Was the Last 20 or So Minutes of the Movie Somewhat Dissapointing?
It was to me. First, let me say that I really liked the movie; it deserves about 4 out of 5 stars. I finally got around to seeing it yesterday by way of a recommendation from Kick Ass (which I think is overall inferior to Scott Pilgrim vs. The World). I know that the movie's not entirely original, but it's a good breath of fresh air from the recycling of bad sequels, remakes, unoriginal, and original movies that come out nowadays. I've never seen a movie that has blended martial arts, videogames, comic books, and music so harmoniously and aesthetically. It's not a perfect movie, but it's different and it was done well.
So that's just the thing: much of my appeal to the movie was that it was very different. Yet at the end, the movie gets bombarded with cliches and moral lessons that undid its unorthodox style and made it conventional. I'm not talking about the whole "guy gets the girl at the end" trope as much as I'm talking about the fact that Scott all of a sudden (and too quick for my taste) comes to an epiphany of how bad a person he was and so apologizes to everyone and everyone immediately accepts his apologies and everything suddenly becomes ok and perfect. And then Knives also has her forced period of maturity and character development that I didnt buy at all. Also the fact that Knives bum rushes the fight at the end and helps save the day was cliche and expected (though the fact that she intially went after Ramona was a bit unexpected). The whole bit when Gideon slapped around Ramona and invoked the fury of Knives and Scott enough to bring about his defeat was kind of meh too. All of these "Hollywood" conventions were so smothering that during the scene it seems that the filmmakers were conscious of this and so had Gideon basically "apologize" for it in so many words, though I forget exactly what he says.
I know it's not a big deal, but perhaps all of this kept this movie from being even greater. It seems that way to me. To see such an unconventional movie revert to being conventional near the end was a bit of a let down. But still a good movie nonetheless. Will definitely be a cult classic for years to come.
"A great movie is one in which truth and spectacle are gracefully blended."