Knives Chau..

is much hotter than whatever that generic white girl's name is. I would've liked this movie alot more if he ended up with Knives. If age was really a factor then he could just not go all the way with her untill she turned 18.

Another thing that bothers me is that Knives is a much nicer, and would most likely be more loyal than Ramona. Not to mention Ramona has "been around" with her many exes. This alone is a turn off. I guess why im so upset is that I've seen friends act like this is real life and treat the nice girl like crap while being obsessed with the slut/cold hearted girl.

I also don't like Micheal Cera because he plays the same sarcastic dweeby character.


If you pay attention, Knives turns 18 during the film...


Knives won out in the end. She didn't go off into the sunset with the apathetic loser, Scott.


Knives was much more appealing.

Scott didn't deserve her, the schmuck.


Didn't knives look like a little boy?

I prefer girls with long girly hair


That's one of the reasons I couldn't get into this movie. Ramona and Scott aren't that appealing, and Scott's interest in her struck me as pretty superficial. Not that a good movie can't be made about unlikeable people (Raging Bull), but this movie was written as if we're supposed to be pulling for Scott, it seemed to me.

Some of the supporting characters were a lot more likeable than Scott.


Knives is best girl.


I don't disagree that Knives is the better choice, but what does Ramona having had sex with her exes when she was with them have to do with anything? It's something people do in relationships. As long as she wasn't cheating, I don't see a problem with it. Not only that, but seven people isn't a big number.


Exactly. I thought defeating the exes was going to be some kind of metaphor for Scott getting over his inadequacy issues, but it was just… random.

I didn’t buy that Ramona would be into him either. She’s a 9.5 and he’s a 2 at best with minus testosterone and was creepily detached, effeminate and dysfunctionally shy around her.

Do people like this film because it’s a chick-flick equivalent for gamers?


Mary Elizabeth Winstead > Ellen Wong.
