MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > I'm torn about the new Doctor...

I'm torn about the new Doctor...

...not necessarily because she's a woman now, but mainly because of the recent male-bashing SJW crap writing the show has had in the last few seasons, even when Capaldi was the Doctor.

I think there's nothing to say that a Time Lord cannot change gender, if they can change their appearance so radically and even choose what form their regeneration should take (ie. Romana) and so I think it's not unreasonable to assume that they can change gender, too. After all, Missy happened, and so that's that. As far as I understand it, Time Lords have even regenerated into monsters that had to be destroyed, so anything's possible.

But Doctor Who for me has been spoiled in recent years with too much emphasis on Clara and identity politics and SJW crap, and so my enthusiasm for the show has cooled in any case. However, I like Jodie Whittaker and would like to see her do well, as long as Chibnall doesn't give in to the SJW crapfest. Last night's episode was a good sign.


Nothing bashes males more than their own inability to handle a few jokes at their expense.

The perceived emphasis was on Clara not because she was female. But because, this time, the doctor's companion was "impossible". But she also happened to be a girl, like the vast majority of companions have been.


I'm afraid some of the white straight male fans aren't happy unless white straight male characters are the baby at every christening, the bride at every wedding, and the corpse at every funeral*, so to speak.

I'd like to remind them that whining isn't manly.

* Credit to Teddy Roosevelt.


I don't mind white straight males at all. I'm just fed up with the white straight male agenda being forced upon us whenever they are presented with something that doesn't tacitly propagate the default straight white male agenda inherent in the overwhelming majority of heroic popular culture.


"I'm afraid some of the white straight male fans aren't happy unless white straight male characters are the baby at every christening, the bride at every wedding, and the corpse at every funeral*, so to speak."

IMO this is a cliche perpetuated by sjw's who want the world to think that most straight white males are backwards thinking egotistical cry babies who think that the world revolves around them and can't handle change.Truth is the fact that the lead is female isn't an issue with anyone at all really.It's the gender swapping gimmick most people don't care for.If i heard they were remaking remaking Alien and replacing Ripley with a male lead it would bother me as much as this does.


Oh, I never meant to imply that *most* white straight males are egotistical cry babies! Most of the white straight men I know in real life are decent human beings, and some are thoroughly admirable.

No, when I said "some of the..." I meant the small minority of straight white men who are whiny small-minded backwards-thinking crybaby assholes who throw shitfits if they're ever presented with a point of view other than their own. There's a bit of that in the "Doctor Who" fandom, and it's already gotten on my nerves, but if you ever want to see some primo examples of this subtype of toxic fanboy, I suggest this forum's Disney Star Wars boards.


fair enough.I ran into my fair share of those on imdb.




The one thing that still bugs me is how disrespectfully the original Doctor was portrayed in Twice upon a time.They depicted him as a sexist jack ass.


It could have been "worse". They could have depicted him even more accurately than they did.


I will have to give it some time. I always hate the new doctors, and yet they always grow on me, till I lament them leaving.

So I know from experience not to think too much about it.. But she certainly doesn't bring anything great to the table. A few quips about now being a woman, etc. I expected her to almost start being a concerned counselor at one point in the ep, but then.. I sooo so so so preferred capaldi. First snarky bugger to play on that. Liked it.

and it has been done before, timelords do change gender. so, in some ways, it is about time, to keep to the lore. Just hope it is not a whole bunch of "Oh that's right, I'm a woman now!" and nothing else.


I found out in an article that Sydney Newman, who practically created Doctor Who, wanted a woman in the role at some point. That was a surprise.


Its been talked about in the past and certainly if it occurred in the past it might have been better. Today it feels more like following a lazy trend to make a few people happy that care little if it was a good decision creatively or not. I will watch it at some point, but Capaldi's time as the Doctor was not great and the stories were mostly not very good towards the end so I have not been able to really get interested in this new season.
