Just saw this trailer and I had to say only one thing
#RipAvengers4 avengers 4 is in danger hahaha mcu sucks dceu is superior fuck marvel
share#RipAvengers4 avengers 4 is in danger hahaha mcu sucks dceu is superior fuck marvel
sharehahahaha wait a minute, so you think that shazam will get anywhere near Avengers 4? fuck me dude, you fucking suck, how did you like the comedy and jokes in aquaman and shazam? hahahaha ooo000000 dark and edgy
No wonder IMDB shut the boards down.
shareSo true , these DC fanatics are a deluded breed
sharei'm a true dc fan not a fakeass one like you guys
shareYou like DC, good for you, well I'm a fan of batman, superman wonder woman you know, the characters that made dc what they are, you, you're more concerned with this childish dc v marvel bollocks , me, I like to be entertained, marvel, dc, star wars, pink blue black green, I don't give a fuck, dceu fails to entertain me , ww gives me hope and I'm glad Snyder is no more.
shareYou are a moron marveltard that's it lol
shareJesus Fucking Christ when are you guys going to stop feeding the obvious troll? Trolls rarely get more obvious than this guy. He’s most likely not even a DC fan.