Because Frank couldn't be left alone, and Dwayne was an extra babysitter while Richard looked after Grandpa and Sheryl looked after Olive.
Remember that Richard was all for allowing Dwayne and Frank to stay at home alone, but Sheryl freaked and said it asking too much, and she was probably referring to the fact that her teenage son with serious angst problems himself would be required to ensure his suicidal uncle doesn't go reaching around for razors for an entire weekend alone without help.
To be honest, I still didn't see what the big deal was. I'm kinda shocked at some the reactions on here by other posters: "Who would leave a child alone?! That's neglect!!". He was 15, not 5. Honestly, give teenagers some credit. Yeah they maybe pretty dumb and lazy at times but they aren't completely useless. If your teenager doesn't know how to use an oven without burning their hand that's a fail on the parents part for not teaching their kid that hot stove = ouchie. A 15 year should be able to look after themselves for a weekend, a couple of nights of ramen noodles and grilled cheese sandwiches won't do them everlasting damage.
Of course, there are party animal teens out there and it would be up to the parents to decide if their teenager is mature enough. But Dwayne, even being the angsty hormonal prick that he was, didn't seem like the type to burn the house down or throw destructive parties. Poor guy just wanted to be alone with his Neitchze books.