MovieChat Forums > Invincible (2006) Discussion > Stop calling it football!

Stop calling it football!

Start calling it American Rugby! REAL football is what you americans call SOCCER, and guess what you do? You kick a ball around with your FEET, that's why the whole world calls it football, except for the yanks. FOOTBALL is the sport that unites the world AND EVEN YOU WERE PART OF IT AT THE WORLDCUP HELD IN GERMANY THIS YEAR YEAR, BUT NONE OF YOU KNEW BECAUSE YOU ALL THINK "SOCCER" IS FOR GIRLS!


In America things are done the way we want them to be done. Over here it is soccer, deal with it.


"Start calling it American Rugby! REAL football is what you americans call SOCCER, and guess what you do? You kick a ball around with your FEET, that's why the whole world calls it football, except for the yanks. FOOTBALL is the sport that unites the world AND EVEN YOU WERE PART OF IT AT THE WORLDCUP HELD IN GERMANY THIS YEAR YEAR, BUT NONE OF YOU KNEW BECAUSE YOU ALL THINK "SOCCER" IS FOR GIRLS!"

Ah, yet another example of loud-mouthed EuroTrash sounding off with all the reverberation that utter hollowness lends.

It's not necessarily that soccer is for girls alone (though - come to think of it - I do have three pre-adolescent granddaughters enrolled in the squealing nonsense of the township leagues) but rather that we Americans consider the definition of the word "tackle" to signify an impact with the potential of separating a player from portions of his anatomy rather than merely one pantywaist in track shorts stealing a kickball from another scampering chipmunk dancing back and forth across the lawn in a cycle of endless boredom.

"All that proves is that most of the world is too poor to build bowling alleys, golf courses, tennis courts and baseball fields. There's hundreds of millions of poor people out there who still ain't got indoor plumbing, but that don't mean there's something great about an outhouse. Soccer is boring. I've never seen a more boring sport."

-- Mike Royko (1994)


Wow, you just brought tears to my eyes. #1 post right here, absolutely beautiful, its art.


How about this, we'll stop calling it football, when you stop using the excuse of losing a close game of 0-0 for rioting and plundering. Or better yet, when stop calling your own version of football NFL Europe.





YES American Rugby. Your sport has WAY more in common with Rugby than Football.


Hey, at least we're not letting any Dumb morons with absolutely no brains at all in to university. In Europe you have to be smart to go to university.


"Hey, at least we're not letting any Dumb morons with absolutely no brains at all in to university. In Europe you have to be smart to go to university."

A little note on usage in the American language for you, EuroTrash. Here in God's Country, we don't say "go to university" but rather "go to college" when a student matriculates in pursuit of a baccalaureate (bachelor's) degree.

In these United States, not all postsecondary schools accredited as such (see are classified as universities. One very good example is the school from which Vincent Papale graduated in 1968, Philadelphia's St. Joseph's College. Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1851, the school was not elevated to the rank of university until 1978.

The big Latin bathmat diploma Papale hangs on the wall of his office reads "Collegium Sti. Joseph" pretty much the same as mine (class of '70). And - jock or not (Papale earned a full ride in track and field) - nobody ever got off Hawk Hill with anything other than an honorary degree unless he'd satisfied the Jesuits that he had met their requirements.

Hell, after four years running up and down between Bellarmine and Barbelin, medical school was a snap.

"The Hawk Will Never Die"


English isn't my native language, you got me there.
But even your retard president has an university degree....?


"English isn't my native language, you got me there.
"But even your retard president has an university degree....?"

It wouldn't matter. "International English" (as she is spoke in Blighty) is most emphatically not the American language. As for the "Aw Shucks" fake that presently occupies the Oval Office, methinks you're falling neatly into a deception that is, in fact, a clever construct. El presidente's Texas accent and stumblebum rube manner of speech notwithstanding, the present leader of the Republicrat Party was born in Connecticut and attended Phillips Academy (a hoity-toity secondary "prep" school) in Andover, Massachusetts, becoming steeped in the predelictions and pretensions of those whose inherited wealth give them such a prominent role in the arrogant kakistocracy of the political system in these United States.

Not that his trained cunning does much to substitute for the sort of honest intellectual ability so spectacularly absent from his family as a whole. The Shrub comes of a clan replete with Old Money and plenty of political influence, and (in the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald) "The rich are different from you and me." If he'd had to make it on his own - absent the sort of cramming and conditioning that schools like Phillips are specifically designed to provide - Dubbya probably would have had trouble qualifying for admission to Asnuntuck Community College.

Yale University (you might also note) is not run by the Jesuits. Not to say unkind things about the Ivy League, but there might as well be a red light over the door of each such school's Chancellor's office.

"We have established what you are, madam. We are now merely haggling over the price."

-- George Bernard Shaw


I was offered free rides to St. Joseph's and La Salle and I chose St. Joseph's for a reason. The Jesuits are demanding, but you come out better for it, and it is *not* a school for athletes to skate through. When I was at St. Joseph's the in-joke among us was that a 3.0 at St. Joseph's was worth a 3.8 at Villanova :^)


I'd rather have about 40000 dumb morons in school, then say 40000 animals starting riots and killing 44 people over a soccer game.


lol I got to agree here.
Any Americans can go to university, this is the only country which accept everybody in (with the money).
Here in Canada you must be better than having only 50% overall...


Frankly, this isn't even an issue here in the US because no one gives a crap about soccer. Seeing as we only really have football, it doesn't come into dispute with any other sports as far names go. Therefore, football will remain football and if that's a problem for you, well...there really isn't a second half to that sentence. Just deal with it.


Too bad, the REAL USA FOOTBALL team played in the FIFA World Cup. You took a shot at being a real WORLD CHAMPION. That's the REAL world, with South-American, African, Asian and European countries - Hell even Iran played. Not just american teams playing eachother. There is no better thing than being World Champion.


They can go play the FIFA world cup until they're blue in the face. WE DON'T CARE! No one cares about soccer in this country!!! What part of that don't you understand?


"There is no better thing than being World Champion."

Yes there is...not being Euro-Trash.

Let's get a few things straight.

-Football is one of the most competitve and entertaining sports there is. The NFL is the most successful sports organization in the world. It got that way for a reason. That reason? No scrawny Euro-Trash running back and forth across a field kicking a ball around just to end up with a 1-0 score at the end. That *beep* is boring.

-We call our NFL champions world champions because it is our sport, we are the best at if any other nation wants to form a team and have them play the Super Bowl champs, then let them...but it won't be pretty.

-If you don't like the fact that Americans call it football, then stay your ass off of an American-based website.

-That "retard" president of ours just happens to be the leader of the free world. He may not have gotten there on his own (nor has any other president), but he damn sure didn't get there by being a dummy. So call him retard all you want, but he's smart enough to have a job so important that he doesn't have time to sit here and talk *beep* on a message board the way the rest of us do.

So go ahead, be proud of being a world champion in soccer. We're too busy being the envy of the whole damn planet.


Real rugby (as played in England and Australia) is played without helmets or other protection, who are the fairies here, you arrogant wanker?


"Real rugby (as played in England and Australia) is played without helmets or other protection, who are the fairies here, you arrogant wanker?"

This simply means that those who play Rugby football can't hit as hard as those who play the full-contact form of North American football. Rugby has rather less physical contact than what's commonly seen in the sort of bar league games glimpsed briefly in the presently available trailers for Invincible.

Witness the fact that when Papale was matriculating at St. Joseph's College in Philadelphia, the school administration had decided some decades prior that collegiate football was too violent a game to be continued. Nevertheless, the football field extending between the Field House and Bellarmine Hall (right in front of Villiger Hall, where Papale took most of his classes as a Marketing major) was heavily used by dint of the school's formal athletic participation in an intercollegiate Rugby league (though there were no scholarships available for squad members on the strength of their activities on the Hawk team in that sport).

Rugby was considered by the Jesuits sufficiently "wussy" to be permitted. Full-pads-and-brain-bucket football was too damned dangerous to suit their prim and proper preferences.

As for "who are the fairies here," consider the sexual proclivities for which English Public Schools - like Rugby - have become renowned over the centuries.

Hm. I suppose that algolagnia might be characterized as a "full contact sport," might it not?

Oh good! My dog found the chainsaw!


Predone, reading your posts is like reading an encyclopedia.
Either you are really intelligent or you're spending a lot of time on Wikipedia.

"Elk voordeel hep z'n nadeel!"
Johan Cruijff.


"Predone, reading your posts is like reading an encyclopedia.
Either you are really intelligent or you're spending a lot of time on Wikipedia."

Nope. Just a graduate of Hawk Hill (like Papale) and a typical Eagles fan.

"Football features two of the worst aspects of American life: violence and committee meetings."

-- George Will



The English.



We'll call it whatever we want so live with it.


Lol -- this is such a ridiculous thread. Why the hell do semantics matter to you anyway? Is the usage of the word 'football' in America really that hard on you?
Come on! The UK and America have LOTS of words that have different meanings in their respective countries.


It's been called Football for over a hundred years. I don't think we be will changing the name any time soon.


Very true. like if I was to say, "michielh is a real fag," we'd all have a good laugh while he sat there and tried to figure out what's funny about it.


An IMDB message board really isn't the place to complain about what we Americans call our sports.
Are you expecting to make a difference?
Get a life.
