An even crazier ending wouidve been..
Adam West
Imo it would've been better than Bale (who apparently refused) or who we got, yehClooney was fun but he's not that known as Batman unlike West who is almost like the Christopher Reeve of Batman (sorry Michael!) and would been so 'out there'/unbelievable/funny audiences would've gone nuts (which the film was). and taken the DCEU back to the beginning of the live action Batman/DC universe..
Obviously would've required CG/deepfake West around similar age 50s (just a glimpse of him as Barry goes 'WTF is this?!' no interaction like there was), and Wests cameo in the multiverses scene wouldve had to be cut, and it'd raise the question of how BatWest is alive and in his 40s in present day 2023 but couldve just been explained away by fans with Keatons cooked spaghetti timetravel/multiverse mess theory