But the problem is that no matter what someone will cry woke or something similar.
Yeap, that's the logical problem with Wokes having invaded almost all media companies, magazines and academia.
Imagine that for the last decade, instead of Wokes it was Christian activists the ones that invaded media. Most characters followed archetypes and their role and character could be easily guessed knowing his religious behavior. Christians are portrayed as wise, charming and clever. Atheists, are portrayed either as violent psychos, as retarded or as pathetic cucks, or as a combination.
You had the Ghostbusters reboot, with the four characters being openly Christians and an Atheist being a half-retarded secretary, or Terminator Dark Faith, with every character replaced by a Christian, and old T2 and Sarah Connor that have found Jesus and help the new Christian generation to fight the evil Skynet, the Atheist Artificial Intelligence that it's unable to understand how great is Jesus, Amen!
And of course, the new Doctor Who, regenerated in an openly Christian Doctor. Season 11 takes us to different historic episodes where Atheists are portrayed as psychos. In 'Arachnids in the UK' you have an Atheist president. In 'Demons in the Punjab' they portray evil non-Christians killing each other. In 'The Witchfinders' they portray a witch-hunting of dissidents by an Atheist Joseph Stalin. And so on.
Of course, they go full Christian and in Season 12 they introduce a new Doctor, who happens to be the original one, and was not only Christian but a Vicar in Gallifrey. Doctor Who has been secretly a Vicar all this time! That's why he was so clever and good!
Now... does that mean that there shouldn't be Christian characters in movies? Not at all. But to be honest, as long as Christians were in control of media, openly Christian or Atheist characters had a 99.9% chance of being propaganda.
Place Wokeness instead of Christianism, White Males instead of Atheists, and Blacks or Women instead of Christians. And the same applies.