Some of the ending seems plain to me. We apparently find that both Gina and Lawrence have given speeches that sway the British delegation to back the Millennium Goals as a priority. Parts of Lawrence's speech are paraphrased by the Chancellor in talking with the other delegation, so we know he has had an impact, but he was spurred by the courage of Gina. She adopts his ideas and expresses them more forwardly. The British delegation puts themselves on the line, but apparently get no support from any other country. The Prime Minister goes on TV to announce the results the following day. From his tone and the way he starts his comments it is obvious to me that he i disappointed and substantial action on the goals has not resulted, but he goes out of the way to point out that they have been raised as a priority. This part seems clear to me. Lawrence calls Gina for her to see that she at least swayed the PM.
The rest is more open-ended. The delegation came around to the same thinking and it is possible that this saved Lawrence's job. I give his chances about at being pretty good. The PM and his boss have both come around to back what he and Gina think should be the priority. They would be hypocites for calling for his head and most likley would not accept his resignation.
Every time he has called Gina she has agreed to see him, and I think it is much better than even odds they will get back together. Probably all he needed to do was indicate he backed her in the airport and this would have worked. His calling her is showing that she has been backed by more than just him. He has asked if he should go home with her. She said it wouldn't work because her past would catch up with her again. It seems she would be open to them being a couple except for fear that she could not live up to his image or ideals. Now her ideals have inspired the top of the political spectrum in the UK. They compliment each other. He has the knowledge and position, he has the passion.
I think the clues lead towards this happy ending, but against the action of nations to help the impoverished and dying people of the world.
Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...