MovieChat Forums > Beowulf (2007) Discussion > Why dont people like this movie?

Why dont people like this movie?

I personally loved this film. i didn't think it was that great in terms of story and overall plot but it was cool to look at (especially if you saw it in IMAX) and Beowulf is such a great aggressive hero. For much of the same reasons as why people liked 300, is the reason I found Beowulf so entertaining. His constant shouting and epic tales of killing monsters was intense and fun. How great was his speech as he kills Grendel? Cant quote it exactly, but great finishing move with "I AM BEOWULF." and just chops his arm off. Perhaps its because I have never read the story but I think people should stop hating on this film so often!!! The story ends well and every thing has reasoning to it in the end, those who like the Viking style culture/ action in the Mead-hall will like this film


Because it looks like a video game instead of a movie.


Right, because video games are only cinematic cutscenes. Wait, did i say cinematic? Does this mean whem i am playing a PS4 game i am actually playing a movie?

Millenials and their insane troll logic...

Bambi + Lewis Skolnick = Disney's Peter Parker


Because Western audiences are still not ready to accept adult animations. TV still perpetuates the "cartoon is for kids" stigma.


Some love it, but many hates it, it seems. Don't ask me why..


Because the CGI people look like those real life sex doll puppets...except they move and talk.



I have to admit I didn't like it because it couldn't make up it's mind if it was a cartoon or live action. As a previous post said, cinema is subjective and we can't all like the same thing.


Couldn't make up it's mind? It's neither, it's an animated film.


Because it strays away from the original poem.


maybe it's better than the original poem.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


If you like it, that's fine. I just personally didn't care for it for that reason.


Most americans see animated features as childrens movies.... which this is clearly not. So some people can't wrap their head around that. They think if it is animated there has to be fluffy bunny's talking and singing and dancing around rainbows and unicorns..


Probably for the same reason they disliked A Scanner Darkly. Their loss.


Interesting...I loved A Scanner Darkly, but didn't like the CGI-ness of this one. And I agree with the previous poster that I found the queen in this one to be particularly flat and unsatisfying.


Maybe the flatness is due to Robin Wright?
