First Black Doctor

its unknown were shes fits on The Doctors Regeneration Timeline this is awesome and pushing the boundaries of the show further congrats to Jo Martin


So brave and progressive!


It makes sense.

The audiences are plummeting, and Doctor Who is an expensive series. Probably, it'll be cancelled soon and Whitaker will become the last Doctor (at least, for a while).

"Women" and "Blacks" are the two main objects of worship for wokes, Chibnall got her "female Doctor", but probably he wanted to have a "black Doctor" too, before the show is cancelled, so he can reach woke sanctity or something like that.


So I gather you'd only be happy if the next doctor was a white male?


I'd be happy if the next Doctor wasn't politically/religiously motivated.


But the problem is that no matter what someone will cry woke or something similar.

I just hope we can get to a point where non of this matters anymore


But the problem is that no matter what someone will cry woke or something similar.

Yeap, that's the logical problem with Wokes having invaded almost all media companies, magazines and academia.

Imagine that for the last decade, instead of Wokes it was Christian activists the ones that invaded media. Most characters followed archetypes and their role and character could be easily guessed knowing his religious behavior. Christians are portrayed as wise, charming and clever. Atheists, are portrayed either as violent psychos, as retarded or as pathetic cucks, or as a combination.

You had the Ghostbusters reboot, with the four characters being openly Christians and an Atheist being a half-retarded secretary, or Terminator Dark Faith, with every character replaced by a Christian, and old T2 and Sarah Connor that have found Jesus and help the new Christian generation to fight the evil Skynet, the Atheist Artificial Intelligence that it's unable to understand how great is Jesus, Amen!

And of course, the new Doctor Who, regenerated in an openly Christian Doctor. Season 11 takes us to different historic episodes where Atheists are portrayed as psychos. In 'Arachnids in the UK' you have an Atheist president. In 'Demons in the Punjab' they portray evil non-Christians killing each other. In 'The Witchfinders' they portray a witch-hunting of dissidents by an Atheist Joseph Stalin. And so on.

Of course, they go full Christian and in Season 12 they introduce a new Doctor, who happens to be the original one, and was not only Christian but a Vicar in Gallifrey. Doctor Who has been secretly a Vicar all this time! That's why he was so clever and good!

Now... does that mean that there shouldn't be Christian characters in movies? Not at all. But to be honest, as long as Christians were in control of media, openly Christian or Atheist characters had a 99.9% chance of being propaganda.

Place Wokeness instead of Christianism, White Males instead of Atheists, and Blacks or Women instead of Christians. And the same applies.


The Doctor was original only male. The time Lord's had males and females. It was stupid to say they are all of both sexes now. That was not the original premise and only changed recently. So it's logical that longtime fans have a problem with this. They should have just made a new female timelord character. Of course the fact that the doctor changes bodies made this easy to make him female. But it doesn't mean it had to be done.

I also agree that the show has run its course. It's been on now for over 50 years. Time to stick a fork in it....



I have no problem with female or minority characters. Indeed, they should be fairly represented in the media.

However, doing it to make a point is likely to be self-defeating. No one is going to watch a show simply because it has a female, black, transgender, gay, etc character - not past the first episode anyway. It's identity politics of the worst, most pointless kind and will turn a lot of people off if it seems forced or designed to make a political point.

Cast the right person for a job regardless of their gender, colour, sexuality or abilities and leave it at that.



The reason it was so high on the woke hit list was that it is a show that appealed to the young impressionable minds and there is nothing a woke warrior wants more than to be able to start brainwashing people at a young age. Once upon a time TV shows were made simply to entertain, now they are just used to push agendas and that has destroyed their value as form of entertainment. Who wants to be entertained by watching propaganda?


But she was only black, and we already have a woman. Pushing boundaries requires a Muslim trans-woman of Colors!


A Muslim Doctor Who is just a matter of time.


An atheist Muslim doctor who is also a born again Christian and a converted Jew. He/she/it/zhe will also be studying Hinduism. To top it all off this doctor's head will be a tiger's head. That's one diverse MFer.


Do you remember when Doctor Who was only an eccentric and very clever alien that solved problems? :-(


13 is that




I agree Joogle. Pay no mind to those who laugh at your opinions, they are not worth your time :)


To be truly diverse we need a dead doctor. A zombie doctor.


It would have to be a zombie chimpanzee though. They do share 97% of our DNA so I don't see why the Doctor can't regenerate into one.


You should be in Hollywood.


No way I'm going to be part of the establishment that has historically underrepresented and underappreciated our simian cousins! Poor Bonzo died in the gutter with a needle in his arm after Hollywood was done using him and abandoned him.


Disappointing own goal by the Beeb, this new Doctor should of been dressed head to toe in a multi-coloured Burka. I can't believe they missed that. Gutted!


How do we know Jo Martin is the first black Doctor though? With a character whoโ€™s backstory has always been a secret unfolding (ie. made up as they go along), literally anything is possible. Iโ€™m excited to see where this goes, but not at all because this new Doctor is black or a woman.

While weโ€™re chatting though, name me a single episode in the Capaldi years that was more fun than that. It was note perfect from the first scene. Stepping back into the Russell T. world of Judoons, Captain Jack and chameleon arches was a pure delight for me. The effects were on point, the story well written and surprising, and the performances, particularly from Barrowman, Whitaker and Martin, were solid.

And given that the Cybermen were my favourite villains from the classic series, the mention of a lone one not to be trusted hits me in all the right fanboy places.

Bravo Chinballs, you keep doing you.


Yes - best Jodie W episode so far. This is what Dr. Who is all about. I personally didn't see a black female Doctor - I saw a fascinating plot unfolding before me.



As did I my friend.


She seems to be quite good - I've seen a lot of people even wondering if they prefer her over 13. Certainly interesting to see where she fits into everything - Leaning towards the idea of her being in between 2 and 3


Before 2 I'd say, since 2 invented the sonic screwdriver and she didn't recognize it.


Yeah that had been mentioned by a few people but its far more advanded now so maybe she didnt recognise it in its new form


I was thinking before Hartnell myself. I have always been open to the possibility that the first Doctor we saw on screen wasn't the character's first incarnation.

It does raise a smile for me when fans get worked up over this and go on about spoiling the timeline. They forget that regeneration was never a factor in the original idea for Doctor Who and it is, in fact, no more than a writer's trick conceived to save the show by changing actors when one decides to quit.

Everything else is just make believe people. Go with it.


Oh I get what you mean but I do hope they go for either a previous regeneration cycle or a doctor in between as it would be nice if the first doctor can remain the first. Don't forget we already saw him steal the tardis.


Of course, I have no issue with the established chronology, but I'm also equally fine with it being added to or tweaked. If writers didn't make changes there would be no regeneration, no Time Lords, no Gallifrey, no Time War, no Bad Wolf. You need new ideas to MAKE a history for a character who's past has always been a mystery of sorts.

Chibnall is quite clearly trying to improve the show, not destroy it as so many people believe.

I'm happy if Hartnell remains 1st, but it won't kill me if there were regenerations prior to him stealing the TARDIS. It just adds to the intrigue for me.

Maybe it will give us some answers about Susan, finally. I mean, it's been 60 years, I think we've waited long enough to know a bit more about his Gallifreyian life before he ran away from home.


I agree with most of your points but I do prefer they avoid the doctors young life where possible.

The reason simply is it adds mystery e.g. not knowing about his childhood fully, his name etc. I do feel the more it has been explored the less mysterious the doctor has become.

It's the same with gallifrey really. In the war games they seem a very powerful scary race that can do anything they want with their minds yet the more we explored gallifrey the more they became a little mundane at times and the danger and fear from their first encounter was gone
