MovieChat Forums > Across the Universe (2007) Discussion > Beatles fans should be ashamed

Beatles fans should be ashamed

The standard line on this movie seems to be that if you're a fan of the music you'll love this movie, but I have to say that nothing could be further from the truth. What offends me most is that this movie could be put forth as a worthy addition to the Beatles' cultural legacy. To be honest, I saw nothing of the spirit of the Beatles in this movie--none of the intelligence, wit, childlike wonder, or trenchant humor that made the Beatles so appealing in the first place. The renditions of Beatles' songs bring nothing new to the table, and retain none of the spirit of the originals. Sure the songs themselves are great, but a cover needs to be particularly inspired in arrangement or performance to ever really rival a Beatles original. And none of these versions were particularly inspired. Much of the time, in fact, they were downright embarassing. If you love the songs so much go and listen to one of their 14 albums. Or go watch Help!, A Hard Day's Night, Let It Be, etc.

As anyone who takes them seriously as a band knows, songwriting was only half the genius of the Beatles. The other half was how they played together as musicians, and their boundless creativity and curiosity in the studio. Taking away the latter elements and replacing them with lackluster performances does a disservice to the music and is an insult to anyone who holds these songs in high regard.

And don't even get me started on the characters or the "story," both of which lacked any semblance of consistency as they were only there to set up the musical sequences, and as such, were completely devoid of appeal or any possibility of emotional investment. You could tell me you liked the song versions and I actually might believe you, but if you say you cared about the characters or the story, you're lying through your teeth.


I hated this movie completely. I, like countless others, am a huge fan of The Beatles. I think a group as iconic and impacting as they shouldn't have a movie like this ruin the originality of their music--no, I DO NOT want to think about a lesbian wanting a cheerleader when I listen to "I Want To Hold Your Hand." In my head, this music is highly personal with relevance to personal situations and relationships. Hollywood capitalized on something that's so universal to people, and that something is The Beatles music. And because our youth culture is so hegemonic in their ideals, they thought a movie like this one automatically made them hipper. Jeez, maybe I'm completely wrong here, but I couldn't stand this movie for the life of me.

I didn't give the movie a shot when I first saw it. I saw it for about twenty minutes then asked my roommate to turn it off. I recently decided to give it ANOTHER try, but it irked me beyond reason. When I hear those songs, I want to see the quirks and passion put in by the original artists, not some people that were rehearsed to do sing these songs.

Maybe this movie isn't for me at all. I don't want to bash it, but it makes me want to punch whoever is watching it in the face.


Apparently, us "haters" seem to be the minority here.

Aside from Pink Floyd, The Beatles are one of my favorite groups of all time. I love their music, their originality, their creativity and the overall message of love & peace which the Fab Four unanimously stood for. I have also enjoyed Julie Taymor's past films, specifically "Titus".

I went into this movie with no preconceived expectations, but of course my initial impression was "there is no reason why I shouldn't like this." Boy was I wrong. As the film went on I became increasingly uncomfortable, at times I nearly felt physically ill! But I bit my lip and sat through the entire movie, knowing that I would have to submit to the full experience if I were going to have a valid opinion on the project as a whole.

Inevitably there will be "lovers" of this film that will want valid reasons why us "haters" did not enjoy it. It appears one needs a valid reason to dislike a film but absolutely no valid reasons as to why they enjoyed it. Well, off the top of my head, the first thing I can think of is that I did not enjoy the actors' performances AT ALL, except for perhaps Eddie Izzard. At times I felt like I was watching a "spoof". The situations and the characters' actions came across to me as awkward and forced. The segue scenes from one song to another were either totally predictable or completely preposterous. These are just a few of the reasons I can remember as it has been over a year since I've watched this.

For those that enjoyed it, all the more power to ya'.
I am not putting down the "lovers" of this film. As much as I love The Beatles music I wish I could say the same about this movie, but unfortunately there were just too many things about it that had me squirming in my seat, rolling my eyes or letting out the occasional groan of disbelief/disapproval.

So in closing, I just want to say:
I can respect the opinion of those who enjoyed the film as long as they are willing to do the same for me. Saying that I "didn't get it" just because I could not muster up the same enthusiasm as them is not a valid argument either. I'm just going to put the Fab Four on continous play on my iPod and wash the memory of this film out of my memory banks.


Haha, don't you love that argument? Well if you "got" the movie, you'd love it! I mean how can you not get this movie? It's a cliche!

With that said, first time I watched the movie I felt the same way as you (in fact I don't think I finished the movie), but after giving it another go it did improve.

Not saying it's a masterpiece, but I think I had very high expectations (I mean it's The Beatles!) and once those expectations were replaced by disgust, I was actually able to enjoy the movie for what it was and I've watched it a few times since (actually own it on blu ray).

In my opinion the movie would have been better by staying away from the politics/war and other 60s cliches (as another commenter said, didn't NEED to be in the 60s) and instead focused on an actual love story (I mean people actually cared for Jude and Lucy?) while staying cheeky and light hearted.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. - The Dude


Part of the problem was that I couldn't stand the two sullen brats who were Jude and Lucy.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Part of the problem was that I couldn't stand the two sullen brats who were Jude and Lucy.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Ok I'm a huge fan of the Beatles. I know a lot of huge fans of the Beatles. I know a guy who made a guitar to look like one they had on tour. He knows ever damn song they've ever made and he also did a gig where they pretended they were the Beatles. Even used the accents. He loves this movie. I'm not ashamed to love this movie.

The songs were not supposed to rival the orignals. Julie Taymore (director) said she wanted them more simple, some of the anyway, to make them come off as the people are actually singing them. Not just a random song out of nowhere. But yes there were random songs and things out of nowhere. Welcome to the world of theatre and Musicals.

I think it's beautifully done. Yes I will admit there are cliches but that's how we get things across to people. The singers were awesome! "With a little help from my friends" is supposed to sound like frat guys drunk and high singing. I think that went off well.

Aren't most 60's things cliche? Yes. Some may hate it. Some may love it. You shouldn't generalize just because you think it's a disgrace.

The story may seem incoherent to you but that was a lot of the 60's and 70's. Drug use. That's why. But if you pay attention you can understand it. I don't see it as confusing or stupid. I find the characters interesting. Cliche yes. I don't really care. The fact that they constructed a story, whether you think it's good or not, shows they actually took time to look at ever goddamn beatles song and find ones that make a story. That's what they did. She even said that herself. The director I mean.

It's poking fun while having fun and showing us something at the same time. The last song. All you need is love. I think that was kind of the message of the movie. Seems apparent to me. That's just my two cents you can hate if you want. But I loved this movie. I love the Beatles. I love the originals and the covers.

Thank you Ringo, Paul, John and George for giving us awesome songs that are still around today and resonate with us. Much love.

"We have built our seleves a heaven, only to find it populated by horrors."- Dr. Manhattan


Well I'm not.

--I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


I know so many people who have gotten into the Beatles music BECAUSE of this movie. How can that be bad?



Wow, jackass much?

This movie is but a musical centered around the Beatles songs, it's not like it was a biopic of them. It's its own story that is guided with Beatles covers.

One more thing, didn't you take that elementary school class where they teach you the difference between fact and opinion? It doesn't seem so.

Sticks and stones will break your bones, but a fifty foot fall wil kill y'all


this Beatles fan is far from ashamed with this movie, it was said that both Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr loved it so if they loved it than so did the fans.


I completely agree with the creator of this thread. They took all of these songs I love, visually interpreted them in the basest way possible (That is to say the most obvious metaphors one could draw from the songs), and then they remade them into seriously, horribly inferior renditions sung by awful (with the exception of Evan Rachel Wood) teenagers.

The movie was pretty, but so is Katy Perry, and I sure as hell don't want her singing Beatles songs either.

Please, keep your "You missed the point of the movie"s to yourselves. I see the point of the movie. It's impossible to miss since they hit you over the head with it multiple times. I loved the director's previous efforts, but I was not a fan of this.

You've made a powerful enemy today, my friend. - Mr. Burns


I'm not sure if Paul liked to film. He didn't even suggested in his website (where he posts) as far as I know. He said "what's not ot like", which for me is a polite way to say he didn't like.


Fans of this commercial are the same kids who a) have hey Jude as their ring tone and bought a shirt at target and consider themselves beatles fans and b) kids who think that its trippy to get high before watching this "crazy" movie (actual testimony). And I like everything from the 400 blows to blood sucking freaks but It was truly excruciating to get through this ninety minute cell phone commercial. I really can't stress how much I hate this film but to put it one way, I saw within this soullessness of our entire generation in the name of materialism and I wept for my future children who will have to be raised in a world devoid of love or care but instead ruled by almighty vanity which is the vapid nature of the hog that has been allowed to gorge itself until it is unable to perform the most basic of functions. THEY DON"T CARE ABOUT YOU STOP PRETENDING THEY DO seriously though were just a bunch of digits so i really don't see the point in continuing with the charade. the fact that this film has a seven point three both proves that this site is ridiculous as well as the current generation of movie goers are blockheads. I DARE SOMEONE TO TRY AND DEFEND THIS MOVIE WITH A LOGICAL EXPLANATION nothing worked and it didn't matter you know why because they got payed but you know what else happened in the process entire faith for society at large was shattered. I felt as if the producers of the film had raw dogged my entire family on Easter morning. my great uncle was dying in the hospital and he really loved movies i mean more than me and so as one of the last things we did together was watch movies on pay per view on the little TV that was near his bed. across the universe was that film. after it was over my uncle James became more disassociated with his surroundings and he essentially gave up the will to live. i know the truth and now so you do. PLEASE you have a choice in what you devote your time and attention to and you don't have to settle for something that claims to be about heart but has not an ounce of. they don't care about you...return the sentiments.

