what the hell was this?

huh? is all i could come up with after wasting 2 freaking precious hours of my life by sitting infront of the screen watching this piece of whale *beep* further more i had to pay for the dvd which i must confess was in itself the biggest sin of this year. but seriously waht the hell was this? this was even worse than exorcist 2 the heretic....... people over here compare this to "the beginning" which was a way way way better movie in my honest opinion...... i bet even the lucifer himself would be piss if he see this....
who agree?


I was flippen channels a couple of weeks ago and it was late night when i saw this. I was confused and was like what is this, man all i can say is thay tried.



I agree with the owner of this thread.... In fact, I am watching this movie right now on HBO. I found myself falling asleep 15 minutes after the film started. So here I am, checking out other's opinions. This is really a boring movie... Why did they rate it "R", it's not even PG-13...


Exorcist the Beginning was better for many reasons, not least of which was the slaughter battle at the end, where Dominion has one that's so coated in sugar it would shame Disney.

Walking off into the sunset, all being happy with the world? Give me a break.


This film had a story to tell concerning conflict of faith, questions of the inherent evil in men and the ramifications of evil incarnate through the form of a devil. The beginning had piss poor boo scares that only amounted in low quality entertainment. It didn't take evil seriously like the original Exorcist. Dominion did.



That is very odd. I was to watching this on HBO, kinda wondering why i didn't remember this. then i woke up seeing some shaved head guy in the church and thought "this is not the movie i saw in theaters" now i am reading bout all the posts and can say I'm glad I'm not upstairs finishing it.



Okay, seriously - I couldn't even finish watching this abomination. I half expected Leslie Neilsen to pop up somewhere. It was almost like a cross between The Exorcist and Encino Man. And, am I the only one who seems to notice that it is basically a remake of Exorcist: The Beginning? In fact - Stellan Skarsgard was in both! And it was the same basic outline, some of the same exact scenes....it seemed almost as if someone actually took the Exorcist: The Beginning, from 2004, and cut & pasted a bunch of Sci-Fi channel movie scraps into it - just to change it up a bit!!!
This is a direct quote from another post:
"What a nice surprise it was to finally see DOMINION on it's (unfortunate) limited run. Here is a movie that doesn't assume the audience is too stupid to actually sit down and take a story in without excessive music video stimuli."
OH PLEASE! Somebody tell me this is a joke! I lost a lot of brain cells watching this piece of crap!!!
And this quote - in reference to Exorcist: The Beginning:
"....with vulgar, over-the-top digital effects..."
If watching a once docile cow tear apart and eat a hyena (which happened in Dominion - with high school quality special effects, mind you) is not considered vulgar and over the top, than I honestly don't know what is...
This was a ridiculous excuse for a movie and I am so dissapointed that I wasted my time....


Oh, the "Exorcist: The Beginning" and this film are actually two different movies. I saw one and then when I saw other, I was not sure if I was watching the same incredibly bad and boring piece of cinematic crap.


This film was the original Beginning, but Morgan Creek producers were not at all impressed and decided to fire Paul Schrader and hire Harlin who had to go back and film 80-90% again. They released the latter film as The Beginning and Schrader released his version under Dominion - hence the same actors and scenes, as they are the same film.


And, am I the only one who seems to notice that it is basically a remake of Exorcist: The Beginning?

Where the hell do you people come from?

Allow me to elucidate the blatantly obvious for those who don't get it:

This movie was shot prior to Exorcist: The Beginning. It was the original Exorcist prequel. Morgan Creek didn't like it, so they fired Paul Schrader and hired godawful director Renny Harlin to reshoot the entire film. The result was Exorcist: The Beginning, the box office flop that left most intelligent filmgoers reeling from its lack of intellect. The movie was such a bomb that Morgan Creek decided to release Schrader's version...though not to give it any special treatment in order to create the good special effects it deserved.

Many people tend to like The Beginning better because Dominion "makes them fall asleep"...after all, how dare a film be introspective and philosophical, rather than "going for the glory" with the old headspin cliche and brilliant dialogue like "You wanna stick your big round cock up her juicy ass?"


Dude seriously,

This movie was not horrible because it 'didn't dumb it down' or because people just 'didn't get' the 'deep, introspective depth of the characters'. After watching this movie, I could see where a good director could have done something with this script. But this director was horrible. The lighting was horrendous in almost every scene. The sets were horribly fake looking. The special effects looked as though they were made by little kids. The guy just can't direct. Most of the actors were horrible too, just plain horrible.

I won't say that I liked the beginning much better, but at least the acting and directing were decent enough for me to believe that the characters were actually at a dig in Africa and not some warehouse somewhere. This movie only challenged me in the way I had to just block out the bad acting to get what was in the script.

I feel like this movie was marketed very well. After the beginning bombed, they created a buzz that this movie was more 'intellectual' and 'deep' and people just totally bought into it being good. Hey, I bought right into it to...until I actually watched this movie and found myself just cracking up and making fun of how badly this was botched. It's like a C or a D movie.

I feel bad mostly for the writers of this script. They put together a great story with depth and the jackass that directed this film botched it up so badly that the producers or whoever didn't think there was any way it could be salvaged, so they went in a totally new direction.

This is just proof that good marketing can actually work, nothing more.


The special effects looked as though they were made by little kids.

In fairness, you're blaming the director for this when he's the last person to blame. Digital effects are one of the last steps in making a movie, and they hadn't been done by the time they pulled the plug on this version. A year later, when they decided to release it after all, they spent as little as possible to patch it up and add the required effects. They got what they paid for: you can tell what the effect is supposed to be, but it's a deeply unimpressive sight. Blame the studio's penny-pinching for that one; it can't possibly be the kind of level of effects they were planning for originally.


Is the post above serious? Did you read any of the posts preceding it? That's exactly what they did! I thought it was WAY better than "The Beginning".

Wanda: I'm sorry about my brother Ken...He's had a hard life. Dad used to beat him up.
Ken: Good.



> .it seemed almost as if someone actually took the Exorcist: The Beginning, from 2004,

Sorry that you are so ignorantly idiotic; this was going to be The Exorcist: The Beginning, to be released in 2004. The financiers felt the film was too intellectual and don't have enough commercial values to appeal to the lowest common denominator of the public, fired the director and replaced with another guy who supplied a lot of nonsensical actions and gratuitous gore.

> And, am I the only one who seems to notice that it is basically a remake of Exorcist: The Beginning?

Yes you are, who is ignoring the facts and making silly accusations.

> If watching a once docile cow tear apart and eat a hyena (which happened in Dominion - with high school quality special effects, mind you) is not considered vulgar and over the top,

while the limited budget didn't allow the filmmakers to have sufficiently good digital effects on that, people who consider that as "vulgar" and don't get at all the thematic significance of that scene must be pretty idiotic.

> This was a ridiculous excuse for a movie and I am so dissapointed that I wasted my time....

I guess the financiers were correct after all regarding their economic worries; after all this film must have been too intellectual for you (though it isn't really that intellectual; it is just making a western out of a horror scheme).


Hear, Hear manderly6, "Dominion" is a poor attempt of a revisionist view on "The Beginning", in fact "Dominion" should have never even been attempted...I'll say one thing, I'm gonna really think long and hard before I ever eat another steak...those cows were really vicious, lol...and the special effects were truly third rate terrible, it almost resembled a cartoon animation..."The Beginning" was far superior to "Dominion" and I hope the Mr. Blatty gets his just dessert from the studio, either that or the opportunity to burn this flick right in the can...


I haven't seen this movie but I thought I'd add my piece anyway.

----The Beginning" was far superior to "Dominion" and I hope the Mr. Blatty gets his just dessert from the studio, either that or the opportunity to burn this flick right in the can...--

You do know Blatty hated 'The Beginning', but said 'Dominion' was - a handsome, classy, elegant piece of work - and that's his actual quote. Even Evert gave it 3 out of 4 stars.

The negative comments on this board are so unintelligent, that I'm thinking the film must actually be good, and definitely worth a watch.


You uh, are aware that Dominion was the FIRST version of Beginning's correct? and after the producer threw it out and told someone else to make it again they gave Dominion about 50 bucks to do all the special effects with. Now I'll admit they're far from perfect but ... I challenge you to do better with a budget lower than my platinum card.


I found this movie to be ALOT better then The Begining. It actually made sense. The cgi in it was not over done like in The Begining. The storyline itself was good. The actors that differ from The Begining were better in my opinion. They didn't have to over due it with gore (which I am a huge horror fan so I like gore when used properly). Plus I like the fact that not everything is spoon fed to the audience.



I actually think this is a really fantastic movie and if it weren't for the poor special effects utilized at the very end I think it would have been nearly as good as the original.


Holy hell, you people are farking morons.

a) should have read up on the movie first before renting or buying it.
and 2) stick to vapid, no-brainer, action filled cgi horror fests next time. sounds like it's more your speed.

and if you have time for a third, try boning up on some basic grammar. it might help you to better understand dominion, or at least to make it easier for the rest of us to decipher your ramblings.


Wow, insulting someone for their writing skill is a cheap shot, especially when your posts are as error-filled as any of them.

It's also pretty weird to insist that people must research a film before renting or buying it -- especially given that many who posted in this thread stated that they watched it on TV. I often avoid researching a film before I watch it so I can experience it without bias or preconceived expectations. You only get one chance to watch a film for the first time and experience it with a completely open mind.

That said, most of the questions asked about the film can be answered by reading the notes on the film here in IMDB.


Gotta love how people try to defend these crappy movies resorting to the "you're not intelligent enough to understand it" strategy, despite the fact that it's bassically the same movie, only worse.


have you tried taking up knitting? Clearly film is NOT your speed... Maybe crochet or macrame?


Wow...lot of people who think Renny Harlin's version was better than Paul Schrader's...they must have lost their mind...it's like how people are raving about Snakes On A Plane. Those people who are into those kind of stuff don't usually get the whole point. I enjoyed no-brainer films like Steven Seagal or Van Damme films but I usually know the material that well. I liked Paul's verison BETTER than Renny's version because in Paul's verison, it had better cinematography that would keep things feel moved or deeply moving along with the story to push it further that wouldn't keep me bored. Anything that has mtv video style editing usually bores me. Indeed...this one has an old-school feel to it which is another reason why I liked it a lot. Anything that has a moving camera work is usually a great thing because it gives you a more amosphere sighting onto a film so you can picture lot of stuff based on where the story is coming from. That's why Stanley Kubrick did so much with his films even it had lot of moving camera and his theory proved to be true about filmmaking. Making a film is just like how you paint a picture. A lot of people who are into Renny Harlin's verison or Snakes on a Plane don't really understand what an entertainment really meant. I'm sure a lot of directors are having a hard time trying to combine artistic and entertainment together for a film.


I didn't quite enjoyed this as much as Harlins version. At least The Beginning was a little entertaining... And don't take me for a stupid person (it's so easy to be stupid on these boards if you have the "wrong" opinion) because I enjoyed Exorcist III most of all. This is an even better film about the dualities of faith than Schraders version was. Plus George. C. Scott was brilliant


Why are people on this thread being so judgemental? There is no need to insult a person just because they didn't enjoy this movie.
I haven't gotten around to seeing it yet and I'm still deciding if I should. I watch movies to be entertained, not to think. However, I do enjoy it when a movie manages to make me think and still entertain me at the same time. It's not stupidity. It's a matter of taste.


As a film person, you really want to support this studio rejected production, and back up Paul Shrader by saying, "this is better then the Renny Harlin version" but the truth is the studio was right to remake it... on the other hand, both version actually suck. This one just sucks more.



Just because something is the original doesn't make it better. Morgan Creek didn't like Dominion - I can't possibly imagine why... The only thing I liked better was the expanded Nazi scene.
I found The Beginning to be a major improvement over Dominion.
While it is true that they didn't have enough money for proper CGI, this only means one thing - low budget, i.e. cheap. The Beginning on the other hand felt like a real movie.

Women are like deer - You can't just charge in, you gotta stalk 'em...


I dunno what u guys are going on about.

let me spell it out for you.

NO EXORCIST FILM HAS EVER OR WILL EVER BE GOOD ! yet u come here, whine about this, as if to exscuse ur own stupidity by not knowing that?

the only thing that made the original good, or classic, was the fact that it was banned, so when they removed the ban everyone flocked to watch it, and EVERYONE WAS BORED.

seriously, whine elsewhere, cuz i cbf to read pages and pages of retards whining about how bad a film is, which by the way, they should already know.
