive how you keep rewarding the same producers and executives for making the same mistakes, over and over.

Here's the full letter:


Dont try to hide behind the great trailer.

Great trailer? It's one of the dullest videos that I've ever seen.


Interesting. You don't see many trailers do you?


I thought, "were we even watching the same thing?" So I went back and researched it. We weren't.
I was referring to that boring-@ss thing in which they're just sort of standing around and talking to each other in stilted dialogue.
I hadn't seen the relatively new one.
Yeah, the one that has actual action sequences is good.


Yes it was bad but I tell myself it was made for the comicsowhite shows going on now. The regular viewer will get a better one soon. I tell myself though BVS was bad it had some good places in it. I haven't seen Suicide Squad,but I can say with others it is only something to spend the dollar rental money on. I really hope this isn't a rental also. The hire a female director to at least try on con females to come see it just isn't right. Hire a female and give her a good movie for everyone to see.


We get even more confirmation that this was true back when it hit...

Since he "script doctored" the awful BvS treatment on set... why does this surprise anyone?

Having spoken to Bret Easton Ellis, the site said the author has heard from industry insiders that the film is a mess.

“I was having dinner with a couple of executives who know other executives who are working on the [forthcoming] Batman movie, The Batman,” Ellis said. “And they were just telling me that there are serious problems with the script.”

“The executives I was having dinner with were complaining about people who work on the Batman movie. And they just said they went to the studio and they said, ‘Look, the script is … Here’s 30 things that are wrong with it that we can fix.’ And [the executives] said, ‘We don’t care. We don’t really care. The amount of money we’re going to make globally, I mean 70 percent of our audience is not going to be seeing this in English. And it doesn’t really matter, these things that you’re bringing up about the flaws of the script.’ So I do think global concerns play a big part in how movies, and what movies, are being made, obviously.”

THAT is why the DCEU keeps delivering crap. The execs "don't care" about quality, just the bucks.


The word "mess" comes up a lot when referencing future DCEU films doesn't it?


One less woman in politics: Wonder Woman loses job as UN ambassador

That doesn't help anything.


Man, there's now way I'm sticking a fifth round draft pick on my books.

There was very little sound from the man except for a continual series of moans. - Charles Bukowski



Yep, I'll take it with a pinch of salt. After the damage fake news has done to our elections only an idiot would buy into these "alleged" rumors.


Damage? Are morons still blaming "fake news" because a terrible and some would say evil candidate like Hillary Clinton lost fair and square?

Is this the level of DC fans that are left? I miss DC fans of the 20th century. True fans with their heads screwed on right.


Fake news did influence voters to make the wrong choices.


Only is they were conned in to voting for Hillary.


As far as this moviegoer is concerned. The movie is NOT a mess.


So easy to fool people once you pay off or influence the critics into giving something rave reviews.

God, people are idiots these days. Really sad. You really are sheep.


Son, you have a very skewed view of the world, and you must be a conspiracy theorist.


Whatever you're being paid to do on this board, I'm not an idiot like everyone else. Thanks.


Every movie looks like a mess before the editing, sound, effects and music are done. The studio thought Star Wars was a mess too.


It was a mess. They only fooled the public because the reviews were bought off.


Your tinfoil hat is not big enough.


What's tinfoil about it? Shill much?



Troll account alert.


Whats with the name, dude? You cant have one those "dessenting opinions" with out trolling a name change? Pretty pathetic.


Its a mess of a film that has made almost 700 million.


And still going strong. Damn what a mess! lol
