Is this a cult classic yet?

Because it's never going to be one. Hipster* garbage.

* By the term 'hipster', I mean the kind of cultural products that try to make up for lack of substance by making wildly exaggerated attempts at being edgy.


scott pilgrim is many things, but it is not edgy. it uses snarky faux-intellectual dialogue and cartoony visual effects to distract the viewer from the fact that none of the film's characters have any redeeming qualities unless you are a middle-class white twentysomething that grew up playing video games and listening to metal. which I am. which is why I hate this movie.


You do realize that is meant to be the point, right? Scott is supposed to be a pretentious fantasizing hipster who isn't as cool as he thinks he is.


isn't that every hipster?


I agree with you that the cutting of scenes and the cartoon inserts were distracting. I barely paid attention to the story line because I kept think 'are they seriously doing this?'. It just kept going for one scene to the next and yeah so distracting.


Jason Schwartzman is in it, somehow dosent that make it a "classic" with the hipster set anyway?

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Well, does my entire school count as a freaking cult? They are in love with the books and the movie.


by bullybull35 » 1 day ago (Tue Apr 29 2014 14:33:51)
IMDb member since October 2013
Well, does my entire school count as a freaking cult? They are in love with the books and the movie.


Good God, bullybull35. You are... young and foolish.

1. Do you understand the term 'cult classic'? I don't think you do. I do not mean to accuse that a mass of people liking this movie constitutes a 'cult'. I merely mean to accuse them of being stupid.

For the actual meaning of 'cult classic', please refer to:

2. School? Oh, wow. Yeah, wait till you grow up a little more.


Maybe you should see bullybull's post for what it is. It's hilarious that you are discounting his point because he's in high school. His age demographic (14-20) is who this movie was marketed to. Sounds like it was quite popular among high schoolers but not among the general population.

Guess what? That's how cult classics start. Once these people are in their late 20s, 30s they will all be nostalgically remembering this movie that no one else seemed to like very much.

Cult classics don't have to be good movies. In fact, I'd say the majority aren't. Scott Pilgrim has a very specific style, and contains a slice of the Toronto hipster scene in 2010. That it has a small and devoted following is what matters. PLUS, the movie was geared towards the nerdy tendencies, and nerds never forget. It will live on in the internet as long as it has fans.

I think you are assuming it can't be a cult classic because you didn't like it (neither did I) and you usually are a fan cult classics. Looks like this time you just aren't in the cult.


The film does have a cult following, it's funny most people, who are Edgar Wright fans LOVED this film and most people hate it because it's cool to hate it. I think it has a cult following, I think in due time, more people will recognize it as a good film. I mean, come on, Scott Pilgrim is based off a comic book character, the visuals and the fight scenes were really good. Not sure why or how anyone could say it was terrible but to each his own.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Its also one the most consistently funny comedies of the last few years.

It is a deeply unique film and as such is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way, so I get the hate despite loving it myself. As for it being a cult classic, it hasn't been long enough and I think it may just be absorbed into the Edgar Wright cult following rather than standing alone.

"To err is" - Gary King





Because it's never going to be one. Hipster* garbage.

* By the term 'hipster', I mean the kind of cultural products that try to make up for lack of substance by making wildly exaggerated attempts at being edgy.

You have no idea what your talking about. By your definition you could call 90% of movies "Hipster".

How is this movie "Hipster"? if anything it makes fun of that term.

Theres nothing edgy about this movie, it takes a played out teen love story and turned it into a silly comic book movie.

Its not the best move, but it did what it set out to do very well. Its not even my type of movie but i liked it for what it was.

Also trying to find a deeper meaning into a movie is a hipster move.


I would have to say this film mocks hipster culture. The graphic novel it was based on mocked hipster culture as well, even if the author didn't realize it.
