MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > What will you be watching INSTEAD of &qu...

What will you be watching INSTEAD of "Series 10"?

GREAT news, Whovians! :-)

I have come up with an ALTERNATE viewing schedule of television episodes to watch when Doctor Who airs, and you won't even have to tune into a different program if you don't want to miss out on The Doctor.

Like many of us, I was BADLY craving NEW episodes of Doctor Who after the show went on hiatus for an entire year, and I was heartbroken when discovered I would have to BOYCOTT the show until the NEXT Doctor arrives, due to Moffat destroying Capaldi's final season with the abominable "Bill" character.

But here's the silver lining... I've been researching past episodes of the franchise and I discovered the surviving episodes of Patrick Troughton's era is the EXACT SAME number of episodes (13) that you would normally watch during a season of Capaldi's era! That's right, Whovians... you can swap the Second Doctor in the place of the Twelfth Doctor without missing a beat!

Now, I'm a bit behind here, since "Series 10" of NuWho has already started but I hadn't tuned into any Troughton episodes yet. Thankfully, I tweaked the schedule a bit so the DVDs of classic Who can be synchronized with the viewing schedule of the current program. One of the really cool things about this proposed schedule is that classic Who episodes like "The Enemy of the World” can be used as substitutions for the current similar-sounding garbage like "The Pyramid at the End of the World". And even before Bill ruined nuWho, we had to sit through crap like "Kill the Moon". Now we can enjoy CLASSICS like "The Moonbase” instead!

Here is the proposed viewing schedule to watch IN PLACE of the repugnant "Doctor Who" In Name Only that the BBC is currently giving us:

• 01 “The Power of the Daleks" 22 April 2017
• 02 "The Underwater Menace” 29 April 2017
• 03 "The Moonbase” 6 May 2017
• 04 "The Tomb of the Cybermen - Special Edition” 13 May 2017
• 05 "The Ice Warriors” 20 May 2017
• 06 "The Enemy of the World” 27 May 2017
• 07 "The Web of Fear" 3 June 2017
• 08 "The Dominators" 10 June 2017
• 09 "The Mind Robber" 17 June 2017
• 10 "The Invasion" 24 June 2017
• 11 "The Krotons" 1 July 2017
• 12 "The Seeds of Death - Special Edition" 8 July 2017
• 13 "The War Games" 15 July 2017

Aside from "The Tomb of the Cybermen" and "The War Games", I haven't seen ANY of these episodes before, so now I can now look forward to months of exciting NEW adventures of The Doctor!

So take heart, Whovians. The BBC and Steven Moffat may have utterly destroyed Peter Capaldi's run this year, but WE fans can STILL have our beloved Doctor BACK in 2017! :-D



I WARNED people to boycott this season BEFORE their memories of the Capaldi era were ruined by Moffat and his henchmen. Sadly, few listened.

Instead of watching garbage about The Doctor vs. a Puddle, killer emojis, and "ohhh look YET ANOTHER wannabe SCARY haunted house episode about a house that's not REALLY haunted!" episodes, I've been enjoying CLASSIC stories like The Power of the Daleks, The Underwater Menace, and The Moonbase.

Your loss, S10 defenders.


Your loss, S10 defenders.

You will so missed.


Sorry to hear you can only watch tv 1 night a week, I think I could find time to watch those episodes and the new ones if I tried. but watch whatever you like, Ill keep watching the new ones.
