The 50th Anniversary Special is one of my favorite episodes but I missed it when it was in theaters. I wasn't aware there was a 3-D version till recently. The 3-D really adds to the experience. I recommend seeking this out since NuWho has become gay porn under Disney. There once was a time when the BBC respected Doctor Who's past.
Really - you talk about the show going woke yet to me the key moment was ruined in the 60th by guess who, Clara.
The thing the doctor has been running for for so long and he isn't the one to properly show emotion, it's Clara. I wanted to see the doctors wrestle with the dilemma, the choice and for 10/11 the guilt. I wanted to question if they could change things knowing the reason they did it in the first place.
Yet what they did was make Clara show the emotion. I hate the whole woke debate but surely this would be what you define as woke
But the point is the scene wasn't supposed to be about Clara it was the doctors moment.
I'm a big Moffat fan but to me that was extremely anti climatic. There should have been a lot more emotion from the doctor not Clara.
If this was the current show, you probably would also say the same. People seem to think the shows changed but actually it's just the same. RTDs most recent finale had all the hallmarks of his previous finale