-When climbing down a cliff in the rain, do not worry, there will be a conveniently placed cave for you to rest in.
-If your son happens to fall during the descent have no fear, a convict will surely save him.
-If you're hiking in the wilderness, there will definitely be a naked woman bathing in the river.
-If you're a contract killer you need a team with at least one tracker trained by aboriginals.
-All military personnel are trained on flying helicopters.
-If you're hoping to find the nearest highway to turn in a convict, make sure you do not simply go back the way you came, but use an intricate path that contains an extremely steep cliff and miles of woods. It's probably the best way.
-If you need to navigate through miles of wilderness, follow your boy scout 15 year old son, of course he knows the way.
-If you come across a gorge of glacial rocks, a very unstable wooden bridge with no handrails will definitely be available.
-If you are camping with your wife in the woods, you must be a total pansy.
-If you someone is sticking a sniper rifle out of a plane, and a team of contract killers are on your tail, assume they wont shoot at any of you.
-Mercenaries do not know how to fire automatic rifles accurately like a gym teacher ex cop.
-A helicopters aluminum tail will snap on contact with a tree.
-Expect all assassins to be consoling when your husband is shot by people trying to rescue the assassin.
-When you get tired from hiking, just keep going, there will be a log cabin for you to rest in, with no locks or people inside.
-If you see a video with a log cabin, assume that the people that you are searching for are inside.
-Contract killers will make surprise visits to high ranking officials warning them not to harm the people who held him/her captive.