Yesterday I posted a video blog on Youtube where I counted down the Top Ten Greatest Horror Movies of the Past Ten Years, and I had this at #1. Does anyone else agree with me?
It's definitely up there, but I think Indisious was scarier. That was one that made me afraid to sleep. But there are rarely horror movies that are scary without being ridiculous, and this one accomplished that I think.
Anyone else think this is the greatest horror film of the past 10 years?
Definitely. I have a really hard time finding Horror Movies that scare me. This one was disturbing and unsettling which is close enough for me.
I guess I just prefer to see the dark side of things. The glass is always half-empty. And cracked. And I just cut my lip on it. And chipped a tooth.
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I'd say "2012" was pretty scary. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, bracing myself ... afraid a plot was going to jump out and surprise me at any time!
Nooo way. 28 Days Later? Saw? 2004 Dawn of the Dead?
Zombies just don't scare me they are too goofy. Saw isn't as scary as it is disturbing. Of course, in real life, I would not want to be one of Jigsaw's punishments. I am talking more about Supernatural horror as opposed to end of the world or some psychotic idiot making elaborate devices to torture people.
I personally think it is one of the best horror movies I've seen in a while. There was nogory bloodly scenes of being being masacarred. This was really good scary creepy and phsycological.
Very true. The film is very creepy and surreal. It does have a very "Shinning"esque feel to it. Not that I don't like gory slasher or zombie films (I actually appreciate them) but I like how with this film it scares us the old fashion way without immense violence. And the viewer can relate with this character IMO because of not only the character but cusack's performance.
As for the top 10 of all time... I'd say it has a good chance, but there's a lot of good horror films out there for an all time top 10. hmmm as matter fact, its boggeling just thinking of what a horror top 10 should be...
I couldn't agree with you more. I normally dislike most horror movies if not all, but this one I loved and still love. John Cusack plays perfectly in this movie and is enjoyable to see him perform in any movie.
What I think makes this movie so special is the background music and I don't know how to describe this but basically how they really not only show but make you feel how Mr. Enslin feels. Like when he lost his hearing for a moment and you could hear that high-pitched sound which I can relate to as I've had this occur to me in the past.
I also enjoyed the dialogue, very much, with Olen (Samuel Jackson). The wording was absolutely perfect and the entire see-saw battle was excellent. The supporting cast is also great. I loved them all more than in any other movie..the guy in the library, the girl asking him questions about the book she got off eBay.
I saw Insidious and it's hard to compare these two as for me they're entire different and I enjoyed 1408 a lot more (probably seen it at least 8 times now) as I still watch it from time to time while I have yet to see Insidious more than once.
It was good or maybe okay but not that great. The main thing I have against it was that it went overboard with the special effects, to the point where it became too fantastic to really take seriously. I personally don't see how a movie like this could scare anyone for this very reason. In order for it to be scary or disturbing I think it would have to be more realistic.
I even went so far as to edit the page on IMDB containing the info on this film. Under "Genre" I added the term "Fantasy" to describe this movie.
Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. - Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)