Good movie and really great Supergirl
So The Flash was actually a pretty good movie imo. The story is nice and engaging and it seems to have borrowed or copied a lot from Marvel with brighter popping color costumes, the multi verse like with Dr. Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness and latest Spiderman bringing back Tobey, the OG Spiderman and the very well made Into The Spiderverse with Miles Morales and co. And more steady cam instead of choppy shaky cam nonsense and a really lovely and sexy Supergirl, who was clearly the best part of the movie.
She was epic and I hope we get a whole Supergirl movie and more. She just left a mark on me honestly with how lovely she is despite the diff costume, hairstyle and her anger which made her even more attractive honestly. She wasn't over the top angry or crazy bitchy or undermining men type angry but had a genuine believable rage in her.
The Flash actor did a good job but imo they have his char very goofy and oddball type while when I watch the TV Flash, he's more serious and more "normal" and what you'd expect. I also think the TV Flash is a better actor and better Flash. Maybe he can be in the movie Flash in another reality. It would be awesome.
Batman was great with Michael Keaton who is the best Batman imo. I never liked TDKR (utter crap imo) and only Batman Begins was really great. Nolan Batman was trying too hard to be epic imo. While Bale is a great actor and did well his movies didn't impress me. Keaton's however a cut above him.
In anycase, I was hoping to see Aquaman in the team since Ronon Dex was and is always amazing. Jason Mamoa really is fantastic as a superhero.
Overall, I liked the setup and the Back To The Future references (I had to look up who Eric Stoltz was, interesting trivia) and how the movie emulated BTTF pt 2. BTTF is a fun movie with plotholes and loopholes but it was charming.
Flash had a little of that charm. The Zod sequences were great but short. I was hoping to see more of the Justice League team and them working to kick ass. Somewhere they suddenly realized the movie is called The Flash and hurriedly got rid of the sexy Supergirl, Zod, beauty Faora and Batman and put focus back on the Flash. The time travel thing was good and done well.
The directing was good and acting was on point mostly and overall, the scenes were tight and kept me engaged. I thought the ending was fun and interesting and reminded me of Quantum Leap and esp Sliders. Hopefully there's more movies and resolutions.
Would also be good to see Aquaman, Superman (maybe several of them via digital for Chris Reeve and others including more Nicholas Cage and maybe the Turkish Superman and the Bollywood Superman too... like Pavitra Prabhakar in Across The Spiderverse who was cool) and most definitely I would like Supergirl movies and more appearances with Sasha Calle. Maybe a TV show too with her.
Overall, I'd rate The Flash a pretty good 7.5/10.