> .it seemed almost as if someone actually took the Exorcist: The Beginning, from 2004,
Sorry that you are so ignorantly idiotic; this was going to be The Exorcist: The Beginning, to be released in 2004. The financiers felt the film was too intellectual and don't have enough commercial values to appeal to the lowest common denominator of the public, fired the director and replaced with another guy who supplied a lot of nonsensical actions and gratuitous gore.
> And, am I the only one who seems to notice that it is basically a remake of Exorcist: The Beginning?
Yes you are, who is ignoring the facts and making silly accusations.
> If watching a once docile cow tear apart and eat a hyena (which happened in Dominion - with high school quality special effects, mind you) is not considered vulgar and over the top,
while the limited budget didn't allow the filmmakers to have sufficiently good digital effects on that, people who consider that as "vulgar" and don't get at all the thematic significance of that scene must be pretty idiotic.
> This was a ridiculous excuse for a movie and I am so dissapointed that I wasted my time....
I guess the financiers were correct after all regarding their economic worries; after all this film must have been too intellectual for you (though it isn't really that intellectual; it is just making a western out of a horror scheme).